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but he is caring and is always in a good mood



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but it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when i am present with you.


dit is goed as daar altyd geywer word in 'n goeie saak en nie alleen wanneer ek by julle teenwoordig is nie,

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2012-05-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


but madam refused earlier i was in a bad mood earlier, now i'm in a good mood


omdat die meester tronktoe is? stil! as hy weg is, kan jy gaan!

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 7


i remember watching a video of him and the other members last performance in the united states in 2019 , jungkook collapsed due to tiredness in the back stage. the members were telling him to that he must stop and rest for a while but he refused and said that since this is his last performance this year and that he won't be able to see his fans in the united states , he would rather sacrifice his body for his fans . he is always showing love to his fans


ek kan onthou dat ek 'n video van hom en die ander lede se laaste optrede in 2019 in amerika gesien het, jungkook het in duie gestort weens moegheid. die lede het vir hom gesê dat hy 'n rukkie moet stop en rus, maar hy het geweier en gesê dat aangesien dit sy laaste optrede hierdie jaar is en dat hy nie sy aanhangers in die verenigde state sal kan sien nie, hy eerder sal wil opoffer sy liggaam vir sy aanhangers. hy betoon altyd liefde vir sy aanhangers

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-02-18
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


many of us have role models in our lives and to most people role models are athletes and movie stars, but to me a role model is much more. to me a role model is a person who has positively influenced someone in life, and is not a person filled with selfishness and greed. they help shape someone’s personality, and characteristics. they are people who someone can look up to for advice in a hard situation, and know that they will give those words of wisdom. they will never judge our past actions, instead only look to help because they really care. a role model is someone who we should never feel awkward talking to about our problems. a perfect role model for me is my mother. she is a wonderful human being. she’s smart, wise, ambitious, patient and such a loving person. there are no words that can describe my gratitude towards her, but through this essay i will describe some of her characteristics that makes her my role model. to begin with, i would like to describe my mom’s ambition. she wakes up every morning with the positive attitude, and a smile on her face. she is always searching for ways to improve her persona, and live a happier life. about five years ago my mother, my sister and i moved from ukraine here to the united states. the first year in the united states was tough for us because we did not know english, however, we all worked hard and today we speak english fairly well. since we moved from ukraine, my mom has worked really hard to give my sister and i the lifestyle we have. my mom’s ambition to succeed in life has allowed her to grow into a wonderful person full of kindness and knowledge. ambition is a great virtue to have, and that is one reason why my mother is my role model. my mother is a hard worker, she never... ... middle of paper ... ...mportant person in my life and i know that she will be always there for me with help, her love, and her care. she’s a wonderful person, she admires the beauty of life, and as a result she is always in a good mood. now, like my mother, i’m a positive thinker, and i am a creative person who believes life is what you create it to be. i also know if i have to make any big decisions in my life, i can always ask my mom for advice because she has the wisdom and experience.


many of us have role models in our lives and to most people role models are athletes and movie stars, but to me a role model is much more. to me a role model is a person who has positively influenced someone in life, and is not a person filled with selfishness and greed. they help shape someone’s personality, and characteristics. they are people who someone can look up to for advice in a hard situation, and know that they will give those words of wisdom. they will never judge our past actions, instead only look to help because they really care. a role model is someone who we should never feel awkward talking to about our problems. a perfect role model for me is my mother. she is a wonderful human being. she’s smart, wise, ambitious, patient and such a loving person. there are no words that can describe my gratitude towards her, but through this essay i will describe some of her characteristics that makes her my role model. to begin with, i would like to describe my mom’s ambition. she wakes up every morning with the positive attitude, and a smile on her face. she is always searching for ways to improve her persona, and live a happier life. about five years ago my mother, my sister and i moved from ukraine here to the united states. the first year in the united states was tough for us because we did not know english, however, we all worked hard and today we speak english fairly well. since we moved from ukraine, my mom has worked really hard to give my sister and i the lifestyle we have. my mom’s ambition to succeed in life has allowed her to grow into a wonderful person full of kindness and knowledge. ambition is a great virtue to have, and that is one reason why my mother is my role model. my mother is a hard worker, she never... ... middle of paper ... ...mportant person in my life and i know that she will be always there for me with help, her love, and her care. she’s a wonderful person, she admires the beauty of life, and as a result she is always in a good mood. now, like my mother, i’m a positive thinker, and i am a creative person who believes life is what you create it to be. i also know if i have to make any big decisions in my life, i can always ask my mom for advice because she has the wisdom and e xperience.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-09-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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