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don quijote

Last Update: 2012-02-21
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


and quixote.



Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


as don quixote said, if someone is punished through actions, they do not need to be punished through words.


aşa cum spunea don quijote, dacă pedepsim ceva prin acţiuni, nu mai este nevoie să pedepsim şi prin cuvinte.

Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Wikipedia


on the other hand, don quixote long ago paid the penalty for wrongly imagining that knight errantry was compatible with all economic forms of society.


pe de altă parte, pînă şi don quijotei) a plătit scump greşeala de a-i fi considerat pe cavalerii rătăcitori compatibili cu toate formele economice ale societăţii.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


we must also have the humility to accept the advice that don quixote gave to sancho panza when he recommended humility in his fantasy about governing the isle of barataria.


trebuie însă să avem şi smerenia de a accepta sfatul pe care i l-a dat don quijote lui sancho panza atunci când i-a recomandat să fie umil în fantezia sa referitoare la guvernarea insulei barataria.

Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Wikipedia


grand closing event “don quixote – made in romania”: this timeless story has been reinterpreted by dan puric.


marele eveniment de închidere „don quijote – made in romania”: această poveste nemuritoare a fost reinterpretată de dan puric.

Last Update: 2017-04-28
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


the old structures that we have had up to now remind me somewhat of don quixote's beautiful horse, rosinante, which thought it was a racehorse.


vechile structuri pe care le-am avut până acum îmi amintesc întrucâtva de frumoasa iapă a lui don quijote, rosinanta, pe care el o credea cal de curse.

Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Wikipedia


spain issued one in 2005 to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of the 1st edition of don quixote de la mancha and finland issued one in 2006 to mark the 100th anniversary of universal and equal suffrage for men and women.


spania a emis o monedă în 2005 pentru a comemora cea de-a 400-a aniversare a primei ediţii a cărţii don quixote de la mancha, iar finlanda a emis o monedă în 2006 pentru a marca a 100-a aniversare a sufragiului universal şi egal pentru bărbaţi şi femei.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


"==select works==* "the man within" (début – 1929)* "stamboul train" (1932) (also published as "orient express" in the u.s.)* "it's a battlefield" (1934)* "england made me" (also published as "the shipwrecked") (1935)* "a gun for sale" (1936)* "journey without maps" (1936)* "brighton rock" (1938)* "the lawless roads" (1939) (also published as "another mexico" in the u.s.)* "the confidential agent" (1939)* "the power and the glory" (1940)* "the ministry of fear" (1943)* "the heart of the matter" (1948)* "the third man" (1949)* "the end of the affair" (1951)* "twenty-one stories" (1954) (short stories)* "loser takes all" (1955)* "the quiet american" (1955)* "the potting shed" (1956)* "our man in havana" (1958)* "a burnt-out case" (1960)* "the comedians" (1966)* "travels with my aunt" (1969)* "the honorary consul" (1973)* "the human factor" (1978)* "doctor fischer of geneva" (1980)* "monsignor quixote" (1982)* "the tenth man" (1985)* "the last word" (1990) (short stories)==references==;bibliography*bosco, mark, 2005.


== bibliografie selectivă ==* "the man within" (1929)* "stamboul train" (1932)* "it's a battlefield" (1934) ("un câmp de bătaie")* "england made me" (1935)* "a gun for sale" (1936)* "brighton rock" (1938)* "the confidential agent" (1939)* "the power and the glory" (1940) ("puterea și gloria")* "the ministry of fear" (1943) ("ministerul groazei")* "the heart of the matter" (1948) ("esența lucrurilor")* "the third man" (1949)* "the end of the affair" (1951)* "the living room" ("camera de zi")* "twenty-one stories" (1954) (nuvele)* "loser takes all" (1955)* "the quiet american" (1955) ("americanul liniștit")* "our man in havana" (1958) ("omul nostru din havana")* "a burnt-out case" (1960) ("un caz de mutilare")* "a sense of reality" (1963) (short stories)* "the comedians" (1966) ("comedianții")* "may we borrow your husband?

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia
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