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access all text spoken using synthesized speech


संश्लेषित वाक् का उपयोग करके बोले गए सभी टेक्स्ट तक पहुंचें

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-05-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


the ice cream harnesses the fluorescent properties of a jellyfish, synthesized by chinese scientists


आइस क्रीम एक जेलिफ़िश के प्रतिदीप्त गुण की उपयोगिता है, जो चीनी वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा संश्लेषित की गयी है

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-10-20
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2


provide access to graphical desktop environments via synthesized speech and / or refreshable braille


संश्लेषित वाक् और / या ताज़ा करने योग्य ब्रेल के माध्यम से आलेखीय डेस्कटॉप वातावरण के लिए पहुँच प्रदान करें .

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-05-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


several insect pheromones have been synthesized , and techniques for determination of nutrients in soils developed .


अनेक कीट फरमोनों को तैयार किया गया है और मृदा में पोषकों का पता लगाने की तकनीक विकसित की गई है ।

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-05-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


the oral traditions not only incorporated the bits of knowledge , wisdom and instruction from the sacred literatures , but also reinterpreted and synthesized them with the local tradition into a harmonious whole .


इस मौखिक परंपरा मे पठित ग्रंथों के ज्ञान तथा शिक्षा के कुछ स्फुट अंशमात्र ही सन्निहित नहीं थे वरन् उनमें उन सबकी पुनर्व्याख्या तथा स्थानीय परंपरा के साथ समंजित करके समग्र रूप में एक सुसंगत प्रस्तुतीकरण भी था ।

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-05-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


insulin is synthesized in the beta cells of pancreas in the form of preproinsulin which is the ultimate precursor and gene for the same is located on chromosome 11 close to that for insulin-like growth factor-2


इंसुलिन को प्रीवेइनसुलिन के रूप में अग्न्याशय के बीटा कोशिकाओं में संश्लेषित किया जाता है जो कि अंतिम अग्रदूत होता है और इसके लिए जीन क्रोमोसोम 11 पर स्थित होता है जो इंसुलिन जैसी वृद्धि कारक -2 के निकट होता है

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-04-12
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


duchenne muscular dystrophy, a severe type of muscle weakness that usually begins at an early age and worsens quickly, may soon have a new strategy of treatment through genetic regulation. there is no known cure for duchenne muscular dystrophy. treatments usually aim to control symptoms to improve quality of life. sandeep eswarappa, assistant professor indian institute of science (iisc), bengaluru one of the 21 recipients of this year’s swarnajayanti fellowship of the department of science and technology (dst), government of india proposes to supress the disease-causing premature stop codon or the genetic process that initiates these diseases. he is trying to bring about the suppression through translational readthrough, a gene regulatory principle found in humans, yeasts, bacteria and drosophila which takes place with the variation of the genetic code. prof. sandeep’s group has been developing strategies to induce translational readthrough across genetic diseases caused by non-sense mutations --a change in dna that causes a protein to terminate or end its translation earlier than expected. they were successful in achieving this in vitro in case of thalassemia and are working on other disease models. this research work has been published in the scientific journal ‘biochemistry’ recently. with the swarna jayanti fellowship, they will extend it to duchenne muscular dystrophy. if successful, this project may lead to novel therapeutics for the treatment of genetic diseases like thalassemia, duchenne muscular dystrophy, haemophilia. in case of any protein formation genetic information present in the genome is first transcribed into an mrna, which in turn is translated into a protein. protein synthesis or translation is executed by macromolecular machinery called ribosomes. ribosomes start this process at a specific location on an mrna called ‘start codon’ and terminate at a stop signal called ‘stop codon’. in case of diseases with nonsense mutations, such mutations result in premature stop signal in mrna often resulting in non-functional truncated protein. prof. sandeep eswarappa’s laboratory at iisc has shown that in certain mrnas, under certain conditions, translating ribosomes misread the stop signal and continue till they encounter another stop signal. in this translational readthrough process, a longer protein is synthesized with an extension. this extension might change the properties of the protein. the experiments carried out by his group have revealed that such long proteins can have different localization, stability and function. “the knowledge we have already gained from our experiment have opened an unexpected avenue to treat genetic diseases caused by non-sense mutations like duchenne muscular dystrophy, haemophilia and so on,” said prof. sandeep.


duchenne muscular dystrophy, a severe type of muscle weakness that usually begins at an early age and worsens quickly, may soon have a new strategy of treatment through genetic regulation. there is no known cure for duchenne muscular dystrophy. treatments usually aim to control symptoms to improve quality of life. sandeep eswarappa, assistant professor indian institute of science (iisc), bengaluru one of the 21 recipients of this year’s swarnajayanti fellowship of the department of science and technology (dst), government of india proposes to supress the disease-causing premature stop codon or the genetic process that initiates these diseases. he is trying to bring about the suppression through translational readthrough, a gene regulatory principle found in humans, yeasts, bacteria and drosophila which takes place with the variation of the genetic code. prof. sandeep’s group has been developing strategies to induce translational readthrough across genetic diseases caused by non-sense mutations --a change in dna that causes a protein to terminate or end its translation earlier than expected. they were successful in achieving this in vitro in case of thalassemia and are working on other disease models. this research work has been published in the scientific journal ‘biochemistry’ recently. with the swarna jayanti fellowship, they will extend it to duchenne muscular dystrophy. if successful, this project may lead to novel therapeutics for the treatment of genetic diseases like thalassemia, duchenne muscular dystrophy, haemophilia. in case of any protein formation genetic information present in the genome is first transcribed into an mrna, which in turn is translated into a protein. protein synthesis or translation is executed by macromolecular machinery called ribosomes. ribosomes start this process at a specific location on an mrna called ‘start codon’ and terminate at a stop signal called ‘stop codon’. in case of diseases with nonsense mutations, such mutations result in premature stop signal in mrna often resulting in non-functional truncated protein. prof. sandeep eswarappa’s laboratory at iisc has shown that in certain mrnas, under certain conditions, translating ribosomes misread the stop signal and continue till they encounter another stop signal. in this translational readthrough process, a longer protein is synthesized with an extension. this extension might change the properties of the protein. the experiments carried out by his group have revealed that such long prote “the knowledge we have already gained from our experiment have opened an unexpected avenue to treat genetic diseases caused by non-sense mutations like duchenne muscular dystrophy, haemophilia and so on,” said prof. sandeep.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-03-15
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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