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sýmfvna me to árqro 34.1 pr th per ptvsh toy katastatikoý , h ekt xei to dika vma na kaqor zei perait rv me kanonism toyw royw yp toyw opo oyw pr pei na aske tai to dika vma thw epal qeyshw .


in accordance with article 34.1 , first indent , of the statute , the ecb shall be empowered to specify further in a regulation the conditions under which the right to verify may be exercised .

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


h ekt pr pei , metá thn drysh thw , na kaqor sei thn kle da katanom w gia thn eggraf sto kefálai thw , xrhsimopoi ntaw ta stoixe a sýmfvna me to árqro 29 parágrafow 1 toy katastatikoý toy eskt .


once the ecb has been established it must determine the key for subscription of its capital using the data in accordance with article 29 ( 1 ) of the statute of the escb .

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


me ton ro dryma noe tai opoiosd pote for aw symmet xontow krátoyw m loyw ap ton opo o h ekt mpore na apaite th diat rhsh eláxistvn apoqematik n , sýmfvna me to árqro 19.1 toy katastatikoý · 4 .


institution : shall mean any entity in a participating member state which , under the terms of article 19.1 of the statute , the ecb may require to hold minimum reserves ; 4 .

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


ti to árqro 28.1 toy katastatikoý or zei ti to symboýlio kaqor zei ta ria kai tiw proÿpoq seiw yp tiw opo ew h ekt apofas zei gia tiw ayj seiw toy kefala oy thw ekt p ran toy or oy poy or zetai sto en l gv árqro , ejedvse ton paronta kanonismo :


whereas article 28.1 of the statute requires the council to specify the limits and conditions under which increases in the capital of the ecb beyond the limit set in that article may be effected by the ecb , has adopted this regulation :

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


üexontaw yp ch : to katastatik toy eyrvpa koý syst matow kentrik n trapez n kai thw eyrvpa k w kentrik w trápezaw ( efej w kaloýmeno « katastatik » ) kai id vw to árqro 28.1 , th sýstash thw eyrvpa k w kentrik w trápezaw ( ekt ) , th gn mh toy eyrvpa koý koinoboyl oy , th gn mh thw epitrop w tvn eyrvpa k n koinot tvn , apofas zontaw sýmfvna me th diadikas a poy probl petai sto árqro 106 parágrafow 6 thw synq khw gia thn drysh thw eyrvpa k w koin thtaw ( efej w kaloýmenh « synq kh » ) kai sto árqro 42 toy katastatikoý , ektim ntaw : ti ta árqra 28.1 kai 28.2 toy katastatikoý or zoyn ti oi eqnik w kentrik w trápezew par xoyn sthn ekt kefálaio ýcoyw 5 disekatommyr vn eyr , to opo o kaq statai leitoyrgik ap thw drys w thw ·


having regard to the statute of the european system of central banks and of the european central bank ( hereinafter referred to as the « statute ') and in particular to article 28.1 thereof , having regard to the recommendation made by the european central bank ( ecb ) , having regard parliament , to the opinion of the european with capital of 5 000 million euro , which shall become operational upon the establishment of the ecb ;

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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