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i would could to a big city if i move choose



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what is the political project to a big city?


qual o projeto político para uma grande cidade?

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


i would move to a different seat in front of her so that i could see her while i am speaking if i had more time, for i do not like to see her having to perform contortions.


se tivesse tempo, deslocar-me-ia para a sua frente, para poder vê-la enquanto falo, pois não gosto de vê-la a fazer de contorcionista.

最后更新: 2012-03-23
使用频率: 4


so if i were irish i would not be concerned about it having no benefit for ireland.it has already done this to a considerable degree.


por esta razão, como irlandês, eu não teria qualquer preocupação quanto à possibilidade de daí não resultar qualquer utilidade para a irlanda, dado que actualmente já se verifica em larga medida o contrário.

最后更新: 2012-03-23
使用频率: 4


but if i had to narrow it down to a top ten of crochet heroes that really inspire me as an individual and as a crocheter, i would choose:


mas se eu tive que reduzi-lo a um top 10 dos heróis de crochê que realmente inspiram-me como um indivíduo e um crocheter, eu escolheria:

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


if i had to choose one as the principal to explain how it went to my company, i would say it is due to a kind of obsession with achieving high quality and always improve, even if one does well with a product.


se eu tivesse que escolher um deles como o principal para explicar como ele foi para a minha empresa, eu diria que é devido a uma espécie de obsessão com a obtenção de alta qualidade e sempre melhorar, mesmo que se faz bem com um produto.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


a high school teacher approached me on the street and inquired if i would speak to her class. i told her in all fairness that as peace pilgrim i had never spoken to a group before.


um professor do segundo grau se aproximou de mim na rua e me perguntou se eu poderia dar uma palestra em sua classe. disse-lhe com toda a franqueza, que como peregrina de paz nunca havia falado antes a um grupo. assegurou-me que ia me sair bem e só me pedia para responder às perguntas dos estudantes.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


close to a big city, a legend says that the angels came down from the skies and sawed the rocks to build a throne for the black virgin who is found there.


ao lado da grande cidade, conta a lenda que os anjos vieram dos céus e serraram as rochas de modo a construir um trono para a virgem negra que se encontra ali.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


falconer (s). — mr president, i have been waiting until this eleventh hour to see if i would obtain a reply to a letter which i wrote to the commission on 4 january,


foi o senhor vicepresidente pandolfi, a quem eu cumprimento, que, na época, para isso contribuiu, porque estes produtos não beneficiavam de reais preços de intervenção, uma vez que os produtos

最后更新: 2014-02-06
使用频率: 1


the directive as such, the rationale of its explanatory concepts and the statements that go with it are, i believe, so important to a degree that i would describe it, if i may, as a historic document.


penso que a directiva propriamente dita, a exposição de motivos, as declarações que a acompanham, são de tal forma importantes que, se me permitem, as classifico de documento histórico.

最后更新: 2012-03-23
使用频率: 4


avocados are one of those ingredients that i would choose if i was sent to a deserted island and could only choose 3 ingredients (i still don’t know what the other 2 would be, wine, cheese, chocolate, bread?).


abacates são um daqueles ingredientes que eu escolheria se fosse enviada para uma ilha deserta e pudesse escolher apenas três ingredientes para levar comigo (ainda não sei quais seriam os outros dois. vinho, queijo, chocolate, pão?) eu adoro abacate, e eles também são muito nutritivos e têm um alto teor de gordura saudável.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


if i was attached to a scientific organism perhaps i would have some facilities to get a financial contribution, i could do projects as i've already seen done which would include travels, publication of reports but with the way i live nowadays, it is impossible to include this kind of work.


se eu estivesse ligado a alguma instituição científica talvez tivesse alguma facilidade para um financiamento, eu poderia fazer um projeto como eu já vi alguns sendo feitos que incluiria viagens, publicação de relatórios mas, no esquema de vida que tenho hoje dia, não dá para incluir uma coisa deste tipo.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


if i could -off the cuff, as it were -as mr pirker can, it would be very convenient, and i would probably be very rich, as i would have found a solution to a global problem.


se soubesse, se conseguisse tirá-la simplesmente da manga -como o senhor deputado pirker consegue -, isso seria excelente e eu ficaria provavelmente muito rica, pois teria encontrado a solução para um problema global.

最后更新: 2012-03-23
使用频率: 4


mr president, if i belonged to a different parliamentary tradition or culture i would probably have to describe in detail, at this point, how on 29 may last, the window panes shook in the socialist party headquarters in vic and how the noise of the explosion could be heard from my own home in a town 7 kilometres from the barracks that was the object of the attack.


não sei se é um procedimento regulamentar introduzir, nesta altura, uma alteração para que a proposta de resolução comum faça referência a este recentíssimo atentado, mas naturalmente que também pensamos nessas vítimas ao realizarmos o nosso debate e ao procedermos à votação.

最后更新: 2014-02-06
使用频率: 1


if i may make a minor comment, i would inform colleagues — and i refer to a matter which by now we are all weary of discussing — that the controversy which arose over malpensa airport in the committee on transport was never an orchestrated controversy, far less a parochial one.


formentini (eldr). — (it) senhora presidente, chegamos ao momento em que o parlamento deve pronunciarse pela segunda vez, que esperemos seja a definitiva, sobre as propostas da comissão e do conselho relativas ao conjunto das modalidades de transporte no interior da união.

最后更新: 2014-02-06
使用频率: 1


mr president, first i would like to congratulate mrs lalumière on her brilliance, because she reminded me of a colleague i once had, mr vergès, who was one of the best lawyers in the world, and to whom i once said: if i am ever found with a bloody knife next to a corpse, i would certainly take him as my advocate.


senhor presidente, gostaria de começar por felicitar a senhora deputada lalumière pelo seu brilhantismo, pois fez-me lembrar um colega, que atrás referi, o senhor vergès, que foi um dos melhores advogados do mundo e a quem eu disse uma vez: se me encontrassem com uma faca ensanguentada junto de um cadáver, eu contratá-lo-ia certamente como advogado.

最后更新: 2012-03-23
使用频率: 4


mr president, commissioner, if i were to be banished to a desert island, in the farthest ocean, which would be the pacific, and someone were to ask me which european agricultural products i would like to take with me, i would say, apart from bread, two bottles.


senhor presidente, senhora comissária, se fosse desterrada para uma ilha deserta, no mar mais longínquo daqui, que seria o pacífico, e se alguém me perguntasse que produtos da agricultura europeia levaria comigo, diria, além de pão, duas garrafas.

最后更新: 2012-03-23
使用频率: 4


the table will present different points of view of the urban problem policies. is it possible to conceive a political project to a big city? what are the obstacles? what is the municipality responsibility, what is the private sector participation and the population involvement in such process?


a mesa apresentará diferentes pontos de vista sobre o problema da política urbana. e possível conceber um projeto político na grande cidade? quais são os obstáculos ? qual é a responsabilidade do município, qual é a participação do setor privado e o envolvimento da população neste processo?

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


i should like to express my thanks for the positive spirit of collaboration we have enjoyed with the finnish presidency and i would add, in response to a question raised, if i remember rightly, by mrs ludford - because this issue was not mentioned in my first speech - that the commission vehemently condemns this so-called conference on the holocaust held in teheran.


quero obviamente agradecer a boa colaboração que temos tido com a presidência finlandesa e acrescento, porque essa questão não foi referida na minha intervenção inicial mas respondendo a uma questão, salvo erro, da sra. sarah ludford, que a comissão europeia condena veementemente essa dita conferência sobre o holocausto que se realizou em teerão.

最后更新: 2012-02-27
使用频率: 2

参考: Translated.com


even now, many people think and fall into the misunderstanding that ‘it will be easy to meet jesus christ if i go to that big church, and if i go to that big church to hear the sermon, i would hear the correct word of god’. but it is not a matter of whether you hear it at a big church or a small church when you hear the truth of the word of god.


até agora, acabam se confundindo e acham que será fácil encontrar jesus se eu for a uma grande igreja, e se eu for a essa igreja para ouvir a pregação, eu vou ouvir a verdadeira palavra de deus. quando as pessoas pregam de acordo com suas próprias idéias, isso impede os pecadores de ouvir o verdadeiro evangelho e de ser salvos dos seus pecados e de receber o espírito santo.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 2

参考: Translated.com


usou hi danielle! if you're going to be in florida i suggest you buy a kit from salon centric or have it delivered to you from the website. we are working on international distribution although, we do not have a launch date set for brazil. may be a few more months. thank you so much for taking the time to email us. i would love to explain olaplex to you. i’ll give you a quick amended version here and if you have more questions, feel free to email me. you may also go to www.olaplex.com read the faq and you can directly purchase online. we also have an app that is available with everything you will need to know about using olaplex through educational videos- search olaplex in your apple app store or google play app store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=olaplex.education olaplex is a bond multiplier which is unlike any other product on the market. this actually links broken disulfide bonds in the hair allowing you to restore the strength, structure and integrity of the hair before, during and after services. it is not a conditioner in anyway whatsoever as it does not coat the hair in silicone. it is also not a protein as that can be overused and eventually cause brittleness and breakage. this is an entirely new chemistry giving us brand new options in regards to what is possible for us as hairstylists. olaplex is just one revolutionary ingredient developed by two phd's in chemistry and materials. it's completely safe and free of any toxic ingredients. nothing has ever been created like olaplex. olaplex may be used after a perm or a relaxer. by doing so, this would not effect the texture of the perm or relaxer in anyway, however by linking these broken disulfide bonds, you would be able to highlight after which prior to this would have resulted in immediate breakage or a “chemical cut.” this is a huge change in regards to what we thought was possible and gives us brand new options. in regards to color, you may add it directly into your semi, demi, permanent, high lift, toners and glosses. it is compatible with all color lines. by doing so, this will make the hair healthier, stronger, shinier and color will actually last longer. the reason for this being is healthy hair is less porous and by adding it to your color, you are able to restore the hair during the color process! as for lightener, it may also be added directly in as well. by doing so, you are actually able to rebuild bonds as they are being broken during the lightener process. when you lighter hair, you lose about 50% of the bonds. the next time you lighten, you lose about 50% of the 50% leaving you with 25%. it gets exponentially worse from there. by adding olaplex to your lightener, you are actually able to rebuild at the same time allowing you to push hair farther so there are more bonds to be broken. so instead of initial 50% or so, your losing 10% give or take dependent on hair type etc leaving you with the ability to push hair farther. i can get into specifics of mixing etc if you like as well, this is just a generalized explanation. by far the most popular is the olaplex treatment. by using olaplex as a treatment, you are actually able to repair damaged hair. keep in mind, hair is not only damaged from chemical services, but mechanical such as brushing and especially thermal such as blow dryers, flat irons and curling irons. by using the olaplex treatment, you link broken disulfide bonds therefore restoring the strength, structure and integrity to the hair. there is absolutely nothing else like it. it lowers the porosity of the hair and increases elasticity in the hair. its an overall reparative treatment! you can do the treatment before your color to strengthen the hair lets say, if you know you're going to do a big color change or if they want to go lighter but, their hair is already so compromised. it is not a protein, you cannot do any damage by using it too much. the more frequently you do the treatment and the longer you leave the treatment on - the more effective. you can also follow any color service with the same treatment just to restructure the hair after coloring it. the no.2 and the no.3 are similar products. the no.3 is your client's retail. tell them to use it at least once a week, comb it through well, they can leave it on overnight if they want and just shampoo and condition it out. you can still retail them your favorite shampoo, conditioner and hair mask. check us out on facebook and instagram @olaplex (#olaplex for over 50,000 before and after posts from stylists since our launch in july! ) please join the private hairstylist facebook forum called - olaplex users we are working on marketing material and will send them to your salon as soon as possible. please let me know if i can answer any more questions. thank you​​


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最后更新: 2015-01-23
使用频率: 3

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