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my negative trait is that i bite my nails



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the truth is that i am very well in that residence.


maar eintlik is ek baie gelukkig daar.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 7


my only regret is that i didn't put 20 francs on the mantelpiece the first time.


marie is jaloers op jou sy kan dit nie verdra dat jy 'n beter komponis as hare kan kry nie

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 7


my biggest dream is that i want to go to durban and see many places i want to have my own money so that i can buy my family a big house


my biggest dream is that i want to go to durban and see many places i want to have my own money so that i can buy my family a big house

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-02-01
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that i may know how frail i am.


here, maak my einde aan my bekend en wat die maat van my dae is; laat my weet hoe verganklik ek is.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2012-11-16
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


my future plans for next 10 years is that i wanna go to wits university and study sports management and create my professional football club so that i could help a lot of upcoming youth to avoid substance and and help keeping them away from dangerous


my toekomsplanne vir die volgende 10 jaar is dat ek na die universiteit wil gaan en sportbestuur wil studeer en my professionele sokkerklub kan skep sodat ek baie komende jeug kan help om substansie te vermy

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-04-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


this is an incident that i can relate to as to why my cellphone is so important to me is that on the 7 december 2016, my aunt and i where alone at home and around 10 am my aunt fell ill and i did not know what was wrong with so i contacted our family doctor to come attend to my aunty


dit is 'n voorval wat ek kan meedeel waarom my selfoon so belangrik vir my is, dat die tannie en ek tuis was en tuis was om 10:00, het my tannie siek geword en ek het nie geweet wat was verkeerd met so het ek ons familie dokter gekontak om te kom kyk na my tannie

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2019-01-26
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


the day i will never forget is also the best day i ever had.the funny thing is that i did not remember much about,all i remember is that i slept in johannesburg and woke up in port elizabeth


is 'n dag wat altyd met jou beste maat s'n gebeur, en jy sal dit nooit vergeet nie.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-02-10
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Referenz: Anonym


and he said, go and spy where he is, that i may send and fetch him. and it was told him, saying, behold, he is in dothan.


en hy sê: gaan kyk waar hy is, dat ek hom kan laat vang. en daar is aan hom te kenne gegee en gesê: hy is daar in dotan.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2012-05-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


this is an incident that i can relate to as to why my cellphone is so important to me is that on the 7 december 2016, my aunt and i where alone at home and around 10 am my aunt fell ill and i did not know what was wrong with so i contacted our family doctor to come attend to my aunty. this actually saved my aunts life, were as if i did not have my phone my aunt could have been in real danger and i would have just been helpless.


dit is 'n voorval wat ek kan meedeel waarom my selfoon so belangrik vir my is, dat die tannie en ek op die 7de desember 2016 alleen by die huis was en om 10:00 het my tannie siek geword en ek het nie geweet wat was verkeerd met so het ek ons familie dokter gekontak om te kom kyk na my tannie. dit het my eintlike lewe eintlik gered, was asof ek nie my selfoon gehad het nie, my tannie kon in werklike gevaar gewees het en ek sou net hulpeloos wees.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2019-01-26
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


what i admire in life is that i can be far with my life and have a better life like the professional players like messi, neymar and other more players what inspire me is that life is simple when u follow up your dreams or to archive the goal that will change your life forever is football or other sports u are good at you can archive the reason why i choose to be a soccer player is because i am good at it and i believe that i can go far with in my life even though people say that i don't know soc


wat ek in die lewe bewonder, is dat ek ver kan wees met my lewe en 'n beter lewe kan hê soos die professionele spelers soos messi, neymar en ander meer spelers wat my inspireer is dat die lewe eenvoudig is as jy jou drome opvolg of om die doel te argiveer wat jou lewe vir altyd sal verander is sokker of ander sportsoorte jy is goed in jy kan argiveer die rede hoekom ek kies om 'n sokkerspeler te wees is omdat ek goed daarmee is en ek glo dat ek ver kan gaan in my lewe alhoewel mense sê dat ek nie weet soccer

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-10-18
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


i stood up as i heard a knock on the door i was scared to open the doorbecause what if it was someone that i did not know so i tried leaving the door is that person knocked and they kept on knocking knocking knocking they finally went away and i was relieved but then they came back and they were knocking and knocking it was even louder and it got worse it felt like they wanted to break the door offso i tried phoning my mother but she did not answer so i just decided to leave the door again and i went to the lounge and i just sit quietly and i put off the tv they went away and i finally investigated on who this person was and so i found out that it was actually my mother that was knocking at the door the entire time and i just didn't know


ek was nooit so bang nie

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-10-02
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


many of us live in housing estates. i live in one myself. the one thing about living in a housing estate is that we have many neighbours. next to my house on the right lives a family whose parents seem to be always scolding the children. i do not know them very well because they always appear angry. never a day passes without hearing the children crying and the parents shouting at the top of their voices. on the other side of my house, however, lives a very quiet and polite family. mr. verghese is a quiet man who seems to manage his family very well. though he has four children, which is one more than the other family, i never hear him scold his children. so his children never cry. what a wonderful family they are. further down the road is a family whose radio is switched on most of the time, except late at night. his immediate neighbours must have a tough time putting up with the noise of the radio. then there is a family whose members seem to live in a world of their own. many times we have met along the road and not once has any of them even nod his or her head in acknowledgement. they are not blind or deaf. yet they can walk straight past as if i am not there at all. i would not say that they are unfriendly. i guess they are simply not interested in knowing their neighbours. on the opposite side of the road live mr. lim and his family. mr. lim is a bird-collector. so everyday a dozen or more birds sing melodious tunes right beneath his front porch. it is preferable to the blare of the other neighbour's radio. however the bird droppings can give off an awful stench. these are some of the neighbours living near me. there are others that i have yet to meet. however i am careful not to intrude on their privacy. the friendly ones smile or raise their hands. the not-so-friendly ones look away. i have to live among them, friendly or not.


afrikaans opstel

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 3

Referenz: Anonym

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