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pos malaysia has maid protection insurance?



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contoh surat kuasa kepada pos malaysia


sample letter to the pos malaysia

最后更新: 2015-02-26
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


sebelum ini tular di media sosial mengenai seorang posmen yang sedih dan terduduk ketika hujan selepas selesai menghantar surat apabila dimaklumkan tiada pembayaran bonus buat kakitangan pos malaysia tahun ini.


the management at that time gave a solution where it tried to consider the cash flow situation but because of financial problems the company was not allowed to provide cash flow to give bonuses to employees

最后更新: 2023-09-30
使用频率: 2

参考: 匿名


disaster preparedness systems channel disaster information between the root causes of the thousands of trapped flood victims. until now, malaysia has not had a natural disaster information distribution system.


sistem kesiapsiagaan bencana menyalurkan maklumat bencana antara punca ribuan mangsa banjir terperangkap. sehingga kini, malaysia tidak mempunyai sistem penyaluran maklumat bencana alam.

最后更新: 2022-03-28
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


hello goodg, ini adalah laporan filas yang sangat baik. saya ingin bertanya kepada anda kumpulan anda yang menunjukkan tiga fakta yang menyebabkan rasa tidak puas hati dengan pelanggan dan pekerja, jika pos malaysia tidak mendengar rayuan dan pendapat pelanggan dan pekerja, dan mereka terus melakukan dengan cara mereka sendiri, apa yang akan berlaku kemudian?


hello goodg, this is a very good filas report. i would like to ask you which your group pointed out the three facts that cause dissatisfaction with customers and workers, if pos malaysia does not listen to the appeals and opinions of customers and workers, and they continue to do their own way, what will happen then?

最后更新: 2021-12-02
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i hardly share what happens at work but today i am feeling extremely frustrated & drained. my nurse took this picture at 4am today while we were waiting for a baby to be delivered. this is me 😪 i was having a challenging call to begin with as there were few really ill babies keeping my team & i busy all night. we were working continously from 8am in the morning (the day before). at 3am , we received this call asking us to 'standby' for a baby who is going to be delivered via c-section. standby is when the paediatric team is present at birth to ensure resuscitation is done if required & the baby is okay post delivery. when a patient goes in for a c-sec operation, a minimum of 10-15 doctors/staff is needed just to run the operation theater & conduct the procedure smoothly. (personnel include those from the anaesthetic, obstetric & paediatrics team). ideally we don't favour operations being done at 4am as we have less functioning doctors & staff working at this time. if there are emergencies that occur then, there is less help available & everything becomes more stressful. however, if a baby is in distress or the mother is unwell, then yes - it is an indication to proceed for an emergency c-section regardless of time. this however was'nt entirely the cause for todays 3am c-section. todays operation took place because the mother delivering was a 'probably covid-19 patient'. her covid rtk screening test came back positive. when we asked her how was this possible, her reply was that she went 'visiting/travelling' during raya. her relatives were unwell & yet she 'chose' to visit them. she 'chose' to go to their houses, not wear masks continously, not maintain distance & basically not follow proper sop. it didn't stop there. she came back home & wasn't feeling too well, however she still had relatives/friends come over to her own house for 'visiting'. it frustrates me that throughout this ordeal, she couldn't spare 2 minutes to think about how this affects her unborn 'baby'. forget thinking about us frontliner strangers but she didn't realise that if she is covid positive, it changes her entire delivery experience. if she is positive, her baby will have to be isolated from her once delivered, undergo a series of tests & swabs just hours after being born. if her baby tests positive, she didn't think of the possible harm she could brought to her child. she didn't think of the amount of resources that will be used just to facilitate her one delivery because of her lack of consideration to follow sop. zero consideration was given, zero awareness was present. at this point, it's extremely tiring & demotivating. it is tiring when you feel you have to fight this battle alone & some 'people' (rakyat) are least bothered to think & play their role in this. they are least bothered to help you fight this & flatten the curve. they rather listen to fake news, disregard sop, lie to cross borders & in result continue spreading the virus. today malaysia has hit 7k cases (highest number ever) & this is why. it is because there is zero awareness & consideration from some. at this point despite 2 weeks of mco, cases are still rising. we can't do this alone, we will fail if you don't do your part. to everyone reading this, i beg you - please do your part 😢 #kitajagakita #tolonglahdudukrumah #pleasefollowsop #vaccinateyourself


最后更新: 2021-05-27
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


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