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gawok lower



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-argument con from a student’s perspective, this zoning system is not appropriate to implement, because it is seen from the uneven distribution of schools, starting from facilities, to teachers, the economy due to the impact of covid-19, and many others. this zoning system also has a higher percentage than the grades route or other routes, so that children who live far from school have a lower chance of studying in state schools. the economy will also be felt, because we know that if public schools are compared with private schools, expenses will be significantly more than private schools, starting from re-registration, monthly tuition fees, and other expenses. the downside is limited school choices. indeed, this is a dilemma because some people choose certain schools because they have a goal, for example at that school they excel because of their sports. so this will be limited. however, it can still be overcome if the quality of infrastructure and teachers can be evenly distributed.


Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-10-15
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