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casa batlló is one of the two great buildings designed by antoni gaudi on passeig de gracia, (barcelona) the other being la pedrera from the outside the façade of casa batlló looks like it has been made from skulls and bones. the "skulls" are in fact balconies and the "bones" are supporting pillars. gaudi used colours and shapes found in marine life as inspiration for his creativity in this building e.g. the colours chosen for the façade are those found in natural coral. the building was designed by gaudi for josep batlló, a wealthy aristocrat, as an upmarket home. señor batlló lived in the lower two floors with his family and the upper floors were rented out as apartments. this building is a stunning and original work and well worth the visit. if you decide to take a look around inside you will learn how much attention to detail gaudi spent on his designs thinking about such things as varying window size depending on how high the window was from the top of the building. in this way he could ensure uniform lighting conditions in each room of the house. from wikipedia: antoni plàcid guillem gaudí i cornet (25 june 1852–10 june 1926) – sometimes erroneously referred to by the spanish translation of his name, antonio gaudí – was a catalan architect who belonged to the modernist style (art nouveau) movement and was famous for his unique style and highly individualistic designs. gaudi was an ardent catholic, to the point that in his later years, he abandoned secular work and devoted his life to catholicism and his sagrada família. he designed it to have 18 towers, 12 for the 12 apostles, 4 for the 4 evangelists, one for mary and one for jesus. soon after, his closest family and friends began to die. his works slowed to a halt, and his attitude changed. one of his closest family members – his niece rosa egea – died in 1912, only to be followed by a "faithful collaborator, francesc berenguer mestres" two years later. after these tragedies, barcelona fell on hard times, economically. the construction of la sagrada família slowed; the construction of la colonia güell ceased altogether. four years later, eusebi güell, his patron, died. perhaps it was because of this unfortunate sequence of events that gaudi changed. he became reluctant to talk with reporters or have his picture taken and solely concentrated on his masterpiece, la sagrada família. on 7 june 1926 gaudi was run over by a tram. because of his ragged attire and empty pockets, many cab drivers refused to pick him up for fear that he would be unable to pay the fare. he was eventually taken to a pauper's hospital in barcelona. nobody recognized the injured artist until his friends found him the next day. when they tried to move him into a nicer hospital, gaudi refused, reportedly saying "i belong here among the poor." he died three days later on 10 june 1926, half of barcelona mourning his death. he was buried in the midst of la sagrada família. although gaudi was constantly changing his mind and recreating his blue prints, the only existing copy of his last recorded blue prints were destroyed by the anarchists in 1938 at the height of franco's invasion of barcelona. this has made it very difficult for his workers to complete the cathedral in the same fashion as gaudí most likely would have wished. it is for this that gaudí is known to many as "god's architect". la sagrada família is now being completed but differences between his work and the new additions can be seen. as of 2007, completion of the sagrada familía is planned for 2026. however, this may prove wildly optimistic if the worst fears of many eminent engineers and architects are realized[citation needed]. these have pointed out the structural dangers posed by a tunnel for a tgv-style high-speed rail, which would run within feet of the church’s foundations; one might note the precedent of one metro tunnel in barcelona’s carmel district that collapsed and destroyed an entire city block on the 27th of february 2005. others of gaudí's works threatened by the city center route chosen by barcelona's mayor jordi hereu for the new rail line include casa batlló and casa milà. gaudí, throughout his life, studied nature's angles and curves and incorporated them into his designs. instead of relying on geometric shapes, he mimicked the way men stand upright. the hyperboloids and paraboloids he borrowed from nature were easily reinforced by steel rods and allowed his designs to resemble elements from the environment. because of his rheumatism, the artist observed a strict vegetarian diet, used homeopathic drug therapy, underwent water therapy, and hiked regularly. long walks, besides suppressing his rheumatism, further allowed him to experience nature. gaudí loved for his work to be created by nature as he used concrete leaves and vine windows to create his ideas for him, so his work is not just because of him but because of nature as well.



最后更新: 2010-10-06
使用频率: 1


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