您搜索了: i say this person because i know (英语 - 韩语)







i say this person because i know



从: 机器翻译








but he answered and said, verily i say unto you, i know you not.


대 답 하 여 가 로 되 진 실 로 너 희 에 게 이 르 노 니 내 가 너 희 를 알 지 못 하 노 라 하 였 느 니

最后更新: 2012-05-05
使用频率: 1


especially because i know thee to be expert in all customs and questions which are among the jews: wherefore i beseech thee to hear me patiently.


특 히 당 신 이 유 대 인 의 모 든 풍 속 과 및 문 제 를 아 심 이 니 이 다 그 러 므 로 내 말 을 너 그 러 이 들 으 시 기 를 바 라 옵 나 이

最后更新: 2012-05-05
使用频率: 1


verily, verily, i say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that i do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because i go unto my father.


내 가 진 실 로 진 실 로 너 희 에 게 이 르 노 니 나 를 믿 는 자 는 나 의 하 는 일 을 저 도 할 것 이 요 또 한 이 보 다 큰 것 도 하 리 니 이 는 내 가 아 버 지 께 로 감 이 니

最后更新: 2012-05-05
使用频率: 1


o belteshazzar, master of the magicians, because i know that the spirit of the holy gods is in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my dream that i have seen, and the interpretation thereof.


박 수 장 벨 드 사 살 아 네 안 에 는 거 룩 한 신 들 의 영 이 있 은 즉 아 무 은 밀 한 것 이 라 도 네 게 는 어 려 울 것 이 없 는 줄 을 내 가 아 노 니 내 꿈 에 본 이 상 의 해 석 을 내 게 고 하

最后更新: 2012-05-05
使用频率: 1


i say not that i have the treasures of god, or that i possess the knowledge of the unknown. i do not claim to be an angel, nor can i say that god will not bestow any good on those you disdain, for god is cognisant of what is in their hearts. if i say this, i will surely be unjust."


내게 하나님의 보물이 있다 고 너희에게 말하지 아니하며 보 이지 않는 것을 내가 안다고 하지아니하며 내가 천사라고 말하지 아니하며 연약하여 경멸을 받고 있는 이들에게 하나님의 축복이 결코 없다 말하지 아니하니라 하 나님은 그들 마음속에 있는 모든 것을 알고 계시니 내가 그렇게 했다면 실로 나는 부정한 자 가운 데 서게 되리라

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1



dear namjoon, thank you, it sounds so small and misused a lot. thank you to me is a very strong word and i say it sincerely to the people i really care about. no, i’m not a solo stan, you’re just my bias and i care about you. i love the whole band to be but your personality really makes me intrigued and happy for some reason. whenever i feel as if though i’m a burden inside, you wake me up to remember that i’m more than that. that there is always someone that loves me out there. the reason why i felt like a burden was because i wear the hijab. the hijab to me is a choice that all girls have in our culture. i wanted to wear it because my father said it made my eyes sparkle, but he said i didn’t have to wear it if i didn’t want to. but as a little girl i liked how my scarf blew in the wind as a child, so i went with it. i thought it was so easy to wear this token, to just peacefully wear this treasure which was very special to me. but no, people didn’t think the same way i did. people didn’t like the idea that someone was different, that someone just didn’t show their hair for some reason. i hated myself and how everyone was different than me, that everyone was the same except me. but then you came into my life, i had genuinely thought that i would just never wear this thing again. but your song do you made me...well change my perspective on myself. i’ve accepted that not everyone is nice and chirpy in the world, and you can always change. that you can always be yourself, be unique and step outside your shell. you taught me that, and i’m so thankful to you for that. i can’t even explain how thankful i am namjoon. i love you lots, and i hope you’re well rested and happy for the comeback!! dark haired namjoon will be an amazing look on you, makes me remember what debut joonie looked like (⑅˘͈ㅈ˘͈ ). also, thank you for making the burn the stage, it was amazing and it’s great to see that you guys aren’t some gods, that we had portrayed in the tv. we all respect you much more, and army’s are all rooting for you and the band! bangtan fighting! -aliya


내 이름은 알리아 마리사 야.

最后更新: 2018-04-14
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


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