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heart breaking we can all learn from each other



从: 机器翻译








in it, they accept cups from each other, in which is neither any lewdness nor any sin.


그들은 서로가 서로에게 해 악이 없는 잔을 주고 받을 때

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1


and we taught him the art of making coats of mail to shield you from each other's violence. will you not be grateful even then?


하나님은 다윗에게 갑옷을 만드는 것을 가르쳐 주었나니 이는 너희가 전쟁에서 너희를 보호 하기 위함이라 너희는 감사하고 있느뇨

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1


a logical exclusive-or conjunction of two boolean expressions returns the value true only if both expressions are different from each other.


두 불리언 식의 논리 exclusive-or 결합은 두 식이 서로 다른 경우에만 true 값을 구합니다.

最后更新: 2016-10-06
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


the wizards for combo boxes and list boxes differ from each other in their final step. this is because the nature of control fields:


콤보 상자 마법사와 목록 상자 마법사는 마지막 단계에서 서로 달라집니다. 이는 컨트롤 필드의 특성 때문입니다.

最后更新: 2016-11-18
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


it was we who taught him the art of making coats of mail for your benefit so that it may protect you from each other's violence. do you, then, give thanks?


하나님은 다윗에게 갑옷을 만드는 것을 가르쳐 주었나니 이는 너희가 전쟁에서 너희를 보호 하기 위함이라 너희는 감사하고 있느뇨

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


use this feature if you are working with values that differ sharply from each other. you can use logarithmic scaling to make the grid lines of the axis equidistant but have values that may increase or decrease.


서로 편차가 큰 값들을 사용할 때 이 기능을 이용합니다. 대수적 배율을 사용하면 축의 눈금선 사이의 간격은 동일하지만 서로 다른 값을 표시할 수 있습니다.

最后更新: 2013-01-12
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


solo processors, intel® celeron® m processors, and intel® pentium® m processors differ from each other?


솔로 프로세서, 인텔® 셀러론® m 프로세서 및 인텔® 펜티엄® m 프로세서 간의 차이점은 무엇입니까?

最后更新: 2007-01-16
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


exploded pie - this subtype shows the sectors already separated from each other. in the created chart, you can click and drag any sector to move it along a radial from the pie's center.


쪼개진 원형 - 이 하위 유형을 선택하면 부채꼴이 다른 부채꼴과 이미 분리되어 표시됩니다. 차트를 만든 후에 부채꼴을 마우스로 끌어 원 중앙에서 방사형 모양을 따라 이동할 수 있습니다.

最后更新: 2012-06-08
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


on the day of judgment, god will make truth and falsehood clearly distinct from each other to the believers, the jews, the sabeans, the christian, the zoroastrians, and the pagans on the day of judgment. god is a witness to all things.


믿는 자들과 유대인들과 사비이인들과 기독교인들과 마 주스인들과 불신자들이 있나니 실로 하나님께서는 심판의 날 그 들을 분리하나니 하나님께서는 모 든 것을 지켜보고 계심이라

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


from upscale for less (jung park) this letter is intended daniel moon (son of sam moon) or to whomever else it may concern that is in charge or is an affiliate of the leasing/rent department of the sam moon organization. we have partnered with sam moon stores for more than 5 years including stores located in dallas, houston and fort worth, but the first thing i would like to address will be focused on our upscale for less store located fort worth. the person who was in charge and proceeded with the contract there was my husband charles park. unfortunately he past away and is no longer with us so i do not know how the contract was negotiatied fully but i the focus of this issue is on the rent price that correlates with the number of tenants that has increased since the beginning of fort worth sam moon. from what i know we acknowledged that our rent prices were going to go up 60 percent when more tenants/buildings/constructions were going to be added, but shortly after another rent raise was created 2012 because of the property tax, and lastly even the year after that 2013 property tax went up again. this is happening again this year for 2014. just the property tax alone im paying almost 5k extra just like last year and to make matter more difficult the rate of rent has also been steadily increasing. so this is shocking to me when i compare the tax payments for my store located in the allen premium outlet malls. their property tax fluctuatiates, yet we have never been asked to pay a monthly tax like sam moon has demanded us. we are just wondering what kind of contract my husband charles park signed that resulted in us paying higher property tax each year and another extra tax payment each march that raises annually also. we just want to understand the situation. i am also demanding information or some clarification in regards to the rent payments that affect our other two stores in forth worth and dallas. now we do appreciate that you guys lessened our rent for our store located in dallas harry hines since the beginning of the highway construction. we can all agree it hurt our business in some way. but what we found odd was that as soon as those rent prices lowered in dallas, the rent in fort worth grew. lastly we found out that even our store rent for our store located in houston somewhat correlated with the rent payments to where if one of those stores decreased in rent payment another store increased making it seem like there was no real discount to even begin with. now this may not affect some vendors because of the fact that they are only with one sam moon, they may benefit because of a drop in rent but for us who have 3 stores we seem to be the ones not gaining any benefit with rent prices fluctuating that ultimately ended to be the same because of the way each sam moon seemed to compensate lowering rent prices by increasing sam moons located elsewhere...unfortunately we have stores their too.. the construction in dallas had deeply affected my finances and my husband and i worked very hard to try and recover, and yet although sam moon in dallas had the intention of helping all vendors located there, sam moon as a whole really did not give us much benefit at all if you add it all up. please understand where our frustration comes from and please let us know if you think this is right. thanksparagraph



最后更新: 2014-03-28
使用频率: 20

参考: Translated.com


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