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day after yesterday



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the day after tomorrow


kesho kutwa

最后更新: 2023-06-03
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here is ethan's "day after" blog post.


hii ni posti ya blogu ya ethan “siku iliyofuata.”

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1



yesterday, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow


jana, leo, kesho na kesho kutwa

最后更新: 2020-04-10
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参考: 匿名


the day after the tragedy, lazy frog summarized her experience:


siku iliyofuata baada ya dhahama, lazy frog aliandika muhtasari wa uzoefu wake:

最后更新: 2016-02-24
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参考: 匿名


again the next day after john stood, and two of his disciples;


kesho yake, yohane alikuwa tena mahali hapo pamoja na wanafunzi wake wawili.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
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later, a day after the zanu pf conference ended, @nqabamatshazi followed up with:


baadae, siku moja baada ya mkutano wa zanu pf kumalizika, @nqabamatshazi alifuatilia zaidi hali ya umeme jijini ilivyo mjini bulawayo:

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


mbeki filed the papers yesterday - a day after announcing to the nation that he has resigned.


mbeki aliwasilisha nyaraka hizo siku moja tu baada ya kulitangazia taifa kwamba amejiuzulu.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
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参考: 匿名


president aquino gave a speech during the necrological services for the slain policemen a day after their coffins arrived.


rais aquino alitoa hotuba wakati ibada ya mazishi ya polisi waliouawa siku moja baada ya majeneza kuwasili.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
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参考: 匿名


a court date is yet to be assigned - 100 days after his arrest.


tarehe ya mahakama bado haijawekwa - siku 100 baada ya kukamatwa kwake.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
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参考: 匿名


relatives of missing or dead garment workers remain optimistic even 17 days after the incident.


mwandishi wa habari tanvir ahmed aliwahoji waandishi wenzake katika ukurasa wa facebook:

最后更新: 2016-02-24
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参考: 匿名


and it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people.


baadaye kidogo yesu alikwenda katika mji mmoja uitwao naini, na wafuasi wake pamoja na kundi kubwa la watu waliandamana naye.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
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参考: 匿名


the tearful good bye on the 18th of august by musharraf came barely four days after the celebrations of the 61st independence day.


kuaga huku kulikotawaliwa na machozi kulikofanya na musharraf mnamo tarehe 18 agosti mwaka huu kulikuja zikiwa zimepita siku nne tu tangu taifa liadhimishe sherehe za miaka 61 ya uhuru.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
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参考: 匿名


a day after a horrific plane crash in eastern ukraine claimed the lives of nearly 300 people, speculation about who is to blame for shooting down the aircraft is in full swing.


siku moja baada ya tukio baya la kutunguliwa kwa ndege mashariki mwa ukraine iliyopoteza maisha ya watu wapatao 300, maneno ya kutafuta kujua nani wa kumlaumu kwa kuitungua ndege hiyo zimepamba moto.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
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参考: 匿名


in the first few days after the structure caved in on april 24,2013, 2,428 people were rescued from the collapsed building.


katika siku chache za kwanza mara baada ya jingo hilo kuporomoka mnamo aprili 24, 2013, watu 2,428 wameshaokolewa kutoka katika vifusi vya jengo hilo.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
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参考: 匿名


barely a day after some some nasty scenes occured at a rally organised by united democratict front national chairman dr bakili muluzi at goliati in thyolo district, the scenerior wore a new face when a democratic progressive party bus was on wednsday stoned in machinga district.


kama siku moja baada ya matukio yasiyo ya kiungwana kutokea katika mkutano ulioandaliwa na mwenyekiti wa taifa wa udf dk. bakili muluzi huko goliati wilayani thyolo, tukio hilo lilichukua sura mpya pale basi la chama cha dpp kutwangwa mawe wilayani machinga siku ya jumatano.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


but if he cannot afford a sacrifice, he shall fast three days during the hajj season and seven days after reaching home, that is, ten days in all.


na asiye pata, afunge siku tatu katika hija na siku saba mtakapo rudi; hizi ni kumi kaamili.

最后更新: 2014-07-03
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参考: 匿名


@sayeedawarsi: extraordinary & uplifting scenes of a young women rescued 17 days after #savar building collapse.


@sayeedawarsi: ni zaidi ya ajabu; tukiio la kutia moyo kwa mwanamke mdogo kuokolewa baada ya siku 17 kupita tokea jengo la savar kuporomoka.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


on march 18, 2014, two days after crimeans voted in a referendum to join the russian federation, president vladimir putin gave a speech in which he announced that he would bring crimea and the port city of sevastopol into the fold as two new federation members.


machi 18, 2014, siku mbili baada ya wa-crimea kupga kura ya maoni kuamua kujiunga na shirikisho la urusi, rais vladimir putin alitoa hotuba akitangaza kuwa ameipokea crimea na mji wa bandari ya sevastopol kuwa wanachama wapya wa shirikisho hilo.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


a couple of days after the events on the previous video, women marched in cairo protesting against the abuses to women and also called for the fall of military rule as told in bahrain: a bloody national day, a funeral and more suppression.


siku kadhaa baada ya matukio katika video iliyopita, wanawake waliandamana mjini cairo walipinga udhalilishaji wa wanawake na vile vile wakitoa wito wa kuangushwa kwa utawala wa kijeshi kama ilivyosimuliwa katika bahrain: siku ya damu ya kitaifa, maziko na ukandamizaji zaidi.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


child loss is a loss like no other. one often misunderstood by many. if you love a bereaved parent or know someone who does, remember that even his or her “good” days are harder than you could ever imagine. compassion and love, not advice, are needed. if you’d like an inside look into why the loss of a child is a grief that lasts a lifetime, here is what i’ve learned in my seven years of trekking through the unimaginable. 1). love never dies. there will never come a day, hour, minute or second i stop loving or thinking about my son. just as parents of living children unconditionally love their children always and forever, so do bereaved parents. i want to say and hear his name just the same as non-bereaved parents do. i want to speak about my deceased children as normally and naturally as you speak of your living ones. i love my child just as much as you love yours– the only difference is mine lives in heaven and talking about about him is unfortunately quite taboo in our culture. i hope to change that. our culture isn’t so great about hearing about children gone too soon, but that doesn’t stop me from saying my son’s name and sharing his love and light everywhere i go. just because it might make you uncomfortable, doesn’t make him matter any less. my son’s life was cut irreversibly short, but his love lives on forever. and ever. 2). bereaved parents share an unspeakable bond. in my seven years navigating the world as a bereaved parent, i am continually struck by the power of the bond between bereaved parents. strangers become kindreds in mere seconds– a look, a glance, a knowing of the heart connects us, even if we’ve never met before. no matter our circumstances, who we are, or how different we are, there is no greater bond than the connection between parents who understand the agony of enduring the death of a child. it’s a pain we suffer for a lifetime, and unfortunately only those who have walked the path of child loss understand the depth and breadth of both the pain and the love we carry. 3). i will grieve for a lifetime. period. the end. there is no “moving on,” or “getting over it.” there is no bow, no fix, no solution to my heartache. there is no end to the ways i will grieve and for how long i will grieve. there is no glue for my broken heart, no exilir for my pain, no going back in time. for as long as i breathe, i will grieve and ache and love my son with all my heart and soul. there will never come a time where i won’t think about who my son would be, what he would look like, and how he would be woven perfectly into the tapestry of my family. i wish people could understand that grief lasts forever because love lasts forever; that the loss of a child is not one finite event, it is a continuous loss that unfolds minute by minute over the course of a lifetime. every missed birthday, holiday, milestone– should-be back-to-school school years and graduations; weddings that will never be; grandchildren that should have been but will never be born– an entire generation of people are irrevocably altered forever. this is why grief lasts forever. the ripple effect lasts forever. the bleeding never stops. 4). it’s a club i can never leave, but is filled with the most shining souls i’ve ever known. this crappy club called child loss is a club i never wanted to join, and one i can never leave, yet is filled with some of the best people i’ve ever known. and yet we all wish we could jump ship– that we could have met another way– any other way but this. alas, these shining souls are the most beautiful, compassionate, grounded, loving, movers, shakers and healers i have ever had the honor of knowing. they are life-changers, game-changers, relentless survivors and thrivers. warrior moms and dads who redefine the word brave. every day loss parents move mountains in honor of their children gone too soon. they start movements, change laws, spearhead crusades of tireless activism. why? in the hope that even just one parent could be spared from joining the club. if you’ve ever wondered who some of the greatest world changers are, hang out with a few bereaved parents and watch how they live, see what they do in a day, a week, a lifetime. watch how they alchemize their grief into a force to be reckoned with, watch how they turn tragedy into transformation, loss into legacy. love is the most powerful force on earth, and the love between a bereaved parent and his/her child is a lifeforce to behold. get to know a bereaved parent. you’ll be thankful you did. 5). the empty chair/room/space never becomes less empty. empty chair, empty room, empty space in every family picture. empty, vacant, forever gone for this lifetime. empty spaces that should be full, everywhere we go. there is and will always be a missing space in our lives, our families, a forever-hole-in-our-hearts. time does not make the space less empty. neither do platitudes, clichés or well-wishes for us to “move on,” or “stop dwelling,” from well intentioned friends or family. nothing does. no matter how you look at it, empty is still empty. missing is still missing. gone is still gone. the problem is nothing can fill it. minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after heartbreaking year the empty space remains. the empty space of our missing child(ren) lasts a lifetime. and so we rightfully miss them forever. help us by holding the space of that truth for us. 6). no matter how long it’s been, holidays never become easier without my son. never, ever. have you ever wondered why every holiday season is like torture for a bereaved parent? even if it’s been 5, 10, or 25 years later? it’s because they really, truly are. imagine if you had to live every holiday without one or more of your precious children. imagine how that might feel for you. it would be easier to lose an arm, a leg or two– anything— than to live without your flesh and blood, without the beat of your heart. almost anything would be easier than living without one of more of your precious children. that is why holidays are always and forever hard for bereaved parents. don’t wonder why or even try to understand. know you don’t have to understand in order to be a supportive presence. consider supporting and loving some bereaved parents this holiday season. it will be the best gift you could ever give them. 7). because i know deep sorrow, i also know unspeakable joy. though i will grieve the death of my son forever and then some, it does not mean my life is lacking happiness and joy. quite the contrary, in fact, though it took awhile to get there. it is not either/or, it’s both/and. my life is more rich now. i live from a deeper place. i love deeper still. because i grieve i also know a joy like no other. the joy i experience now is far deeper and more intense than the joy i experienced before my loss. such is the alchemy of grief. because i’ve clawed my way from the depth of unimaginable pain, suffering and sorrow, again and again– when the joy comes, however and whenever it does– it is a joy that reverberates through every pore of my skin and every bone in my body. i feel all of it, deeply: the love, the grief, the joy, the pain. i embrace and thank every morsel of it. my life now is more rich and vibrant and full, not despite my loss, but because of it. in grief there are gifts, sometimes many. these gifts don’t in any way make it all “worth” it, but i am grateful beyond words for each and every gift that comes my way. i bow my head to each one and say thank you, thank you, thank you. because there is nothing– and i mean absolutely nothing– i take for granted. living life in this way gives me greater joy than i’ve ever known possible. i have my son to thank for that. being his mom is the best gift i’ve ever been given. even death can’t take that away


最后更新: 2024-01-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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