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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2017-05-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
soil moisture
soil moisture
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-02-22
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
ano ang moisture
ano ang kahalumigmigan
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2019-12-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
patunay sa kahalumigmigan
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-06-16
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
conserve soil moisture
moisture conservation
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-02-26
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
soil increase in moisture
kahalumigmigan ng lupas
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-01-07
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
after rinsing the hair, wipe the excess moisture from the hair, take
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2023-06-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
don't wipe a cloth seat, as the moisture can make transmission easier.
huwag punasan ang isang upuang tela, dahil maaaring gawing mas madali ang transmisyon ng kahalumigmigan.
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-08-25
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
leveaning agent are gases that cause the dough to rise in the presence of moisture heat and others the leavening agent reacts to produce gas often carbon dioxide that becomes trapped is bubbies within the dough when a dough or batter is baked it sets and the holes left try the gas bubbles remain this is what gives breads cakes and other baked goods to rise and increase in volume
leavening agent are gases that cause the dough to rise in the presence of moisture heat and others the leavening agent reacts to produce gas often carbon dioxide that becomes trapped as bubbies within the dough when a dough or batter is baked it sets and the holes left try the gas bubble s remain this is what gives breads cakes and other baked goods to rise and increase in volume
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2023-09-17
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
moisture is another major enemy of coffee. exposure to moisture can cause the coffee beans or ground coffee to go bad in a couple of hours. while storing coffee, one should keep in mind to store it in a dry place where moisture cannot seep in. there is nothing worse than stale coffee
ang kahalumigmigan ay isa pang pangunahing kaaway ng kape. ang pagkakalantad sa kahalumigmigan ay maaaring maging sanhi ng mga beans ng kape o ground coffee na maging masama sa loob ng ilang oras. habang nag-iimbak ng kape, dapat isaisip ang isa na maiimbak ito sa isang tuyong lugar kung saan hindi masisid ang kahalumigmigan. walang mas masahol pa sa lipas na kape
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-05-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
i stepped outside. it had rained all day, and i could feel the moisture in the air. for some reason, i’d always loved thunderstorms. they reminded me of nights from my childhood when my family would gather on the porch, blanketed by the safety of our house, watching the violent swirl of rain and lightning rip through the neighborhood from what seemed like a far distance. we were right in the thick of the chaos, but it didn’t feel like it. all 6 of us would stand together, silent, in awe of the powerful and destructive force of nature unfolding before our eyes, invoking a sense of peace and calm within each of us. i walked into the parking lot, heading towards my car. the air smelled like rain and it brought back that same sense of peace and calm i used to have. i felt happy. it was my second time visiting this new friend in this new town. i had parked in the same spot as last time. as i approached my parking spot, something was off. a brief moment passed that felt longer than it should have felt. i looked around, as if to second-guess the fact that i was standing here, in this spot, right now. it was gone. disappeared. my stomach dropped. a thing that i had so clearly owned had vanished. my own possession, which i had worked for and paid for, which had carried me on multiple journeys across the country, which is uniquely part of my story and mine alone, had been ripped away from me. as soon as i gained proper functioning of my senses, i concluded that one of two things had happened. either someone had broken the window, hot wired my car and driven off, or some vulture towed it as part of his job description. i’m a big believer in not over-complicating things, so i assumed the more reasonable latter. my fists were tightly clenched. i paced around with an air of haste. my sense of peace and calm had transformed in a matter of moments. i’d been in this situation before, so it wasn’t confusion that i felt. i couldn’t quite put my finger on it. i found the sign i was unconsciously looking for, and dialed the number, almost automatically. “what kind of car is it?…uhhh…yeah i’m pretty sure we have it…well i dunno for sure, i haven’t seen it…they’re closed…monday at 8:30 am………i’m in georgia, bud…8:30 monday…” i felt as if i was chained to a wall. i had nothing but my words with which to fight for what was rightfully mine, and my words didn’t matter. they shattered like sugar glass against the structure that had been imposed by some faceless voice on the phone, utterly out of my reach. if i screamed, i felt as if the sound would fade to silence no more than 2 inches from my face, reaching nobody. i felt helpless. i started walking. it was still wet. the moisture in the air felt sticky and gross. … i saw my apartment, but kept walking. i was heading for the tow company lot. initially i didn’t realize i had made up my mind, but my quickened pace told me everything i needed to know. i was not going to let somebody impose their own structure on me. i decided to take control of the situation. i was in charge of my own freedom and i wouldn’t let anybody take that away from me. it was a 30 minute walk to the lot, so i had some time to devise my plan. there would probably be fences, and they would probably be locked up with a chain. i could climb over the fence no problem; i had done so many times before. i had my snowboard and a bag of winter clothes in my car since i hadn’t fully moved into my new place yet. in that bag was a ski mask, so i could conceal my face in the likely event that i was caught on a security camera. my license plates were attached to my old address, halfway across the country. i would be difficult to locate. the towing company was a small local company, so i assumed they didn’t have enough disposable resources to justify fighting a legal battle over a lost tow fee. i needed to register my car in my new state anyways, which i would do first thing that week. that way the license plate they had on file would no longer be valid. i was betting on the fact that pursuing me would be too much of a cost to be worth it. i also had a set of pliers in my car, which i would use to loosen the chain. this might take some work, but it could be done. once the chain was loosened, it was a matter of busting through the fence. i would just need to pick up enough speed. my jeep could take the hit, no problem. i had arrived. it was time to make the move. i jumped the fence easily and stealthily made my way to my car. i opened it up, located my ski mask, put it on, and grabbed the pliers. my heart was pounding. i ran over to the fence. the chain was thicker than i had imagined. i worked on it. i found the weak spot and tried to pry it open. it wouldn’t budge. i kept trying. i must have been working at it for 30 minutes. i looked at my watch and less than 5 minutes had passed. i stuck with it. after 10 minutes, i had noticeably chipped away at the metal. my hand was cramped. i switched hands and kept wor
kalayaan sa pagpili
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-02-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1