您搜索了: heme (英语 - 希腊语)











最后更新: 2015-05-30
使用频率: 13

参考: Wikipedia


5-ala synthesis is regulated by an intracellular pool of free heme via a negative feedback mechanism.


Η σύνθεση του 5- ala ρυθµίζεται από µια ενδοκυτταρική δεξαµενή ελεύθερης αίµης µέσω µηχανισµού αρνητικής.

最后更新: 2012-04-11
使用频率: 2

参考: Wikipedia


5-ala is a natural biochemical precursor of heme that is metabolised in a series of enzymatic reactions to fluorescent porphyrins, particularly ppix.


Το 5-ala είναι μια φυσική βιοχημική πρόδρομος ουσία της αίμης που μεταβολίζεται σε μια σειρά από ενζυματικές αντιδράσεις σε φθορίζουσες πορφυρίνες, ιδιαίτερα την ppix.

最后更新: 2017-04-26
使用频率: 1

参考: Wikipedia


1) vascular disease such as stroke or peripheral arterial disease it takes its origins from atherosclerosis which in turn rises from endothelial damage and inflammation. now the who has arteriosclerosis labeled as the number one cause of death globally which translates to about 31 worldwide. 2) now a little bit about bilirubin famously known as a metabolic waste byproduct of heme catabolism but it's time to gain recognition for its potent antioxidant , anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. 3) so why are we interested in looking at the association, i believe that interest begins and arises from the look at the pathophysiology and i'll begin that briefly talking about atherosclerosis which itself starts by the deposition of ldl and other apo-lipoprotein containing lipids and the subendothelial space, then those lipids get oxidized, which has several crucial effects: down regulates the production of nitric oxide which has a crucial basic production of nitric oxide and it has a crucial effect in platelet aggregation and vascular stiffness, it causes an influx of monocytes and lymphocytes via the complex interplay between adhesion molecules such as selectins and integrins and also upregulates activity of metalloproteinase enzymes which breakdown the elastic fibers of the vessels and also increase vascular stiffness. all this influx of inflammatory cells in the deposition of cellular matrix causes plaque formation which in turn it once it ruptures it causes thrombus formation and occludes the vessel. 4) now in comes bilirubin right from the start it decreases the lipid levels solubilizes cholesterol and increases excretion via the bile. has antioxidant properties via the redox reactions of the heme oxygen is 1 enzyme which preserves nitric oxide which is very crucial it also inhibits systemic inflammation down regulates the expression of cell division molecules and the activity of matrix metalloproteinase enzymes and all that combined inhibits platelet aggregation which inhibits vessel collusion. 5) here we see them side by side: every pathophysiological step of atherosclerosis is antagonized by the protective effects of bilirubin. 6) so having all this information at hand why go ahead and perform a systematic review i believe the most obvious answer to that begin with is that delivers a clear and comprehensive overview of the evidence we have at hand it identifies any research at so any missing or insufficient information that limits our ability to reach a conclusion since arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease is also increasing rapidly and a lot of simple medications like aspirin statins another blood pressure agents still remain affordable to the world, it's crucial draft new treatments and preventive methods to serve as a guide for positions and lastly highlight any methodological concerns found in the studies that could be addressed in future studies. 7) now this review was conducted according to the personal guidelines as shown here on the right hand side three databases reduced pub med, scopus and cochrane. unfortunately cochrain did not yield any results all the results came from pub med scopus 188 articles plus one additional article reference from one of the references of the one pub med article. then those were ran for duplicates once duplicates removed 146 articles remain they will run through level one screening providing for six articles those were further crosses to level 2 screening building 36 articles that were used for this review. screening involves inclusion exclusion criteria so briefly each article had to be no more than 10 years old had to be published in the english language the full text had to provide some kind of statistical information hazard ratio alterations confidence intervals or at least any information where these ratios could be calculated from the studies that had to be an rct or observational study. no reviews or meta-analysis were allowed and lastly the article had to assess some kind of association between serum total bilirubin and cvd.


1) Αγγειακή νόσος όπως εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο ή περιφερική αρτηριακή νόσος παίρνει τις ρίζες της από την αθηροσκλήρωση η οποία με τη σειρά της προκύπτει από ενδοθηλιακή βλάβη και φλεγμονή. Τώρα το the who έχει απλώς ζημίες που χαρακτηρίζονται ως η νούμερο ένα αιτία θανάτου παγκοσμίως, που μεταφράζεται σε περίπου 31 παγκοσμίως. 2) τώρα λίγα λόγια για τη χολερυθρίνη περίφημα και εξακολουθεί να είναι διάσημα γνωστή ως μεταβολικό απόβλητο υποπροϊόν του καταβολισμού της αίμης, αλλά ήρθε η ώρα να αναγνωριστεί για το ισχυρό αντιοξειδωτικό, αντιφλεγμονώδε

最后更新: 2021-10-06
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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