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also published separately in wenen,gerold.


wien" 56: 69-180.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung


also published separately in wien, 1891, 142 p.]* 1893.


wien 58: 305-446.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


the administration fee shall be calculated separately in relation to each payee ;


the administration fee shall be calculated separately in relation to each payee ;

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


for the purposes of this paragraph , each as that has been designated under directive 98/26 / ec shall be treated separately , even if two or more of them are operated by the same legal entity .


for the purposes of this paragraph , each as that has been designated under directive 98/26 / ec shall be treated separately , even if two or more of them are operated by the same legal entity .

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


verklaringen van 29.3.2011, punten 3 en 4:„3. in addition, but separately from uso, dplp was and still is entrusted with certain specific non-mail sgei such as home-delivery of pensions and allowances for disabled persons, delivery of election documents and, most significantly, distribution of newspapers and periodicals. these sgei have, by and large, generated net costs and these net costs have, for the most part, been covered by state compensation pursuant to successive management contracts between the state and dplp.4. accordingly, belgian postal legislation has always carefully distinguished uso and other (non-mail) sgei, including with respect to their financing. thus, successive management contracts between the state and dplp have organized periodic state compensation of the net costs of (non-mail) sgei, with the specific exclusion of uso.”. daarentegen handelt een specifieke wettelijke betaling afzonderlijk over de mogelijke financiering van de lasten van de universeledienstverplichting, tot voor kort via de eventuele oprichting van een compensatiefonds en, vanaf 2011, door te voorzien in de mogelijkheid van een rechtstreekse subsidie op voorwaarden die aan afspiegeling zijn van die uit bijlage i bij richtlijn 97/67/eg, gewijzigd bij richtlijn 2008/6/eg.


submissions of 29.3.2011, paragraphs 3 and 4:‘3. in addition, but separately from the uso, dplp was and still is entrusted with certain specific non-mail sgeis, such as home-delivery of pensions and allowances for disabled persons, delivery of election documents and, most significantly, distribution of newspapers and periodicals. these sgeis have, by and large, generated net costs and these net costs have, for the most part, been covered by state compensation pursuant to successive management contracts concluded with the state.4. accordingly, belgian postal legislation has always carefully distinguished between the uso and other (non-mail) sgeis, with respect to their financing. thus, successive management contracts between the state and dplp have provided for periodic state compensation for the net costs of (non-mail) sgeis, with the specific exception of the uso.’in contrast, a specific statutory provision deals separately with the possible financing of the uso burden, until recently through the possible creation of a compensation fund and, as of 2011, by providing for the possibility of a direct subsidy under conditions that mirror those in annex i to directive 97/67/ec, as amended by directive 2008/6/ec.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-11-21
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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