您搜索了: forfeit (英语 - 马来语)











最后更新: 2013-01-29
使用频率: 1


but those whose scales are light shall forfeit their souls and live in gehenna (hell) for ever.


dan sesiapa yang ringan timbangan amal baiknya, maka merekalah orang-orang yang merugikan dirinya sendiri; mereka kekal di dalam neraka jahannam -

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1


and those who believe will say: "they who forfeit their souls and families on the day of resurrection will really be losers."


dan orang-orang yang beriman pula berkata: "sesungguhnya orang-orang yang rugi (dengan sebenar-benarnya) ialah mereka yang merugikan dirinya sendiri dan pengikut-pengikutnya pada hari kiamat (dengan sebab mereka memilih perbuatan derhaka di dunia).

最后更新: 2014-07-03
使用频率: 1



goo warning and attention!!!!! most recently it has been brought to the attention of the management of fxranex, that some most- unusual forms of trading techniques which are extremely suspicious in nature and completely outside of the accepted trading policies and procedures of fxranex have been used and are still being used. we are speaking of script trading systems/programs and have been recently used and may still be considered by a few traders for use within their trading accounts now and in the future. if you are using a script trading program or system within our mt4 trading platform, stop, cease and halt immediately, for you are in violation of the trading rules of fxranex. if you persist in using script trading systems within our mt4 trading platform we will immediately block your account. any trading practices that violate our company trading policies, we have the right to forfeit and cancel all so-called profits which have been generated via script trading programs or systems place within our mt4 trading platform. our actions will be taken immediately without any prejudice whatsoever. gle translate


terjem warning and attention!!!!! most recently it has been brought to the attention of the management of fxranex, that some most- unusual forms of trading techniques which are extremely suspicious in nature and completely outside of the accepted trading policies and procedures of fxranex have been used and are still being used. we are speaking of script trading systems/programs and have been recently used and may still be considered by a few traders for use within their trading accounts now and in the future. if you are using a script trading program or system within our mt4 trading platform, stop, cease and halt immediately, for you are in violation of the trading rules of fxranex. if you persist in using script trading systems within our mt4 trading platform we will immediately block your account. any trading practices that violate our company trading policies, we have the right to forfeit and cancel all so-called profits which have been generated via script trading programs or systems place within our mt4 trading platform. our actions will be taken immediately without any prejudice whatsoever. ahan google

最后更新: 2014-10-18
使用频率: 1

参考: Wikipedia

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