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4) end tab, if used, shall be removed upon completion and cooling of the weld and the ends of the weld shall be made smooth and flush with the abutting parts. 5) after welding is completed, temporary bolt holes shall be plugged with steel, welded and ground smooth. 6) steel backing, if used, shall be made continuous to the full length of the weld, and need not be removed unless otherwise specified. 7) weld near or around equipment shall only be done with proper grounding to eliminate damage to equipment. such damage includes that to bearing and electronic equipment. 8) copper burn shall be avoided 9) welding machines must be calibrated or verification periodically (min. 6 month below 0°c, the base metal shall be preheated to at least 20°c and be maintained during welding. 6.3.7. welding general 1) arc strikes outside the area of permanent welds shall be avoided on any base metal 2) before welding over previously deposited metal, all slag shall be removed and the weld and adjacent base metal shall be brushed clean 3) end tab shall be used for grove welds in a manner that will ensure sound welds. 4) end tab, if used,


* jika suhu logam dasar di bawah 0 ° c, logam dasar harus dipanaskan terlebih dahulu hingga setidaknya 20 ° c dan dipertahankan selama pengelasan. 6.3.7. pengelasan umum 1) serangan busur di luar area lasan permanen harus dihindari pada logam tidak mulia 2) sebelum pengelasan pada logam yang disimpan sebelumnya, semua terak harus dilepas dan lasan dan logam dasar yang berdekatan harus disikat bersih 3) tab ujung harus digunakan untuk lasan grove dengan cara yang akan memastikan lasan suara. 4) tab akhir, jika digunakan,

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-06-29
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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