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the bag was bandaged at the airport



从: 机器翻译








sending him off at the airport


menghantarnya ke lapangan terbang

最后更新: 2021-11-16
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i'll pick you up at the airport


jemput ayah di lapangan terbang

最后更新: 2019-12-30
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


one day my father took me to my brother's house in langkawi. my father told me to book a plane ticket at the airport.


suatu hari bapa saya mengajak saya ke rumah abang saya di langkawi. bapa saya menyuruh saya menempah tiket kapal terbang di lapangan terbang.

最后更新: 2015-12-18
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


after 9 hours 30 minutes we arrived at the south korean international airport ..after we got off the plane we had to be in chek before exiting the airport. while there i saw some people who could not get out of there they had to be sent back to their country ... we are thankful that we were able to get out of the korean airport. then we said goodbye to sabrina and her friend we promised to meet tomorrow.


selepas 9 jam 30 minit kami tiba di lapangan terbang antarabangsa korea selatan ..selepas kami turun dari kapal terbang kami perlu di chek sebelum keluar dari lapangan terbang. semasa disana saya melihat ade beberapa orang yang tidak lepas untuk keluar dari situ mereka terpaksa dihantar balik ke negara mereka ... kami bersyukur kerana kami dapat keluar dari lapangan terbang korea . kemudian kami mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada sabrina dan rakannya kami berjanji untuk berjumpa pada hari esok.

最后更新: 2020-09-09
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


energy consumption, payload and the effect upon terminal design energy is consumed in enormous quantities at airports. fossil fuel is used to lift aircraft into the sky; to transport people, freight and baggage to airports; and to heat, light and ventilate airport buildings. airports are one of the greatest energy-consuming centres per square kilometre on our planet. for every plane that travels from new york to london the amount of energy used is roughly equal to that of an ocean liner.1 large jet aircraft consume about 9600 litres of fuel per hour in flight, and about 2400 litres on take-off. on a long journey a typical jet burns about 40 tonnes of fuel. this leads to a great concentration of air pollution at airports, and the obvious need for extensive refuelling facilities on apron areas where spillage occurs. pollution affects air conditioning of buildings and the choice of materials used in the construction of airports. advanced turboprops are far more energy efficient per tonne of aircraft than turbojets, consuming about two-thirds less fuel per tonne-km. as a consequence, regional airports, which make greater use of turboprops than of jet aircraft, suffer less air pollution. in total, aviation accounts for 6 per cent of world oil consumption and 20 per cent of all oil used in transportation, contributing some 5–6 per cent of the gases leading to global warming.2 for the airline company the factor that determines operational efficiency is not so much fuel consumption but payload. this is a factor determined by the revenue-producing load: that is, the carrying capacity in terms of passengers and freight. jet aircraft are used where large numbers of people need to be carried. as a rule of thumb, payload represents about a fifth of the total aircraft weight. payload and aviation fuel are the two variables in aircraft weight, and both must be carefully calculated to ensure that safety regulations are met. on long journeys fuel may account for a third of the total weight of the aircraft and payload only a sixth, but more typically fuel 68 the terminal as part of the airport systemweight and payload are about the same (at roughly 18 per cent each of average weight).3 payload is the revenue-generating function of air transportation. but with modern aircraft design it is often not weight that is the limiting factor, but space. on passenger flights it is rare for payload weight to reach the maximum permitted under international safety regulations, because seats and aisles take up so much space. airlines compete on quality of journey where leg-room and seat width are critical factors. as a consequence, payload limits are rarely reached except at the lower end of the market (holiday package tours, for example). there is a relationship between aircraft carrying capacity, runway


tukar ayat pasif kepada aktif

最后更新: 2021-04-08
使用频率: 2

参考: 匿名

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