您搜索了: amor when i come country then you sleep with me (英语 - 西班牙语)







amor when i come country then you sleep with me



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would you sleep with me?


¿te acostarías conmigo?

最后更新: 2014-02-01
使用频率: 1


you sleep with me, you say you love me.


te acuestas conmigo, dices que me amas.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


"for i am afraid that when i come to visit you i won't like what i find, and then you won't like my response.


"en realidad, me temo que cuando vaya a verlos no los encuentre como quisiera, ni ustedes me encuentren a mí como quisieran.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1



18 when i blow the trumpet, i and all who are with me, then you blow the trumpets also on every side of all the camp and shout, for the lord and for gideon!


18 cuando yo y todos los que estén conmigo toquemos la trompeta, entonces también vosotros tocaréis las trompetas alrededor de todo el campamento, y decid: "por el seÑor y por gedeón."

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1



if you do this, you won't have to take up a collection when i come. 3 choose some followers to take the money to jerusalem. i will send them on with the money and with letters which show that you approve of them. 4 if you think i should go along, they can go with me.


3 y cuando haya llegado, enviaré a quienes vosotros hayáis designado por carta para que lleven vuestro donativo a jerusalén. 4 y si es conveniente que yo también vaya, irán conmigo. c

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


i put on some red lipstick one day and a woman asked me why– i thought “my god don’t you know you’re a woman?”–because i come from sao paulo, and even though brazil was a 3rd world country then, you could find everything there.


una vez me pinte los labios rojos y una mujer me preguntó por qué y pensé “dios mío ¿no se da cuenta que es una mujer?”. soy de sao paulo, y a pesar de que brasil era un país tercermundista en ese entonces, se podía encontrar de todo allá.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


“when i come home from brunstad, people tell me that i have changed” says tatiana, when asked what they will take back with them to the ukraine. “you remember things you have learned at the conference, and then you can continue working with them at home so that you can be a blessing to others.”


«la gente dice que hay un gran cambio en mí, cuando regreso de brunstad a mi casa», cuenta tatiana, cuando le preguntamos qué se llevan consigo a ucrania. «uno recuerda las cosas que ha aprendido en la conferencia y aquellas que uno puede continuar trabajando en casa, de tal manera que pueda ser de bendición para los demás.»

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


my children, do not turn your face away from any of the poor, see in all of them my image and face and help them generously as you would help me. i have a especial love and care upon those who help the poor and the needy, i will write their names in the book of life with the list of all their good doings, and when i come on the clouds to judge the living and the dead, i will bring with me the recompense for their good deeds.


hijos míos, no volváis vuestro rostro de ningún pobre, ved en todos ellos mi imagen y rostro y ayudadlos generosamente como me ayudaríais a mi. tengo un especial cariño y cuidado por los que ayudan a los pobres y a los necesitados, escribiré sus nombres en el libro de la vida con la lista de sus buenas obras, y cuando venga sobre las nubes a juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos, traeré conmigo la recompensa por sus buenas acciones.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


g trever dearest iris sometimes we tend to be despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, its not our loss but theirs, for they left the person who wouldn't give up for them. but since you are already a free man, the first part ( your past) of your life has come to an end. you moved on to another chapter. and it started already with me. and we will cherish, make everything a memorable one. most of the time, i do sent emails to you because i want you to know and feel as well how important you are to me. when i became single i devoted myself to work in order for me to forget about the past. until i come to the point that i dreamed of a caring companion, a partner, a friend and a lover. that started when my friend invite me to tagged. i've been there but cannot find the man of my dream. until i finally got you there. i believe that god has a reason for allowing things to happen. we may never understand his wisdom but we simply have to trust his wisdom. you touched my heart with warmth and love in your own special way, you touched my life with happiness with all the things you do, and i do assure you that you're the one i'll always love each day my whole life through. lovelots, gabby ever dearest mario, sometimes we tend to be despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, its not our loss but theirs, for they left the person who wouldn't give up for them. but since you are already a free man, the first part ( your past) of your life has come to an end. you moved on to another chapter. and it started already with me. and we will cherish, make everything a memorable one. most of the time, i do sent emails to you because i want you to know and feel as well how important you are to me. when i became single i devoted myself to work in order for me to forget about the past. until i come to the point that i dreamed of a caring companion, a partner, a friend and a lover. that started when my friend invite me to tagged. i've been there but cannot find the man of my dream. until i finally got you there. i believe that god has a reason for allowing things to happen. we may never understand his wisdom but we simply have to trust his wisdom. you touched my heart with warmth and love in your own special way, you touched my life with happiness with all the things you do, and i do assure you that you're the one i'll always love each day my whole life through. lovelots, gabby ever dearest mario, sometimes we tend to be despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, its not our loss but theirs, for they left the person who wouldn't give up for them. but since you are already a free man, the first part ( your past) of your life has come to an end. you moved on to another chapter. and it started already with me. and we will cherish, make everything a memorable one. most of the time, i do sent emails to you because i want you to know and feel as well how important you are to me. when i became single i devoted myself to work in order for me to forget about the past. until i come to the point that i dreamed of a caring companion, a partner, a friend and a lover. that started when my friend invite me to tagged. i've been there but cannot find the man of my dream. until i finally got you there. i believe that god has a reason for allowing things to happen. we may never understand his wisdom but we simply have to trust his wisdom. you touched my heart with warmth and love in your own special way, you touched my life with happiness with all the things you do, and i do assure you that you're the one i'll always love each day my whole life through. lovelots, gabby aductor de google oogle translator


trever dearest mario, sometimes we tend to be despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, its not our loss but theirs, for they left the person who wouldn't give up for them. but since you are already a free man, the first part ( your past) of your life has come to an end. you moved on to another chapter. and it started already with me. and we will cherish, make everything a memorable one. most of the time, i do sent emails to you because i want you to know and feel as well how important you are to me. when i became single i devoted myself to work in order for me to forget about the past. until i come to the point that i dreamed of a caring companion, a partner, a friend and a lover. that started when my friend invite me to tagged. i've been there but cannot find the man of my dream. until i finally got you there. i believe that god has a reason for allowing things to happen. we may never understand his wisdom but we simply have to trust his wisdom. you touched my heart with warmth and love in your own special way, you touched my life with happiness with all the things you do, and i do assure you that you're the one i'll always love each day my whole life through. lovelots, gabby ever dearest mario, sometimes we tend to be despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, its not our loss but theirs, for they left the person who wouldn't give up for them. but since you are already a free man, the first part ( your past) of your life has come to an end. you moved on to another chapter. and it started already with me. and we will cherish, make everything a memorable one. most of the time, i do sent emails to you because i want you to know and feel as well how important you are to me. when i became single i devoted myself to work in order for me to forget about the past. until i come to the point that i dreamed of a caring companion, a partner, a friend and a lover. that started when my friend invite me to tagged. i've been there but cannot find the man of my dream. until i finally got you there. i believe that god has a reason for allowing things to happen. we may never understand his wisdom but we simply have to trust his wisdom. you touched my heart with warmth and love in your own special way, you touched my life with happiness with all the things you do, and i do assure you that you're the one i'll always love each day my whole life through. lovelots, gabby ever dearest mario, sometimes we tend to be despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, its not our loss but theirs, for they left the person who wouldn't give up for them. but since you are already a free man, the first part ( your past) of your life has come to an end. you moved on to another chapter. and it started already with me. and we will cherish, make everything a memorable one. most of the time, i do sent emails to you because i want you to know and feel as well how important you are to me. when i became single i devoted myself to work in order for me to forget about the past. until i come to the point that i dreamed of a caring companion, a partner, a friend and a lover. that started when my friend invite me to tagged. i've been there but cannot find the man of my dream. until i finally got you there. i believe that god has a reason for allowing things to happen. we may never understand his wisdom but we simply have to trust his wisdom. you touched my heart with warmth and love in your own special way, you touched my life with happiness with all the things you do, and i do assure you that you're the one i'll always love each day my whole life through. lovelots, gabby aductor de google

最后更新: 2014-08-19
使用频率: 1

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