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i'm not dare to look at your eyes,be


i'm not dare to look at your eyes, be

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2017-07-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


rhythmic melody one day, three animal friends like different musical instruments. there is a raccoon who likes the clarinet instrument, he is very good at playing the clarinet. the raccoon was named dare. there is also a deer who is an expert at playing the violin, every note that is produced is played beautifully. he is named riko. there is also bylair, an eagle who really loves the harp, with his expertise to produce a beautiful harmony. from the difference in the love of the three of them for different musical instruments, there are differences of opinion about their respective expertise. dare wants to be considered the greatest at playing the clarinet than his two friends. likewise with riko and bylair who want to be considered the coolest playing their respective favorite musical instruments. finally riko came up with an idea to create a music competition, so the three of them could see who was the best at playing a musical instrument. long story short, when the music competition arrived, dare, riko and bylair were ready to show off their respective skills. there is one mouse deer as a competition judge. the competition was witnessed by all forest dwellers. before appearing, the three of them were asked to listen to what the competition would be like. when the deer announced that the competition this time they would not just play the musical instruments they liked, they would exchange musical instruments and play them. starting with riko playing the dare musical instrument, the clarinet, there were several obstacles when riko raised the clarinet. in the second scene, dare plays bylair's harp and then bylair appears playing riko's violin. the three of them couldn't play the instrument as beautifully as the instrument they usually played, they felt disappointed in their own series. until the end of the competition, the round decider. the deer did not immediately announce the results, instead he asked dare, riko and bylair to play their respective musical instruments simultaneously as the closing competition before the announcement. the notes from the musical instruments of the three animals shouted to each other creating melodies that flowed perfectly, they played with their expertise on different musical instruments. the closing performance made the three friends who love different musical instruments aware that they can create their own beautiful tunes. they can be perfect if they complement each other to create melodies together. at the end of the competition there was not the coolest announcement but the realization that melodies were made of different tones like the three of them. the deer also said "every ability is different, you don't need to be the most perfect. perfect doesn't have all that is called perfection but perfects something to be perfect"


Letzte Aktualisierung: 2023-08-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym
Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung

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