您搜索了: so you didn't send me pic bb (英语 - 西班牙语)







so you didn't send me pic bb



从: 机器翻译








you didn't send me your photo


no me enviaste tu foto

最后更新: 2023-03-19
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


she didn't send me any letter.


ella no me mandó ninguna carta.

最后更新: 2014-02-01
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


don't send me pic with the emoji plz


最后更新: 2021-02-18
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


u send me pic pussy


quiero follarte bebe

最后更新: 2021-01-23
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


so you were forwarding on. you didn't have control.


entonces estarían transmitiendo, no tenían control.

最后更新: 2015-10-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i: so you didn't know tokujiro, but he was from the same village?


e: entonces usted no conocía a tokujiro, pero él era del mismo pueblo?

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


send me pics of ur pets


envíame tu foto

最后更新: 2021-03-15
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


claire bolderson: so you didn't pass any information that would have helped the cuban government to shoot down the planes?


claire bolderson: entonces, ¿usted no envió ninguna información que habría ayudado al gobierno cubano a derribar los aviones?

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


gives you send me a photo so you better conoszco


manda vos una foto para mi

最后更新: 2014-09-12
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


blake: you didn't descend that way, so you probably can't ascend that way, all at once.


tim: uno no descendió de esa manera, luego probablemente uno no puede ascender de esa manera, de repente.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


for example, you had been praying hard daily, but one day you didn't pray so you could visit another member.


por ejemplo, ustedes han estado orando firmemente cada dà a, pero un dà a dejaron de hacerlo para poder visitar a un miembro de la iglesia.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


and i noticed that when i gave agnihotra ash to my grandfather, he didn't send me to buy cigarettes and it even happened sometimes that he stayed at home and didn't leave to play casino in the club.


y yo noté que cuando le daba la ceniza de agnihotra a mi abuelito, no me mandaba a comprar cigarros o a veces le sucedía que se quedaba en casa y no salía a jugar casino.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


sometimes you need to create something totally different that you didn't expect and by doing so, you are adjusting to your own magnetics and your own new energy.


a veces usted necesita crear algo totalmente diferente que no esperaba, y al hacerlo, usted se está ajustando a su propio magnetismo y a su nueva energía propia.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


if you didn't have a user id before, your email address will become your new user id, so you can return to review the details of your reservation.


si no tenía un id de usuario antes, su dirección de correo electrónico se convertirá en su nuevo código de usuario, de modo que puede volver a revisar los detalles de su reserva.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


however, the fact the site is in portuguese could be complicated to you. so, you can send me your order by the page contacts, fillling the form, and indicating:


como estas paginas están en portugués, podrá siempre me escribir um correo con su encomenda por medio de la pagina de contactos, indicando:

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


a few years back your yearly earnings were pretty low so you figured you wouldn't owe any income tax. thus, when april 15 rolled around the following year you didn't bother filing a tax return, knowing you wouldn't be penalized.


hace unos años, sus ingresos anuales eran bastante bajos por lo que creyó que no debía pagar el impuesto a las ganancias. por eso, cuando llegó el 15 de abril del año siguiente, ni se molestó en presentar su declaración fiscal porque sabía que no sería penalizado.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


they knew, through word of mouth, because people used to communicate much more often then. however, the big barons of media always worked for the ultra-rich, and so you didn't believe anything that they spun towards you.


sin embargo, los barones de los medios de comunicación siempre han trabajado para los ultra ricos, así que no se podía creer nada de lo que centrifugaran hacia el público. no es así hoy en día.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


it's just that you didn't know it, but you had it in your heart, but now you have come to realize it and cast it off. so, it means you are getting closer and closer to perfection, so you should be more thankful.


simplemente es que no lo sabà an aunque lo tenà a en su corazón, pero ahora se han dado cuenta de ello y lo han echado fuera. asà que, esto significa que están acercándose a la perfección, de modo que estarán más bien, más agradecidos.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


this section is here to provide reviews and actual write-ups of play-experiences of the games so you can get a feel for what they're like, even if you didn't beat them, or never had the opportunity to play them. sonic gear is here to bring you as close to having the items as you can get!


esta sección es aquí proporcionar revisiones y relatos reales de las juego-experiencias de los juegos así que puedes conseguir una sensación para como cuál son, aunque tú no lo batiste, ni nunca tenías la oportunidad de jugarlos. ¡el engranaje sonic está aquí traerte como cerca de tener los artículos como puedes conseguir!

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


ttraductor de googlehello ruben vinicio, martin luther king jr. once said: «human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.» as citizengoers, you and i know that seeking justice and defending our values come at a cost. how can we compete with the likes of soros and his billion-dollar donations in support of everything we stand against? is there even any point in this fight against the other side with their seemingly endless resources? the answer is: emphatically yes! nothing can stop the truth! we know that our values—protecting innocent life from conception to natural death, defending the marital union of one man and one woman, and championing religious freedom—we know that we are on the right side of these issues. in the end, truth and justice will always prevail against lies, deceit, and half-truths. we need to keep fighting, today, tomorrow, as long as it takes. but we can only do this with your help... will you make a donation of €15, €25, €50, or any other amount you can to help citizengo keep fighting? https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world thank you for always being there. with very best wishes, greg jackson and the entire citizengo team p.s. thank you so much for your help. please take a moment now - before you go about the rest of your day - to help us financially with a £15, £25, £50 donation to help citizengo keep fighting: https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world you can also donate via paypal if you prefer: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_name=citizengo en&hosted_button_id=l89mg9xrcc75g&lc=us finally, in case you didn't get a chance to read it... i'm attaching my email from last week, which explains why george soros hates citizengo, and how you can help us defeat him! --- my email from last week --- hello ruben vinicio, for some reason, soros doesn't seem to like you. he doesn't seem to like me either, or anything citizengo does: here is what soros says: «a false narrative has taken root in latin america that's threatening the rights of lgbti people and women, one with the power to rapidly mobilize voters and give new energy to the socially conservative agenda. (...) if the false narrative of gender ideology continues to gain momentum, the hard-won rights of lgbti people and women could be endangered.(...) if those who support human rights don’t stand up now, (...), it is likely that the gains made by women and lgbti people in recent years will be under threat.» (soros) i've written to you about this man and his destructive plans on other occasions last year. the thing is, the hungarian american billionaire soros for some reason (not that i want to judge him), has launched a radical and fierce fight against the values that you and i, and citizengo, hold dear and defend daily: life, family and liberty. and to make this happen there is a plan, a tool and a proposition:open society foundations, the organization to which he only recently (in the last quarter of 2017) allocated the exorbitant sum of dollars. yes, you've read correctly. that's 18 billion dollars, spelled out so you get a good idea of what i am talking about. and that's not all... there have been other contributions in the past, all adding up to the dizzying grand total of dollars. thirty two billion. soros wants this money to promote abortion in the entire world, the so-called same-sex marriage, gender ideology and a radical secularism that starts with cornering christians and ends with getting rid off them, removing them from society altogether. it's terrifying. so, in the face of all of this... what do we have, you and i? what resources does citizengo have to defend and protect that which soros wishes to destroy with his billion dollar donations? well, to be frank, what we do often have is problems to pay the bills. but more importantly, we are right. we have reason and truth on our side; we are on the right side of this historic battle. in a previous email to you i mentioned how the «dark side has hundreds (thousands would probably be closer to the truth) of millions dollars at their disposal (...)» and, if you recall, i said how they have everything... but reason. one could certainly say that they have everything, but they are not right. soros is a billionaire and supports campaigns that destroy that which you and i believe the billionaire way. nevertheless, i am not discouraged and neither should you be. this is a david-vs-goliath battle spoken of many times before... and we all know that who won that fight in the end was david. citizengo was established to change things, not to surrender to them. this is why i am writing to you today, ruben vinicio, so that you would help change those things by making a donation of £15, £25 or even £50 (or any other amount - bigger or smaller - that you feel comfortable with) by clicking on the following link: https://go.citizengo.org/gb-changing-the-world together, by advancing the work of citizengo, each one of us according to our means, can rise against evil, defending the truth and, just as was the case in the bermudas recently - first country in the world to abolish same-sex marriage - we will continue changing things and building the society we want. we will do it with you, by making sure your voice is heard, by defending that which is important to you. thank you so much! with very best wishes, greg jackson and the entire citizengo team p.s. remember you can donate £15, £25 or £50 (or any other amount you are happy with) here: https://go.citizengo.org/gb-changing-the-world if you prefer donating through paypal, please use the following link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_name=citizengo en&hosted_button_id=l89mg9xrcc75g&lc=us thank you!


ttraductor de googlehello ruben vinicio, martin luther king jr. once said: «human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.» as citizengoers, you and i know that seeking justice and defending our values come at a cost. how can we compete with the likes of soros and his billion-dollar donations in support of everything we stand against? is there even any point in this fight against the other side with their seemingly endless resources? the answer is: emphatically yes! nothing can stop the truth! we know that our values—protecting innocent life from conception to natural death, defending the marital union of one man and one woman, and championing religious freedom—we know that we are on the right side of these issues. in the end, truth and justice will always prevail against lies, deceit, and half-truths. we need to keep fighting, today, tomorrow, as long as it takes. but we can only do this with your help... will you make a donation of €15, €25, €50, or any other amount you can to help citizengo keep fighting? https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world thank you for always being there. with very best wishes, greg jackson and the entire citizengo team p.s. thank you so much for your help. please take a moment now - before you go about the rest of your day - to help us financially with a £15, £25, £50 donation to help citizengo keep fighting: https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world you can also donate via paypal if you prefer: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_name=citizengo en&hosted_button_id=l89mg9xrcc75g&lc=us finally, in case you didn't get a chance to read it... i'm attaching my email from last week, which explains why george soros hates citizengo, and how you can help us defeat him! --- my email from last week --- hello ruben vinicio, for some reason, soros doesn't seem to like you. he doesn't seem to like me either, or anything citizengo does: here is what soros says: «a false narrative has taken root in latin america that's threatening the rights of lgbti people and women, one with the power to rapidly mobilize voters and give new energy to the socially conservative agenda. (...) if the false narrative of gender ideology continues to gain momentum, the hard-won rights of lgbti people and women could be endangered.(...) if those who support human rights don’t stand up now, (...), it is likely that the gains made by women and lgbti people in recent years will be under threat.» (soros) i've written to you about this man and his destructive plans on other occasions last year. the thing is, the hungarian american billionaire soros for some reason (not that i want to judge him), has launched a radical and fierce fight against the values that you and i, and citizengo, hold dear and defend daily: life, family and liberty. and to make this happen there is a plan, a tool and a proposition:open society foundations, the organization to which he only recently (in the last quarter of 2017) allocated the exorbitant sum of dollars. yes, you've read correctly. that's 18 billion dollars, spelled out so you get a good idea of what i am talking about. and that's not all... there have been other contributions in the past, all adding up to the dizzying grand total of dollars. thirty two billion. soros wants this money to promote abortion in the entire world, the so-called same-sex marriage, gender ideology and a radical secularism that starts with cornering christians and ends with getting rid off them, removing them from society altogether. it's terrifying. so, in the face of all of this... what do we have, you and i? what resources does citizengo have to defend and protect that which soros wishes to destroy with his billion dollar donations? well, to be frank, what we do often have is problems to pay the bills. but more importantly, we are right. we have reason and truth on our side; we are on the right side of this historic battle. in a previous email to you i mentioned how the «dark side has hundreds (thousands would probably be closer to the truth) of millions dollars at their disposal (...)» and, if you recall, i said how they have everything... but reason. one could certainly say that they have everything, but they are not right. soros is a billionaire and supports campaigns that destroy that which you and i believe the billionaire way. nevertheless, i am not discouraged and neither should you be. this is a david-vs-goliath battle spoken of many times before... and we all know that who won that fight in the end was david. citizengo was established to change things, not to surrender to them. this is why i am writing to you today, ruben vinicio, so that you would help change those things by making a donation of £15, £25 or even £50 (or any other amount - bigger or smaller - that you feel comfortable with) by clicking on the following link: https://go.citizengo.org/gb-changing-the-world together, by advancing the work of citizengo, each one of us according to our means, can rise against evil, defending the truth and, just as was the case in the bermudas recently - first country in the world to abolish same-sex marriage - we will continue changing things and building the society we want. we will do it with you, by making sure your voice is heard, by defending that which is important to you. thank you so much! with very best wishes, greg jackson and the entire citizengo team p.s. remember you can donate £15, £25 or £50 (or any other amount you are happy with) here: https://go.citizengo.org/gb-changing-the-world if you prefer donating through paypal, please use the following link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_name=citizengo en&hosted_button_id=l89mg9xrcc75g&lc=us thank you!hello ruben vinicio, martin luther king jr. once said: «human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.» as citizengoers, you and i know that seeking justice and defending our values come at a cost. how can we compete with the likes of soros and his billion-dollar donations in support of everything we stand against? is there even any point in this fight against the other side with their seemingly endless resources? the answer is: emphatically yes! nothing can stop the truth! we know that our values—protecting innocent life from conception to natural death, defending the marital union of one man and one woman, and championing religious freedom—we know that we are on the right side of these issues. in the end, truth and justice will always prevail against lies, deceit, and half-truths. we need to keep fighting, today, tomorrow, as long as it takes. but we can only do this with your help... will you make a donation of €15, €25, €50, or any other amount you can to help citizengo keep fighting? https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world thank you for always being there. with very best wishes, greg jackson and the entire citizengo team p.s. thank you so much for your help. please take a moment now - before you go about the rest of your day - to help us financially with a £15, £25, £50 donation to help citizengo keep fighting: https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world you can also donate via paypal if you prefer: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_name=citizengo en&hosted_button_id=l89mg9xrcc75g&lc=us finally, in case you didn't get a chance to read it... i'm attaching my email from last week, which explains why george soros hates citizengo, and how you can help us defeat him! --- my email from last week --- hello ruben vinicio, for some reason, soros doesn't seem to like you. he doesn't seem to like me either, or anything citizengo does: here is what soros says: «a false narrative has taken root in latin america that's threatening the rights of lgbti people and women, one with the power to rapidly mobilize voters and give new energy to the socially conservative agenda. (...) if the false narrative of gender ideology continues to gain momentum, the hard-won rights of lgbti people and women could be endangered.(...) if those who support human rights don’t stand up now, (...), it is likely that the gains made by women and lgbti people in recent years will be under threat.» (soros) i've written to you about this man and his destructive plans on other occasions last year. the thing is, the hungarian american billionaire soros for some reason (not that i want to judge him), has launched a radical and fierce fight against the values that you and i, and citizengo, hold dear and defend daily: life, family and liberty. and to make this happen there is a plan, a tool and a proposition:open society foundations, the organization to which he only recently (in the last quarter of 2017) allocated the exorbitant sum of dollars. yes, you've read correctly. that's 18 billion dollars, spelled out so you get a good idea of what i am talking about. and that's not all... there have been other contributions in the past, all adding up to the dizzying grand total of dollars. thirty two billion. soros wants this money to promote abortion in the entire world, the so-called same-sex marriage, gender ideology and a radical secularism that starts with cornering christians and ends with getting rid off them, removing them from society altogether. it's terrifying. so, in the face of all of this... what do we have, you and i? what resources does citizengo have to defend and protect that which soros wishes to destroy with his billion dollar donations? well, to be frank, what we do often have is problems to pay the bills. but more importantly, we are right. we have reason and truth on our side; we are on the right side of this historic battle. in a previous email to you i mentioned how the «dark side has hundreds (thousands would probably be closer to the truth) of millions dollars at their disposal (...)» and, if you recall, i said how they have everything... but reason. one could certainly say that they have everything, but they are not right. soros is a billionaire and supports campaigns that destroy that which you and i believe the billionaire way. nevertheless, i am not discouraged and neither should you be. this is a david-vs-goliath battle spoken of many times before... and we all know that who won that fight in the end was david. citizengo was established to change things, not to surrender to them. this is why i am writing to you today, ruben vinicio, so that you would help change those things by making a donation of £15, £25 or even £50 (or any other amount - bigger or smaller - that you feel comfortable with) by clicking on the following link: https://go.citizengo.org/gb-changing-the-world together, by advancing the work of citizengo, each one of us according to our means, can rise against evil, defending the truth and, just as was the case in the bermudas recently - first country in the world to abolish same-sex marriage - we will continue changing things and building the society we want. we will do it with you, by making sure your voice is heard, by defending that which is important to you. thank you so much! with very best wishes, greg jackson and the entire citizengo team p.s. remember you can donate £15, £25 or £50 (or any other amount you are happy with) here: https://go.citizengo.org/gb-changing-the-world if you prefer donating through paypal, please use the following link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_name=citizengo en&hosted_button_id=l89mg9xrcc75g&lc=us thank you! hello ruben vinicio, martin luther king jr. once said: «human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.» as citizengoers, you and i know that seeking justice and defending our values come at a cost. how can we compete with the likes of soros and his billion-dollar donations in support of everything we stand against? is there even any point in this fight against the other side with their seemingly endless resources? the answer is: emphatically yes! nothing can stop the truth! we know that our values—protecting innocent life from conception to natural death, defending the marital union of one man and one woman, and championing religious freedom—we know that we are on the right side of these issues. in the end, truth and justice will always prevail against lies, deceit, and half-truths. we need to keep fighting, today, tomorrow, as long as it takes. but we can only do this with your help... will you make a donation of €15, €25, €50, or any other amount you can to help citizengo keep fighting? https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world thank you for always being there. with very best wishes, greg jackson and the entire citizengo team p.s. thank you so much for your help. please take a moment now - before you go about the rest of your day - to help us financially with a £15, £25, £50 donation to help citizengo keep fighting: https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world you can also donate via paypal if you prefer: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_name=citizengo en&hosted_button_id=l89mg9xrcc75g&lc=us finally, in case you didn't get a chance to read it... i'm attaching my email from last week, which explains why george soros hates citizengo, and how you can help us defeat him! --- my email from last week --- hello ruben vinicio, for some reason, soros doesn't seem to like you. he doesn't seem to like me either, or anything citizengo does: here is what soros says: «a false narrative has taken root in latin america that's threatening the rights of lgbti people and women, one with the power to rapidly mobilize voters and give new energy to the socially conservative agenda. (...) if the false narrative of gender ideology continues to gain momentum, the hard-won rights of lgbti people and women could be endangered.(...) if those who support human rights don’t stand up now, (...), it is likely that the gains made by women and lgbti people in recent years will be under threat.» (soros) i've written to you about this man and his destructive plans on other occasions last year. the thing is, the hungarian american billionaire soros for some reason (not that i want to judge him), has launched a radical and fierce fight against the values that you and i, and citizengo, hold dear and defend daily: life, family and liberty. and to make this happen there is a plan, a tool and a proposition:open society foundations, the organization to which he only recently (in the last quarter of 2017) allocated the exorbitant sum of dollars. yes, you've read correctly. that's 18 billion dollars, spelled out so you get a good idea of what i am talking about. and that's not all... there have been other contributions in the past, all adding up to the dizzying grand total of dollars. thirty two billion. soros wants this money to promote abortion in the entire world, the so-called same-sex marriage, gender ideology and a radical secularism that starts with cornering christians and ends with getting rid off them, removing them from society altogether. it's terrifying. so, in the face of all of this... what do we have, you and i? what resources does citizengo have to defend and protect that which soros wishes to destroy with his billion dollar donations? well, to be frank, what we do often have is problems to pay the bills. but more importantly, we are right. we have reason and truth on our side; we are on the right side of this historic battle. in a previous email to you i mentioned how the «dark side has hundreds (thousands would probably be closer to the truth) of millions dollars at their disposal (...)» and, if you recall, i said how they have everything... but reason. one could certainly say that they have everything, but they are not right. soros is a billionaire and supports campaigns that destroy that which you and i believe the billionaire way. nevertheless, i am not discouraged and neither should you be. this is a david-vs-goliath battle spoken of many times before... and we all know that who won that fight in the end was david. citizengo was established to change things, not to surrender to them. this is why i am writing to you today, ruben vinicio, so that you would help change those things by making a donation of £15, £25 or even £50 (or any other amount - bigger or smaller - that you feel comfortable with) by clicking on the following link: https://go.citizengo.org/gb-changing-the-world together, by advancing the work of citizengo, each one of us according to our means, can rise against evil, defending the truth and, just as was the case in the bermudas recently - first country in the world to abolish same-sex marriage - we will continue changing things and building the society we want. we will do it with you, by making sure your voice is heard, by defending that which is important to you. thank you so much! with very best wishes, hello ruben vinicio, martin luther king jr. once said: «human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.» as citizengoers, you and i know that seeking justice and defending our values come at a cost. how can we compete with the likes of soros and his billion-dollar donations in support of everything we stand against? is there even any point in this fight against the other side with their seemingly endless resources? the answer is: emphatically yes! nothing can stop the truth! we know that our values—protecting innocent life from conception to natural death, defending the marital union of one man and one woman, and championing religious freedom—we know that we are on the right side of these issues. in the end, truth and justice will always prevail against lies, deceit, and half-truths. we need to keep fighting, today, tomorrow, as long as it takes. but we can only do this with your help... will you make a donation of €15, €25, €50, or any other amount you can to help citizengo keep fighting? https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world thank you for always being there. with very best wishes, greg jackson and the entire citizengo team p.s. thank you so much for your help. please take a moment now - before you go about the rest of your day - to help us financially with a £15, £25, £50 donation to help citizengo keep fighting: https://go.citizengo.org/eu-changing-the-world you can also donate via paypal if you prefer: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_name=citizengo en&hosted_button_id=l89mg9xrcc75g&lc=us finally, in case you didn't get a chance to read it... i'm attaching my email from last week, which explains why george soros hates citizengo, and how you can help us defeat him! --- my email from last week --- hello ruben vinicio, for some reason, soros doesn't seem to like you. he doesn't seem to like me either, or anything citizengo does: here is what soros says: «a false narrative has taken root in latin america that's threatening the rights of lgbti people and women, one with the power to rapidly mobilize voters and give new energy to the socially conservative agenda. (...) if the false narrative of gender ideology continues to gain momentum, the hard-won rights of lgbti people and women could be endangered.(...) if those who support human rights don’t stand up now, (...), it is likely that the

最后更新: 2018-03-16
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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