Sie suchten nach: i would come and tuck you into bed (Englisch - Tagalog)


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i would come and tuck you into bed



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i would come with great pleasure☺️



Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-12-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


dear james, could you please organise a working trash can. i was given a broken trash can without a lid and someone replaced it with a cardboard box so dogs and other animals come and get my trash. also, could you please have someone empty my trash cans on a daily basis because my trash cans are permanently filled to the top without anyone emptying them. this worked at the beginning and then my garbage collection suddenly stopped, and nobody told me about it. please also have someone clean up the area around my trash can because there is a lot of construction trash. i would like the entire area around my garbage cans to be empty and clean, and preferably not have construction equipment there. on that note, currently, all workers are using the walkway in front of my house which is permanently dirty just moments after my staff cleans it every day. could you please have someone clean the walkway daily. also, could you please ask your construction workers to use the other walkway at ulhaq villa with the exception of your office staff and visitors, also in regard to distancing for covid so the walkway and the area directly in front of my gate is not frequented by construction workers before and after works or during breaks. all the best, olly


tielco kuryente ulit

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-08-19
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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