您搜索了: terms and conditions of the initial agreement (英语 - 斯瓦希里语)







terms and conditions of the initial agreement



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the contest guidelines are quite simple, for full terms and conditions follow the link:


masharti ya kushiriki kwenye mashindano hayo ni mepesi, ili kuyasoma kiukamilifu fuata kiungo hiki:

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1


this is the second installment of the forum following the initial one in paris in 2013.


huu ni mkutano wa pili kufuatia ule uliofanyika paris mwaka 2013.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1


the mrnas are gene transcripts of the last third of the virus genome after the initial overlapping reading frame.


mrna ni hati za jini za theluthi ya mwisho wa genomu ya virusi baada ya kupindana kwa kwanza kwa fremu ya kusoma.

最后更新: 2020-08-25
使用频率: 1


so when moses completed the term and set out with his family, he descried a fire on the side of the mountain.


basi alipo timiza muda wake na akasafiri na ahali zake, aliona moto upande wa mlima t'uri.

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1


and when moses had completed the term and was traveling with his family, he perceived from the direction of the mount a fire.


basi alipo timiza muda wake na akasafiri na ahali zake, aliona moto upande wa mlima t'uri.

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1


so when musa had fulfilled the term, and he journeyed with his family, he perceived on this side of the mountain a fire.


basi alipo timiza muda wake na akasafiri na ahali zake, aliona moto upande wa mlima t'uri.

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1


as per the ministry's proposal, a model is being framed which will allow for valuation of the work done by homemakers in economic terms and then recognition of this contribution to the economy by compensating homemakers for their labour.


kwa mujibu wa pendekezo hilo la wizara, mswada huo unaandaliwa kiasi kwamba utaruhusu kupima kiwango cha kazi iliyofanywa na akina mama wa nyumbani kwa mtizamo wa makubaliano ya kiuchumi na kutambua mchango huu katika uchumi kwa kuwafidia akina mama hawa wa nyumbani kulingana na kazi wanazozifanya.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1


decribe each of the following term and give 4 advantages and disadvantages of term as being used in telecommunication industries world wide web browser protocols intranet extranet and e mail


decribe each of the following term and give 4 advantages and disadvantages of term as being used in telecommunication industriesbrowserworld wide webprotocolsintranetextranet and e mail

最后更新: 2014-05-15
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


alan mills points out that the lake did not collapsed overnight but it was the result of the irresponsible hippie-chic tourism development that took place there, and all the empty beer bottles and rubbish left behind by wild parties, neither improving the living conditions of the extremely poor people from the villages around, which did not increase the environmental friendly tourism.


alan mills anasema ziwa halikuharibiwa usiku mmoja, bali ni matokeo ya maendeleo ya hovyo ya utalii yaliyofanyika hapo, na chupa nyingi tupu za bia na uchafu ulioachwa na tafrija za usiku, ambazo hazikubadilisha umasikini uliotopea wa wanavijiji waliozunguka, na wala haukuongeza utalii mzuri kwa mazingira.

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


but this move failed to pacify local residents and at a press conference on july 13 they announced, "with respect to public opinion, the project would not be approved" , even though the city government had already signed the initial agreement with china national nuclear corp (cnnc).


lakini, hatua hii haikuweza kuwaridhisha raia, ambapo, tarehe 13 julai katika mkutano na vyombo vya habari, serikali ilitangaza kuwa,"kwa kuheshimu maoni ya wananchi, mradi huu hautaidhinishwa" , pamoja na kuwa utawala wa jiji ulikuwa tayari umeshaingia kandarasi ya awali na shirika la taifa la nyuklia la china (cnnc).

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


after the initial outbreak of covid-19, conspiracy theories, misinformation and disinformation emerged regarding the origin, scale, prevention, treatment and other aspects of the disease and rapidly spread online.


baada ya mkurupuko wa kwanza wa covid-19, nadharia za uongo, taarifa za uongo na kutokuwepo kwa taarifa kuliibuka kuhusiana na chimbuko, kiwango, kinga, matibabu na nyenzo nyingine za ugonjwa na kuenea haraka mtandaoni.

最后更新: 2020-08-25
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


and warn mankind of the day when the chastisement comes on them, and those who did evil shall say, 'our lord, defer us to a near term, and we will answer thy call, and follow the messengers.'


na waonye watu siku itapo wajia adhabu, na walio dhulumu waseme: ewe mola wetu mlezi! tuakhirishe muda kidogo tuitikie wito wako na tuwafuate mitume.

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


the employee/driver shall: a) take good care of the vehicles and ensure that the provisions of the company’s vehicle policy b) be responsible for payment of all fines incurred for traffic offences and parking fines; c) notify the company of any accidents involving the vehicle (whether or not these take place while the employee is on business); d) immediately inform the company if he/she is convicted of a driving offence or disqualified from driving; and e) return the vehicle, its keys to and all documents relating to it to workshop manager /line manager f) sign-in a logbook upon taking and returning of the vehicle; by both driver and the line manager g) shall report to the line manager on daily basis with the signed logbook indicating aligned mileage, fuel consumption together with assigned missions. the line manager shall inspect the same for assurance and certainty purposes. h) upon fueling the vehicle the employee shall clearly fill the logbook indicating; available fuel, amount fueled with cost, mileage before fueling and total of liters used. i) ensure return of the vehicle at the company premises -tabata after usage j) exceptions-there shall be a proper handover among the drivers –(depicted under– annexure-a ) the company wishes to reiterate that the mentioned vehicle is only for company businesses and not otherwise. 1 property the company reserves the right to amend its procedures and regulations relating to company vehicles at any time. 2 condition of use company vehicle is primarily intended to facilitate company business; as necessary transportation; to maintain contact with clients/guests and client related businesses as business demands. to ensure the timely presence of designated drivers at targeted locations. 2.1 drivers license it is the responsibility of the driver to update the company administrator of any changes to their license. all drivers must co-operate fully when asked to produce their license. 3. speed of driving drivers must adhere to speed limit restrictions on the respective roads they travel on. the company will not intervene on behalf of a driver, should they breach any legislation documented by the laws of the country any money due as a result of a speeding offence will be the liability of the individual driver. 3.1 parking vehicle should comply with any parking restrictions in place. illegally parked vehicles may incur parking fines. any fines incurred will be presented to the driver for prompt payment 4 maintenance and general upkeep it is the responsibility of the individual driver to liaise with the office to ensure the vehicle is regularly maintained and serviced in accordance with the manufactures recommendation schedule. the company vehicle should be maintained in a road worthy condition and in good order so that it will bring the maximum resale price on replacement. - maintain cleanliness it is the responsibility of the driver to maintain the vehicle in a high standard of cleanliness both externally and internally 4.1 reporting of defects/adherence to warning lights. all defects to the company vehicle that may render it un-roadworthy must be reported to the office as soon as detected. to be reported on official repair request signed by line manager. in addition to this, should any warning light appear, please report this immediately. failure to do so may result in further excess to the vehicle and will be treated as negligent behavior and as such, may lead to disciplinary action being taken. in the case of gross misconduct, this could lead to dismissal. 4.2 weekly/ monthly kilometer reports. all kilometer readings must be sent to workshop admin for data capture and preventative maintenance scheduling. 5 use of mobile phones mobile phones may not be used whilst driving a vehicle, unless using a hands free attachment. this is for the safety of all road users/pedestrians and to ensure company drivers are demonstrating legal compliance with the current driving legislation. 8 accidents should a driver of a company vehicle be engaged in any road traffic accident, they must contact senior management as soon as possible. the driver should also report the accident to the nearest police station and co-operate fully with the management 9 additional uses the company reserves the right to investigate usage of the vehicle for related and unrelated company business by monitoring mileage per vehicle, fuel consumption cost reports, and through discussion with the individual driver. i have read fully and understand my responsibilities and the company standards which are detailed in this vehicle policy. name of the driver__________________________ signature of driver ____________________________date___________________ signature of line manager_______________________ date____________________ annexure- a handover among the drivers it should be clearly noted that; this vehicle is dedicated to only one driver/employee. however, where the dedicated driver/employee is unable to perform his duties due to health reasons/ leave or any reasonable reason explained by him there shall be a proper handover. below information shall be meticulously filled by both drivers/employee and line manager upon taking and returning /hand over of the mentioned vehicle.  mileage: ………………………………..  purpose for using the car: …………………………………….  status of the car: (please indicate where there is a scratch, dent or any anomaly): …………………………………………………………………  name of the driver: …………………………………signature: …………………..  date: ¬ ………………………………  time: ………………………………  name of the 2nd driver: ……………………..  purpose for using the car: ……………………………………..  status of the car: (please indicate where there is a scratch, dent or any anomaly):  signature: ……………  date: …………………………  time: ……………………………… line manager authorization signature: ……………………………..



最后更新: 2014-10-26
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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