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standard in which student was studying last year



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standard in which admission is sought


சேர்க்கை கோரப்படும் தரநிலை

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-03-16
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


my goal as a teacher is to help students develop as scientists and as creative and critical thinkers. i approach this goal through three aims: to 1) encourage creative and independent thinking while imparting knowledge, 2) engage all types of learners, and 3) encourage students from minority backgrounds to advance in science, technology, engineering, and math (stem) fields. to reach these goals i continuously develop and hone my teaching practices, while looking for opportunities to work with students from different backgrounds. the first goal is to use the information i dispense during class as a tool to allow students to build their own knowledge through creative projects. these projects push them to think beyond what will be on the next exam. i do this through class activities and assignments that require students to explore new ways of thinking about information from my lectures. for example, i have written “skit” scripts that students act out, in which one student is a patient and the others doctors trying to diagnose the patient’s mysterious illness, which is related to some aspect of the class. once they diagnose the illness through their own research, they can explore a different aspect of the disease or disorder, like its mechanisms, treatments, or effects on society, through independent research of their choice. students have said they liked the challenge of solving the mystery illness, and liked the independent research. i have adapted these case study skits to work with gifted high school students and gsu honors biology laboratory students. i have also organized field trips to an autism research lab after my lecture on autism, assigned group activities in which students build brain anatomical structures with play-doh after learning about comparative neural anatomy, and helped students design hands-on independent laboratory research projects on memory formation in insects. i enjoy developing new activities each semester. i take calculated risks to determine which new activities will work best in the current classroom environment, and plan out what i will try in


Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-01-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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