Sie suchten nach: visible (Finnisch - Lettisch)


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piilossadevice information item is visible


slēptsdevice information item is visible

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


automaattinenitem is never visible in the systray


automātiskiitem is never visible in the systray

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


kuvakeitem on the device information column is visible


ikonaitem on the device information column is visible

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


esimerkkiluokka 1indicates whether or not a header label is visible


piemēra tags 1

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


(5) pursuant to the uk authorities, investbx is a completely novel measure, for which there is no precedent. while traditional venture capital funds aim at improving the supply of equity capital, investbx envisages instead to improve the efficiency with which information can circulate on investee companies. investbx will kick-start the creation of an effective local equity market, by connecting companies to investors, offering them a viable, simple, cost effective solution to raising equity, trading their shares and showcasing their activities. this trading facility will be different to traditional stock markets (namely the london stock exchange with its "alternative investment market" — aim) because it will operate through a visible online electronic auction market, matching buyers and sellers at a single price with investment via an online execution-only broker. online auctions will only be carried out a few times per month. at the same time investbx will encourage a longer term view of investing, emphasising the main objective of raising money for smes in the community rather than the ability to frequently trade shares as provided by the existing london based markets.


(5) pursuant to the uk authorities, investbx is a completely novel measure, for which there is no precedent. while traditional venture capital funds aim at improving the supply of equity capital, investbx envisages instead to improve the efficiency with which information can circulate on investee companies. investbx will kick-start the creation of an effective local equity market, by connecting companies to investors, offering them a viable, simple, cost effective solution to raising equity, trading their shares and showcasing their activities. this trading facility will be different to traditional stock markets (namely the london stock exchange with its%quot%alternative investment market%quot% — aim) because it will operate through a visible online electronic auction market, matching buyers and sellers at a single price with investment via an online execution-only broker. online auctions will only be carried out a few times per month. at the same time investbx will encourage a longer term view of investing, emphasising the main objective of raising money for smes in the community rather than the ability to frequently trade shares as provided by the existing london based markets.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2008-03-04
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 3

Referenz: Anonym
Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung

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