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net gain on disposal of subsidiaries



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loss on disposal of assets


rugi pelupusan mesin basuh

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2023-10-28
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


disposal of w


pembalakan hutan

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-04-20
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


disposal of assetspipa



Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-07-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


disposal of the buyer


pelupusan pembeli

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-11-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


disposal of movable assets


lembaga pelupusan

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-01-29
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


disposal of baby out of wedlock


membuat ibu bapa malu

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2023-04-09
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


logos of subsidiaries are to be centred above the grid line as shown here.


kawasan untuk visual dan ilustrasi

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-07-28
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


the effects of the irregular disposal of sanitary napkins cause a lot of damage to company property and employees


kesan dari pembuangan tuala wanita yang tidak teratur menyebabkan banyak kerosakan harta syarikat dan pekerja

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-04-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


as a direct consequence, untreated wastewater from different industries is being discharged into the channels around city. without advanced technology land disposal of industrial sludge can be carried out.


akibat langsung, air sisa yang tidak dirawat daripada industri yang berbeza dibuang ke saluran di sekitar bandar. tanpa teknologi canggih pelupusan tanah enap cemar industri boleh dijalankan.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-11-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


if close contact occurs during apprehension, workers should clean and disinfect their duty belt and gear prior to reuse using a household cleaning spray or wipe, and follow standard operating procedures for the containment and disposal of used ppe and for containing and laundering clothes.


jika kontak rapat berlaku semasa penangkapan, pekerja perlu membersih dan menyahkuman tali pinggang dan peralatan tugas mereka sebelum menggunakan kembali dengan semburan atau pengelap pembersih rumah, dan mengikuti prosedur operasi standard untuk pembendungan dan pelupusan ppe yang digunakan dan untuk meletak dan mencuci pakaian.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-08-25
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


this affin bank has skills in financial services where they always produce products. and they also have subsidiaries under which they hold the finances of subsidiaries under them. for example, affin islamic bank berhad affin hwang investment bank berhad and so on.


affin bank ini mempunyai kemahiran tentang financial services dimana mereka selalu menghasilkan produk. dan mereka juga mempunyai anak syarikat yang mana mereka memegang kewangan anak syarikat di bawah mereka. contohnya, affin islamic bank berhad affin hwang investment bank berhad dan sebagainya.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-10-01
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


there shall be no share in the life to come for those who sell away the covenant of allah and their oaths for a trivial gain. on the day of resurrection allah will neither address them, look at them, nor will he purify them. a painful chastisement lies ahead of them.


sesungguhnya orang-orang yang mengutamakan keuntungan dunia yang sedikit dengan menolak janji allah dan mencabuli sumpah mereka, mereka tidak akan mendapat bahagian yang baik pada hari akhirat, dan allah tidak akan berkata-kata dengan mereka dan tidak akan memandang kepada mereka pada hari kiamat, dan tidak akan membersihkan mereka (dari dosa), dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


the environmental conservation on global scale has been widely recognised and understands by the company. toyota believes in providing products which are safe and clean. development of the proactive policies of the company lead ensures the environmental development performance through earth charter and environmental action plan of toyota. during the developing a car like designing, production, customer usage and finally the disposal of product all these issues of environmental are consider to be


pemuliharaan alam sekitar pada skala global telah diiktiraf secara meluas dan difahami oleh syarikat. toyota percaya dalam menyediakan produk yang selamat dan bersih. pembangunan dasar proaktif yang diketuai syarikat memastikan prestasi pembangunan alam sekitar melalui piagam bumi dan pelan tindakan alam sekitar toyota. semasa membangunkan kereta seperti reka bentuk, pengeluaran, penggunaan pelanggan dan akhirnya pelupusan produk semua isu alam sekitar ini dianggap

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


b. lack of monitoring on the management of buyback/trade in old kiosks where payment from vendors of ssdm sdn bhd to the epf amounting to rm54,900 has not been received for the disposal of 183 old kiosks with a delay of up to eight (8) months as at the audit date.


b. kurang pemantauan ke atas pengurusan buyback /trade in kiosk lama di mana bayaran daripada vendor ssdm sdn bhd kepada kwsp berjumlah rm54,900 masih belum diterima untuk pelupusan 183 kiosk lama dengan kelewatan sehingga lapan (8) bulan setakat tarikh auditan.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-01-16
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


the motive for the investment the motive for a foreign investment is crucial in determining how linkages and externalities develop. there are four main motives for investment: 1) seek natural resources; 2) seek new markets; 3) restructure existing foreign production; and 4) seek new strategic assets [narula and dunning, 2000]. these can be placed into two categories. the first category includes the first three motives: asset-exploiting, to generate economic rent by using existing firm-specific assets. the second category is the fourth motive: asset-augmenting, to acquire new assets that protect or enhance existing assets. in general, developing countries are unlikely to attract the second category of fdi; they primarily attract the first category. the relative importance of each motive partly reflects the stage of economic development [narula and dunning, 2000; narula, 1996, 2004]. least developed countries would tend to have mainly resource-seeking fdi and countries at the catching-up stage mostly market-seeking fdi. efficiency-seeking investments, with the most stringent capability needs, will tend to focus on the more industrialised developing economies (though three or four decades ago they went to countries with relatively low capabilities, e.g. the electronics industry in southeast asia in the 1970s). not all affiliates offer the same spillovers to host economies. a sales office, for instance, may have a high turnover and employ many people, but its technological spillovers will be limited relative to a manufacturing facility. likewise, resource-seeking activities like mining tend to be capital intensive and provide fewer spillovers compared to market-seeking manufacturing fdi. during import substitution, most mnes set up miniature replicas of their facilities at home, though many functions were not reproduced (they were ‘truncated’). the extent of truncation, however, varied by host country. the most important determinants of truncation – and thus the scope of activities and competence of the subsidiary – were market size and local industrial capabilities [dunning and narula, 2004]. countries with small markets and weak local industries had the most truncated subsidiaries, often only single-activity subsidiaries (sales and marketing or natural resource extraction). larger countries with domestic technological capacity (such as brazil and india) had the least truncated subsidiaries, often with research and development departments. with liberalisation, mne strategies on affiliate competence and scope have changed in four ways [dunning and narula, 2004]. first, there has been investment in new affiliates. second, there has been sequential investment in upgrading existing subsidiaries. third, there has been some downgrading of subsidiaries, whereby mnes have divested in response to location advantages elsewhere or reduced the level of competence and scope of subsidiaries. do we need a new agenda? 451 fourth, there has been some redistribution of ownership as the result of privatisation or acquisitions of local private firms. in many, but certainly not all, cases this also led to a downgrading of activities. mnes are taking advantage of liberalisation to concentrate production capacity in a few locations, exploiting scale and agglomeration economies, favourable location and strong capabilities. some miniature replicas have been downgraded to sales and marketing affiliates, with fewer opportunities for spillovers. countries that receive fdi with the highest potential for capability development are, ironically, those with strong domestic absorptive capacities. the article by lorentzen and barnes on south africa shows that domestic capacity – in the form of infrastructure or an efficient domestic industrial sector – is a primary determinant of high competence affiliates. they base their analysis on eight case studies in the south african automotive sector, and show that indigenous firms can compete with mnes, and – given the appropriate domestic capabilities and infrastructure – can maintain and improve their competitive advantages through indigenous innovation. like south africa, other countries have succeeded in attracting such fdi, notably mexico and the caribbean basin [eclac, 2000, 2001; mortimore, 2000]. in addition to providing a threshold level of domestic capabilities and infrastructure, these countries have invested in developing their knowledge base (although to a lesser extent in the case of mexico). mortimore [2000] argues that much of this fdi has created export platforms for mnes with limited benefits for the host countries [eclac, 2001]. this is a point reiterated by mytelka and barclay here in the case of trinidad, where fdi has not been leveraged to develop the skills and capabilities of local downstream and supporting firms. the state has largely failed to act as a facilitator to stimulate and support domestic absorptive capacities and linkages with mne affiliates. mne linkages fdi transfers technology to local firms in four ways: backward linkages, labour turnover, horizontal linkages and international technology spillovers. studies of backward linkages have identified various determinants, including those internal to mnes and those associated with host economies. the ability of the host economy to benefit from mne linkages has been found to depend crucially on the relative technological capabilities of recipient and transmitter: the greater the distance between them, the lower the intensity of linkages. again, mne motives and strategies matter. domestic market oriented affiliates generally purchase more locally than export-oriented firms because of lower quality requirements and technical specifications [reuber et al., 1973; altenburg, 2000]. mne affiliates are more likely to be integrated with host countries where they source relatively simple inputs [ganiatsos, 2000; carillo,



Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-10-10
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 13

Referenz: Wikipedia

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