%s must be owned by you
filename", not like "some_dir/filename
最后更新: 2014-08-20
使用频率: 1
place each image in the order and on the date it was invented. if not sure, research online at wikipedia: http://www.wikipedia.org
beka isithombe ngasinye ngendlela futhingel ngelanga lelo elayenzwa ngalo. uma ungaqinisekile, cwaninga ekungeneni kwelayini kwi-wikipedia: http://www.wikipedia.org
最后更新: 2014-08-20
使用频率: 1
we all depend on our parents as we grow and we take guidance from them.my lovely friend i know things are hard at home right now and for yourself too,it's not easy to loose a parent, someone who bought you into this world,as your friend i would to pass my condolences to you and your family,i love you so much and i hope as time goes by you will heal and focus more on life.life is so unfair sometimes,god takes the ones we love the most away from from us,and it is really hard to live without them,b
sonke sincike kubazali bethu njengoba sikhula futhi sithatha ukuholwa kubo.mngani wami othandekayo ngiyazi ukuthi izinto zinzima ekhaya njengamanje nakuwe futhi, akulula ukukhulula umzali, umuntu okuthengile kulo mhlaba, njengoba umngani wakho ngithanda ukudlulisa amazwi enduduzo kuwe nasemndenini wakho, ngiyakuthanda kakhulu futhi ngiyethemba ukuthi njengoba isikhathi sihamba uzolulama futhi ugxile kakhulu ku-life.life is so unfair ngezinye izikhathi, unkulunkulu ususa labo esibathandayo kakhulu kusuka kithi, futhi kunzima impela ukuphila ngaphandle kwabo, b
最后更新: 2021-02-20
使用频率: 1