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he owned his success to both ability and industry



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he owes his success to his parents.


ele deve seu sucesso a seus pais.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-01
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


at the age of 13, he owned his first camera.


aos 13 anos, teve a sua primeira máquina.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


bender reports his success to the scammers, who then erase the time code and the virus.


bender relata o seu sucesso, e os golpistas apagam o código de tempo e o vírus de obediência.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


he owned his own record label trauma records, which was associated with interscope.


ele surpreendeu a gravadora, sendo o responsável pelo novo contrato com a interscope records.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


despite his outstanding victory, greg plans to initially keep quiet about his success to his friends and relatives in canada.


apesar de sua excelente vitória, greg planeja manter inicialmente o silêncio sobre seu sucesso a seus amigos e parentes no canadá.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


you have been limited in both ability and expression, and not encouraged to develop your latent talents.


tendes sido limitados na vossa capacidade e na vossa expressão, e não sois encorajados a desenvolver os vossos talentos latentes.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


because of this, vocational training policy is being related to both youth-training policy and industry and technology policy.


dessa forma, foi reduzido o problema das «falsas» formações — em que não é possível encontrar aplicação no mercado de trabalho para as qualificações obtidas através da educação.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


however, where the products in question are obtained from privately owned forest, the owners should be encouraged to conclude longterm supply agreements with the industries concerned since this would offer security to both owners and industry.


contudo, na medida em que os produtos em causa são principalmente originários das propriedades florestais privadas, estais deveriam ser inci­ tadas a celebrar com as indústrias interessadas acordos de entrega a prazo que representariam uma dupla segurança v para os proprietários e para os industriais.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


equally, for the conglomerate eects based on various bundling practices, the cfi required the commission to prove both ability and interest of the merged entity to engage in mixed bundling.


da mesma forma, no que diz respeito aos efeitos de conglomerado baseados em diferentes práticas de vendas de produtos por pacotes, o tpi considerou que a comissão devia provar que a entidade decorrente da concentração teria capacidade e interesse em praticar vendas mistas de produtos por pacotes.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


but creating a niche market requires both ability and financial resources, the demand for consumer services being very sensitive to economic fluctuations. fluctuations.


ora, criar um nicho de mercado exige ao mesmo tempo competência e recursos financeiros, uma vez que a procura de serviços pelos consumidores é muito sensível às f l flutuações económicas.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


for each project and for each client we are committed to find the best teams and the best staff and we are sure that doing that is the key of success and we do make a point of every project being a reference and success to both our clients and teams.


para cada projecto e para cada cliente comprometemo-nos a encontrar as melhores equipas e o melhor staff. estamos seguros de que esta é a chave do sucesso e fazemos questão de que cada projecto se torne uma referência para os nossos clientes e equipas.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


the conference is thus aiming to bring together many international experts from universities and industry to examine these issues in relation to both initial and advanced engineering training and to the field of continuing education.


o que ela própria queria que fosse uma missão "coroada de grande sucesso" foi igualmente uma demonstração original de como os subsídios da comunidade para visitas do pessoal do ensino superior podem ser bem aproveitados pelo pessoal administrativo e não apenas pelos professores e investigadores que, até ao presente, têm constituído o grupo mais numeroso de candidatos. didatos.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung


==assessment==choiseul possessed both ability and diligence, and though lacking in tenacity, he showed foresight and liberality in his direction of affairs.


choiseul possuia tanto habilidade quanto diligência e, apesar de certa falta de tenacidade, demonstrou visão e liberalidade na direção dos negócios.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


collaboration between academic institutions and industry is beneficial to both sides, but those doing the commissioning do not have an equal interest in all types of research.


a cooperação das universidades com as empresas é útil a ambas as partes, mas nem toda a investigação assume igual interesse para comitentes externos.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2012-03-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 4


magnus, as it turns out, owes most of his success to sebastian shaw, the leader of the hellfire club who holds nearly the entire city of new york in the palm of his hand, including the mayor, the d.a., and the police department.


magnus, como se vê, deve boa parte de seu sucesso a sebastian shaw, o líder do clube do inferno, que detém quase toda a cidade de nova york, na palma da sua mão, incluindo o prefeito, o da, e do departamento de polícia.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


support job creation by a systematic review and removal of regulatory barriers which may hamper the development of employment in services and industry; promote a more adaptable work organisation and create a regulatory framework favourable to both employment creation and productivity.


apoiar a criação de emprego por via de uma verificação e eliminação sistemática das barreiras regulamentares ao emprego nos serviços e na indústria; promover uma organização do trabalho mais flexível e criar um quadro regulamentar propício à criação de emprego e à produtividade.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2017-04-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


by offering economic agents new instruments and models based on the transformative potential of creativity and design, experimentadesign mobilizes its organizational abilities and know-how in order to benefit services and industries, both nationally and internationally.


oferecendo aos agentes económicos novos instrumentos e modelos baseados no potencial transformador do design e disciplinas criativas, a experimentadesign mobiliza as suas capacidades organizativas e know-how no sentido de beneficiar os serviços e indústrias nacionais e internacionais.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


the three factors i would attribute this success to are: firstly, the sound consensual politics pursued by governments over recent year, but particularly since 1993; secondly, the creation of the single market, which irish exporters and industry have been able to exploit and, thirdly, the operation of the structural funds since the late 1980s.


penso que este sucesso se deve a três factores.em primeiro lugar, à boa política consensual seguida pelos governos nos últimos anos, em particular, desde 1993; em segundo lugar à criação do mercado único, que as empresas exportadoras irlandesas, assim como a indústria, tiveram a oportunidade de explorar e, por último, às dotações dos fundos estruturais, desde finais da década de 80.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2008-03-04
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


disturbed body alignment and secondary changes in gait can be the conseqeuses of disease process. in addition, behavior of child and ability to exercise may also affect [6-10]. according to bar or, jia affected children have poor fitness and reduced functional capacity. there are two studies in previous literature which described the association of physical fitness with physical independence in jia patients [11,12]. focus of present study was on improvement of quality of life by the use of hydrotherapy in children with jia. according to recent research in treatment of jia, a multidisciplinary team approach is necessary for successful management of jia [3,13]. therapeutic exercises form the basis of the rehabilitation program for children with jia. physical therapy program can include all forms of exercises: range of motion exercises, isometric exercises, aquatic exercises and posture training [14,15]. there are three randomized controlled trial studies found in previously published literature describing the benefits of physical therapy in jia patients [16-18]. in the current study, effects of hydrotherapy are evaluated to explain its importance as a treatment of choice for children with jia. immersion and physical activities in warm water had been reported to reduce muscle tone and sensitization to pain thus leading to relaxation and analgesic effects on body [19-22]. but now focus has moved from temperature and immersion to other properties of water (buoyancy, friction, hydrostatic pressure). during immersion in water medium to high intensity exercise can be possible due to less weight load on lower limbs [23-26]. at the same time activity of many joints is possible in water that leads to decreased treatment time and without exaggerating the condition of affected joints exercise can be modified by using buoyancy and turbulence of water [27]. so, hydrotherapy can be very helpful in molding a positive lifestyle change for jia patients as it is safer, and physiologically sound [28]. health related quality of life is the measurement of functional independence and impact of disease on psychosocial life of child [29]. influence of hydrotherapy on health-related quality of life in jia affected children is still need to clear. so, this study was conducted to further investigate whether an aquatic training program can improve functional ability and quality of life in jia children if added to the usual medical care and physical therapy care. methodology subjects: with the help of acr classification criteria, [30] total 63 patients were recruited in this study; out of which three patients has not completely fulfilled the inclusion criteria, so sixty patients were left randomized into experimental group (n=30) and control group (n=30). conventional physical therapy was given to both of groups while only experimental group received the hydrotherapy treatment.


Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-05-01
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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