the most exciting part is always the build up to the ceremony itself.
sehemu inayosisimua zaidi ni namna sherehe yenyewe inavyoendeshwa.
最后更新: 2016-02-24
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it’s the first day of the year that promises to be very exciting.
ni siku ya kwanza ya mwaka inayoashiria kuwa utakuwa ni mwaka wa kusisimua.
最后更新: 2016-02-24
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this year's elections are promising to be the most exciting ever in malawi.
uchaguzi wa mwaka huu unaonyesha bayana kwamba utakuwa wenye msisimuko kuliko kawaida nchini malawi.
最后更新: 2016-02-24
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have you not considered how we dispatch the devils against the disbelievers, exciting them with incitement?
kwani huoni ya kwamba tumewatuma mashet'ani kwa makafiri wawachochee kwa uchochezi?
最后更新: 2014-07-03
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george kanyange expects the 2009 elections to be one of the most exciting elections in the history of malawi:
george kanyange anategemea kuwa uchaguzi wa 2009 utakuwa uchaguzi unaosisimua zaidi katika historia ya malawi:
最后更新: 2016-02-24
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inspired by the outstanding quality of public discourse perpetuated by malaysian politicians, we started balikcina.com to keep track of all exciting developments in our political landscape.
tukiwa tumehamishwa na ubora wa matamshi yanayotolewa na wanasiasa wa malaysia, tulianzisha tovuti ya balikcina.com kuweka kumbukumbu sawa ya maendeleo ya siasa zetu.
最后更新: 2016-02-24
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no one really knows what the conclusion of the political play in egypt will be, but one thing is certain, egyptians are witnessing an exciting period and they alone will determine their history.
hakuna ajuaye hitimisho la mchezo huu wa kisiasa unaoendelea nchini misri, lakini jambo moja ni dhahiri, wa-misri wanashuhudia kipindi chenye msisimko na ni wao pekee wanaamua historia yao.
最后更新: 2016-02-24
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the art of ama ata aidoo, explores the artistic contribution of one of africa's foremost women writers, a trailblazer for an entire generation of exciting new talent.
the art of ama ata aidoo, inasaili mchango wa kisanii wa mmoja wa waandishi wanawake mashuhuri barani afrika, anayeongoza kizazi hiki kwa kipaji kipya cha pekee.
最后更新: 2016-02-24
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"this is your day" with pastor benny hinn takes you to major crusades across america and around the world. you’ll experience the presence of the holy spirit through anointed worship, witness the miracle-working power of god through exciting testimonies of physical and emotional healing, and be thrilled as thousands come forward in every service to accept jesus christ as their lord and savior. in addition, benny hinn often teaches from the word of god on subjects that will strengthen your walk with the lord, and conducts selected interviews designed to change your life spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally and in your family. you and your loved ones can experience significant change through the presence and power of god, because "this is your day" for a miracle! you can visit the website at tafsili
"this is your day" with pastor benny hinn takes you to major crusades across america and around the world. you’ll experience the presence of the holy spirit through anointed worship, witness the miracle-working power of god through exciting testimonies of physical and emotional healing, and be thrilled as thousands come forward in every service to accept jesus christ as their lord and savior. in addition, benny hinn often teaches from the word of god on subjects that will strengthen your walk with the lord, and conducts selected interviews designed to change your life spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally and in your family. you and your loved ones can experience significant change through the presence and power of god, because "this is your day" for a miracle! you can visit the website at
最后更新: 2014-02-17
使用频率: 1