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is this a sausage



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der blev ikke fundet nogen information til dette sporwhat artist is this track by


non sono state trovate informazioni per questa tracciawhat artist is this track by

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


værktøjet gpgconf der bruges til at levere information til denne dialog, synes ikke at være installeret korrekt. det returnerede ikke nogen komponenter. prøv at køre "% 1" på kommandolinjen for at få mere information. translate this to 'yes' or 'no' (use the english words!) depending on whether your language uses sentence style capitalisation in gui labels (yes) or not (no). context: we get some backend strings in that have the wrong capitalizaion (in english, at least) so we need to force the first character to upper- case. it is this behaviour you can control for your language with this translation.


lo strumento gpgconf usato per fornire le informazioni per questa finestra non sembra installato correttamente. non ha restituito alcun componente. prova ad eseguire « %1 » dalla riga di comando per avere maggiori informazioni. translate this to 'yes 'or 'no' (use the english words!) depending on whether your language uses sentence style capitalisation in gui labels (yes) or not (no). context: we get some backend strings in that have the wrong capitalizaion (in english, at least) so we need to force the first character to upper-case. it is this behaviour you can control for your language with this translation.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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