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press freedom! there are concerns about the press freedom in somalia since the national intelligence and security agency (nisa) started harassing the press in mogadishu. several media houses closed, dozens of journalists and several directors were arrested and released without charges. three journalists including the shabelle radio owner, the director of sky fm radio and a news editor. the cabinet submitted a media bill to the parliament for ratification and journalists still show concerns that the media bill will not help the press freedom but may become a tool used for censorship. the cabinet fired the head of the nisa over dispute of the latest attack on the press but that didn't help the press freedom yet. the nisa commanders of the capital warn the media from alshabab's commenting on the operation indian ocean regardless of the imbalances of the media coverage. i am writing a story about the increasing tension of the press freedom, please i need your comments in advance. i will used some of the comments in the article, if you don't want be quoted publicly please send your comment as private message. cheers.


nidaamka turjumaad lacag la'aan ah iyo toosin

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-11-10
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 3

Referenz: Anonym

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