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you in india or where you working



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where you working


Letzte Aktualisierung: 2023-08-22
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


i love you in india


tumi ki india te esecho

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-05-05
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


you never know whom you will encounter along the road, what you are going to eat or where you will end up sleeping.


আপনি জানেন না রাস্তায় কার সাথে দেখা হবে, কি আপনি খাবেন আর কোথায় আপনি ঘুমাবেন।

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-02-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


you can see many other videos made by youngsters at adobe youth voices, where you can search by location and learn not only about life in india, but also about youth in senegal and south africa, as well as the us, canada and england.


আপনারা এ্যাডোব ইয়োথ ভয়েসের তরুণ তারকাদের তোলা এ রকম আরো অনেক ভিডিও দেখতে পাবেন। সেখানে আপনারা এলাকাভিত্তিক খোঁজ করে যে কেবল ভারতের উপর শিক্ষা লাভ করতে পারবেন তা নয়, সেনেগাল, দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকা এবং যথারীতি আমেরিকা, কানাডা এবং ইংল্যান্ডের বিষয়েও জানতে পারবেন।

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-02-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


o descendants of adam , beware ! do not let satan put you in trial the way he removed your parents from paradise and had their garments removed so that their shame become visible to them ; indeed he and his tribe see you from where you do not see them ; indeed we have made the devils the friends of those who do not believe .


হে আদম-সন ্ তানগণ ! শয়তান যেন তোমাদের কিছুতেই প ্ রলোভিত না করে , যেমন সে তোমাদের পিতামাতাকে বের করে দিয়েছিল এই বাগান থেকে , তাদের থেকে তাদের পোশাক ছিন ্ ন ক ’ রে , যেন সে তাদের দেখাতে পারে তাদের লজ ্ জা । নিঃসন ্ দেহ সে তোমাদের দেখে -- সে ও তার কাফেলা , যেখান থেকে তোমরা তাদের দেখতে পাও না । নিঃসন ্ দেহ আমরা শয়তানকে বানিয়েছি তাদের অভিভাবক যারা বিশ ্ বাস করে না ।

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-02
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


why it is celebrated this festival is celebrated in the memory of lord jagannath. he is one of the ten incarnation of vishnu. fifteen days after his annual bath, he is brought out. he is placed on a car with his elder brother, balbhadra, and his sister, subhadra. the sacred car of rath is then drawn to ganga boro. here jagannath rests for a week. the worshippers continue to shower their offerings on the lord for a week. the punarjatra or the return of jagannath comes after a week. then he come back to his own temple. the description of rath the rath itself is a curious thing. it is the specimen of old chariot-making. it is generally made of wood. its turrets are like those of a church. it has a covering of gold and silver. it has all sorts of paintings and wooden figures all about it. it is 13.7 meters high and 10.7 meters square. it has sixteen wheels. each wheel is 2.13 meters in diameter. the rath is shown as being drawn by horses. but it is actually drawn by men with the help of ropes tied to it. period of celebration the rath yatra festival lasts for seven days. it begins from the day when the lord leaves his temple. it continues to the day of his return. this period passes in the worship of the god in hari-sankirtan. brahmans and beggars are fed. alms are given. market scene all the hindus look forward to the day fixed for drawing of the car. thousands of people gather on either side of the road along which the cart passes. all the spectators try to get opportunity of having a darshan of the god. they struggle hard to get near the car (rath) and pull it. the father take their children’s to market to buy toys. the middle aged men buy articles for domestic use. shop-keepers, small dealers and hawkers have a very good time. they earn a lot of money on this occasions. flowers plants and grafts of fruit trees have a large sale of this festivals. celebration the celebration of the rath yatra at puri are the grandest in india. thousands of pilgrims assemble on this sacred place. they come from different parts of the country. the gathering at puri on this occasions is the largest in india or perhaps in the world. conclusion the cart of lord jagannath is worthy of the temple of jagannath. it is one of the grandest specimen of ancient architecture. special police arrangements are made to check accidents. the police officers remain on the spot to direct the movements of the police.


please, specify two different languages

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-09-08
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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