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i am full it more for me



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thank you for your friends who have said this morning, i am very happy that there are many good prayers for me who have entered 21 years, god willing, i will try to be better, the best prayers for all of you friends


terima kasih buat teman teman yang sudah mengucapkan pagi ini , senang sekali banyak doa baik untukku yang sudah masuk 21 tahun, insyaallah aku akan berusaha menjadi yang lebih baik, doa terbaik untuk kalian semua teman teman

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-07-11
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


a week ago i selected the ball to participate in the soeratin cup in banda aceh thank god i qualified and i am very happy because i am there to meet my old friend because of this selection i became many friends and more experience after a year of waiting for me to finally be able to pass this soeratin cup selection i feel very proud of myself but i remain inferior and should not be arrogant i still have to be consistent in training and i do not forget to give


seminggu yang lalu saya seleksi bola untuk mengikuti piala soeratin di banda aceh alhamdulillah saya lolos dan saya senang sekali karena saya di sana berjumpa dengan teman lama saya karena seleksi ini saya menjadi banyak teman dan lebih banyak pengalaman setalah setahun menunggu akhirnya saya bisa lolos seleksi piala soeratin ini saya sangat merasa bangga dengan diri saya tetapi saya tetap rendah diri dan tidak boleh sombong saya tetap harus konsisten dalam latihan dan saya tidak lupa untuk beribadah supaya di beri kesehatan dan keselamatan yang terpenting kita tidak boleh menyerah sebelum mencoba

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-11-02
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


the purpose of my application for this position is because i want to improve and fully provide my commitment and skills in giving birth to high quality company performance. in addition, i also have leadership traits in group assignments. i am not clumsy and easily deal with colleagues. i have experience in negotiating with external parties in transactions. it is hoped that this company provides opportunities for me to help and show good performance


tujuan saya memohon jawatan ini adalah kerana saya ingin meningkatkan dan memberikan sepenuhnya komitmen dan kemahiran saya dalam melahirkan prestasi syarikat yang bermutu tinggi. selain itu, saya juga mempunyai sifat kepimpinan dalam tugasan berkumpulan. saya tidak kekok dan mudah berurusan dengan rakan sekerja. saya mempunyai pengalaman dalam berunding dengan pihak pihak luar dalam urusniaga. diharapkan agar syarikat ini memberi peluang kepada saya untuk bantu dan menunjukkan prestasi yang cem

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-07-11
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


hayah you are my true friend. you are always there when i'm sad and happy. you take your time for me. i am very grateful to you, my true friend


hayah kamu sehabat sejatiku. kamu selalu ada di saat aku sedih dan senang. kau luangkan waktu mu untuku. aku sangat berterimakasih buat mu sehabat sejatiku

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-12-31
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


hello my name is ucok sagala. i want to tell you about my most memorable birthday. last year is my most memorable birthday. last year i turned 20 years old. when it was my birthday i received many birthday wishes from my friends, my parents and my siblings. during the night of my birthday with my friends i gathered at my house around 10 pm. at that time i bought fish to eat with my friends. while i was sitting in front of the house my friends suddenly brought me a birthday cake. they sang to me and told me to blow out the birthday candles. it didn't stop there that i also got a birthday gift from my friends. my parents and my siblings also participated in celebrating my birthday. after that we grilled the fish together in front of my house. after the grilled fish was cooked we ate together. we sang stories until we forgot it was morning. the next day, it turned out that i still got a surprise from my friends. my friends told me to look at the big box behind my door but i was completely unconscious and didn't know i was going to have another birthday surprise. i am very happy because my birthday is simple but makes me happy. with the funny behavior of my friends. i am very happy on my birthday still surrounded by many people around me. i never forgot my birthday last year. last year, for the first time in my life, something surprised me. this is the first time i have been afraid. naturally, because so far no one has made such a surprise. between touched and happy mixed together. moved that they sincerely made this for me. happy because they made my birthday experience very memorable. thank you so much friends. maybe for some children it is normal, but for me to be honest it's the first time.


Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-03-01
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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