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üarqro 1 dimere w kentrik w isotim ew kai isotim ew par mbashw metajý toy eyr kai tvn symmetex ntvn ekt w z nhw eyr nomismátvn 3.1 .


3.1 . intervention at the margins shall in principle be automatic and unlimited .

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


ekt w z nhw eyr arm diew eqnkt enhmer noyn, to envr tero dynat n kai se aysthrá empisteytik básh, tiw loip w arm diew nomismatik w arx w kai tiw nomismatik w arx w lvn tvn állvn symmetex ntvn ekt w z nhw eyr krat n mel n gia káqe pr qesh diakop w thw par mbashw.


and on a strictly confidential basis, the other monetary authorities concerned and the monetary authorities of all other participating non-euro area member states of any intention to suspend intervention.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2012-03-19
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 3


toy chf smatow , h ekt kai káqe symmet xoysa ekt w z nhw eyr eqnkt qesp zoyn , me koin symfvn a , tiw an terew kai kat terew dimere w isotim ew metajý toy eyr kai tvn symmetex ntvn ekt w z nhw eyr nomismátvn gia thn ayt math par mbash .


in accordance with the fluctuation bands fixed pursuant to paragraphs 2.1 , 2.3 and 2.4 of the resolution , the ecb and each participating non-euro area ncb shall establish , by common accord , the bilateral upper and lower rates between the euro and the participating non-euro area currencies for automatic intervention .

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


oi xrhmatodotik w prájeiw sto pla sio ayt n tvn dieykolýnsevn pa rnoyn th morf ámesvn toiw metrhto w pvl sevn kai agor n tvn symmetex ntvn nomismátvn , dhmioyrg ntaw ant stoixew apait seiw kai ypoxre seiw , ekfraz menew sto n misma toy pistvt , metajý thw ekt kai tvn symmetexoys n ekt w z nhw eyr eqnkt .


the financing operations under these facilities shall take the form of spot sales and purchases of participating currencies giving rise to corresponding claims and liabilities , denominated in the creditor 's currency , between the ecb and the participating non-euro area ncbs .

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


--- h synergas a sth synallagmatik politik qa e nai dynat n na enisxyqe periss tero , p.x. m sv sten terhw sýndeshw tvn isotimi n eyr kai symmetex ntvn ekt w z nhw eyr nomismátvn , tan kai ef son ende knytai gia thn pr odo prow th sýgklish ·


--- exchange rate policy co-operation may be further strengthened , for example by allowing closer exchange rate links between the euro and the participating non-euro area currencies , where , and to the extent that , these are appropriate in the light of progress towards convergence ;

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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