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if i saw a pitbull without a leash on the streets



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when i opened the door i saw a lots of money laying on the floor in front of the door


toe ek die deur oopmaak

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-02-20
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


it was the first time i went to kruger national park and we saw monkey playing on the trees and a lion hunting zebra and i saw a big crocodile on the water


dit was die eerste keer dat ek na die krugerwildtuin gegaan het, en ons het 'n aap sien speel op die bome en 'n leeu wat op 'n sebra jag, en ek het 'n groot krokodil op die water gesien

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-09-02
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


i saw a car and a bicycle clash together.the person who was on the bicycle fell down and it looked like his ribs were broken and was badly injured. there was blood everywhere. though the car driver looked fine. people were shocked and came to check on him while others called the ambulance.


ek het 'n motor en 'n fietsbotsing gesien. die persoon wat op die fiets was, het geval en dit het gelyk of sy ribbes gebreek het en erg beseer is. daar was oral bloed. al lyk die motorbestuurder goed. mense was geskok en het hom gekyk terwyl ander die ambulans gebel het.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2019-01-30
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


the experience that i will never forget started out to be pretty dull until i met someone who was a huge role model to me, this person who's name is jed is a worldwide known celebrity even though he says he is not one but he is to many, so one morning i went to the mall in my area and saw a crowd but i thought it was nothing important to me so i went to buy bread and stuff for my mother as i come out the shop the crowd is still there, me on the other hand has become curious so i went up to the crowd and asked one of the people standing in the crowd what's going on that person says to its b boy jed dancing and quickly thought of jed the one and only 3 times world champion to win break dancing competition's in the whole world so i went up to him but off course the security won't let me close to him he saw that i had to say something to him he tells his guard's to let me close to him but at the time he was busy break dancing and stopped asked me if i want something i tell him that he's my role model and says to me well its good to be someone's role model so i asked him if he could sign my hip hop born again pants and signed it. at that moment i thought to myself wow this is a celebrity i'm talking to and said it to him but told me is ain't one he is just trying to make ubuntu well known to show the world on how much he cares for the ghettos and for the youth but at that moment i felt so happy that i could meet one of my role models and decided that the day i met jed is the day i would never forget, the experience was great i couldn't of asked for a better day then that


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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2019-01-20
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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