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basamento a cavaliere



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a) cavaliere o dama;


a) knight or dame;

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


quello stesso anno, per i servizi prestati, richard ricette la nomina a cavaliere.


in the same year, for services to entrepreneurship richard received a knighthood.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


da scoprire a cavalière


to discover in cavalière

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


e ancora, nel 2009, la nomina a cavaliere del lavoro da parte del presidente della repubblica giorgio napolitano.


he got several career awards and the nomination as "cavaliere del lavoro" from president of republic giorgio napolitano.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung


recentemente transnet ha acquisito 28 nuove gru a cavaliere, di cui 14 dotate di modalità twin lift per sollevare contemporaneamente due container.


transnet has recently acquired 28 new straddle carriers, 14 of which are equipped with twin-lift mode to lift two containers simultaneously.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


la nuova gru a cavaliere è costruita intorno a una struttura molto rigida che fornisce delle eccellenti prestazioni di movimentazione e di sterzata diretta.


the new straddle carrier is built around a very rigid structure that provides excellent handling performance and direct steering.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


la presidente si congratula con giron per la sua nomina a cavaliere della legione d'onore da parte del presidente della repubblica francese.


the president congratulated mr giron who had been made chevalier of the legion of honour by the president of the french republic.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2017-04-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


grandi erano le ricchezze di questa chiesa, ma poco o nulla ne resta; essa si innalza magnifica sopra una collina a cavaliere del paese.


this church had a lot of richness, but now there is a little or nothing; it raises magnificent on a hill.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


dopo il samurai come una classe smontato e divenne più come fanti, si ostinava a cavaliere che indossa ' s garb perché li distinguono e li ha resi facilmente identificabili.


after the samurai as a class dismounted and became more like foot-soldiers, they persisted in wearing horseman's garb because it set them apart and made them easily identifiable.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


da vichinghi a cavalieri: o la strada verso i riconoscimenti


from vikings to knights, or, the road to recognition

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2


esso è costituito da un solido basamento a portale in acciaio elettrosaldato sul quale scorrono quattro teste indipendenti, di cui due superiori per la foratura, molatura e fresatura e due inferiori per la foratura e la molatura.


it is made up of a solid electrically welded steel base, on which four independents heads are running, the two upper heads are used for drilling, edging and milling, the two inferior one are used only for drilling and edging.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


benché sia solo una tecnica chirurgica, l’impianto a cavaliere laterale è diventato tanto famoso da meritare una sezione a sé stante, in cui raccoglieremo tutti i dati e gli aggiornamenti al riguardo.


although just a surgical technique, the side bracket configuration implant, or s implant, or snake implant, has become famous enough to deserve its own section, where we will collect all the information and updates regarding it.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


fu progettato ed iniziato nel 1334 da giotto che terminò solo la costruzione del basamento a causa della sua morte avvenuta nel 1337. l'iniziale disegno fu modificato da andrea pisano al quale venne affidato il proseguimento dei lavori nei due piani superiori.


it was planned and initiated in 1334 by giotto who was only able to lay the foundation because of his death in 1337. the original design was modified by andrea pisano who was given the task of continuing work on the two upper floors.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


il monumento, collocato nella piazza adiacente alla chiesa del paese, si presenta con un basamento a gradini sormontato da un unico corpo verticale con epigrafe, su cui si erge una grossa statua bronzea raffigurante una figura classica di uomo morente. data di realizzazione


the monument, located in the piazza next to the local church, has a base made of steps surmounted by a vertical element with epigraph, on which there is a large bronze statue of a classical figure of a dying man. date

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


per anno eseguito in svite il siuzerena, a cavaliere fu portato e servire re, e lottare per lui in battaglie, e voevat sul lato del signore in mezhdousobitsakh locale, o adempiere i doveri piu pacifici in uno di castelli che divennero vladyki di feodalnogo di simbolo principali.


for a year spent in retinue of sjuzerena, the knight could both serve the king, and to battle for it in fights, and to be at war on the party of the mister in local civil strifes, or to carry out more or less peace duties in one of the locks, which steels the major symbol feudal lords.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


alberghi a cavalière, francia: alberghi, appartamenti e b&b a prezzi scontati.


accommodations in cavalière, france: b&b and hotels at low internet rates.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung


==opere=====letteratura per l'infanzia=======romanzi per bambini====* "bows against the barons" (lawrence) (1934)* "comrades for the charter" (lawrence) (1934)* "the new house at hardale" (1934)* "call to arms" (lawrence) (1935)* "missing from home" (lawrence & wishart) (1937)* "mystery on the moors" (black) (1937)* "the christmas holiday mystery" (black) (1937)* "detectives of the dales" (black) (1938)* "in the land of the mogul" (black) (1938)* "cue for treason" (blackwell) (1940)* "running deer" (harrap) (1941)* "grey adventurer" (blackwell) (1942)* "black night, red morning" (blackwell) (1944)* "trumpets in the west" (blackwell) edizione rivista 1994 (piper) paperback (1947)* "silver guard" (blackwell) (1948)* "the hills of varna" (macmillan publishers) titolo usa: "shadow of the hawk" (vanguard) (1948)* "no boats on bannermere" (heinemann) (1949) (primo della serie bannermere)* "the secret fiord" (macmillan_publishers) (1950)* "under black banner" (heinemann) (1951) (secondo della serie bannermere)* "the crown of violet" (macmillan) titolo usa: "web of traitors" (vanguard) (1952)* "black banner players" (heinemann) (1952) (terzo della serie bannermere)* "the barons' hostage" (phoenix house) edizione rivista 1973 (brockhampton press) (1952)* "the silken secret" (blackwell) (1953)* "the island of the gods" (children's newspaper - serie 14 parti) (1954)* "black banner abroad" (heinemann) (1954) (4th in bannermere series)* "word to caesar" (macmillan) titolo usa: "message to hadrian" (vanguard) (1955)* "the school beyond the snows" (children's newspaper) (1955)* "the gates of bannerdale" (heinemann) (1956) (quinto della serie bannermere)* "mist over athelney" (macmillan) titolo usa: "escape to king alfred" (vanguard) (1958)* "thunder of valmy" (macmillan) titolo usa: "victory at valmy" (vanguard) (1960)* "the house of blue dragons" (children's newspaper - serie 16 parti) (1960)* "the maythorn story" (heinemann) (1960)* "change at maythorn" (heinemann) (1962)* "follow my black plume" (macmillan) (1963)* "a thousand for sicily" (macmillan) (1964)* "the red towers of granada" (macmillan) (1966)* "the white nights of st petersburg" (macmillan) (1967)* "horsemen on the hills" (macmillan) (1971)* "popinjay stairs" (macmillan) (1972)* "the iron tsar" (macmillan) (1975)* "violet for bonaparte" (macmillan) (1976)* "the seas of morning" (puffin) paperback (1976)* "the field of the forty footsteps" (macmillan) (1977)* "mandeville" (macmillan) (1980)* "saraband for shadows" (macmillan) (1982)* "the cormorant venture" (macmillan) (1984)* "tomorrow is a stranger" (heinemann) (1987)* "the arpino assignment" (walker) (1988)* "shadow under the sea" (walker) (1990)* "calabrian quest" (walker) (1990)* "song for a tattered flag" (walker) paperback (1992)* "fire on the wind" (macmillan) (1993)* "bring out the banners" (walker) (1994)* "no horn at midnight" (macmillan) (1995)* "curse on the sea" (hodder children's books) paperback (1996)* "cloak for a spy" (macmillan) paperback (1997)* "danger in the wings" (hodder children's books) (1997)====per adolescenti====* "the fair flower of danger" (blackwell) (1955)* "the dutch are coming" (hamish hamilton) (1965)* "bent is the bow" (nelson) (1965)* "the runaway serf" (hamish hamilton) (1968)* "a masque for the queen" (hamish hamilton) (1970)* "a ship to rome" (heinemann) (1972)* "a voice in the night" (heinemann) (1973)* "the chocolate boy" (heinemann) (1975)* "when the drums beat" (heinemann) (1976)* "the spycatchers" (hamish hamilton) (1976)* "the claws of the eagle" (heinemann) (1977)* "the running of the deer" (hamish hamilton) (1982)* "a flight of angels" (macmillan) (1989)* "aunt augusta's elephant" (macmillan) (1991)* "henry, king to be" (macdonald young books) (1995)* "page to queen jane" (macdonald young books) (1996)* "elizabeth, princess in peril" (macdonald young books) (1997)* "mission to marathon" (a & c black) (1997)====altri libri per bambini====* "red comet: a tale of travel in the ussr" (lawrence) (1937)* "fortune, my foe: the story of sir walter raleigh" (methuen) (1949)* "the mystery of moorside farm - contiene anche the secret of sharn and in the blood" (macmillan) (1949)* "the young traveller in india and pakistan" (phoenix house) (1949)* "enjoying books" (phoenix house) (1951)* "the young traveller in england and wales" (phoenix house) (1953)* "seven queens of england" (heinemann) (1953)* "seven kings of england" (heinemann) (1955)* "the young traveller in greece" (phoenix house) (1956)* "edward elgar, maker of music" (macmillan) (1960)* "the young writer" (nelson) (1961)* "wolfgang mozart : the young composer" (macmillan) (1961)* "seven stages" (heinemann) (1964)* "this is your century" (heinemann) (1965)* "seven sovereign queens" (heinemann) (1968)* "byron, a poet dangerous to know" (macmillan) (1969)* "d.h. lawrence, the phoenix and the flame" (macmillan) (1973)* "days to remember, a garland of historic anniversaries" (heinemann) brevi storie (1973)* "britain yesterday" (blackwell) (1975)* "a wood by moonlight and other stories" (heinemann) brevi storie (1981)* "timechanges: the evolution of everyday life" (kingfisher) (1985)* "looking through history: the edwardian era" (batsford) (1986)* "hidden treasure" (evans) (1989)===adulti=======romanzi====* "such divinity" (chapman and hall) (1939)* "only natural" (chapman and hall) (1940)* "snared nightingale" (macmillan) (1957)* "so wild the heart" (macmillan) (1959)====autobiografie====* "a whiff of burnt boats" (macmillan) (1971)* "laughter at the door" (macmillan) (1974)* "farewell the hills" (stampa privata) (1998)====altri per adulti====* "the supreme prize" (arthur h stockwell) poems (c1926)* "the unsleeping sword" (martin lawrence) (1934)* "walking in england" (fenland press) (1935)* "north sea spy" (fore) (1939)* "clem voroshilov - the red marshall" (pilot press) (1940)* "army without banners" (fore) (1945)* "tales out of school" (heinemann) edizione rivista 1964 (1948)* "the italian story : from the earliest times to 1946 (macmillan) (1963)* "the grand tour" (heinemann) (1967)* "matthew todd's journal" (editor) (heinemann) (1968)* "nottingham: a biography" (macmillan) (1970)* "the condottieri: soldiers of fortune" (thames and hudson) (1971)* "samuel pepys and his world" (thames and hudson) (1972)* "london: a concise history" (thames and hudson) (1975)* "portrait of a cavalier" (macmillan) biografia (1979)===lavori teatrali===* "after the tempest" (pubblicato come "best one act plays of 1938") (muller) (1938)* "the dragon who was different and other plays for children" (muller) (1938)* "the shadow of spain and other plays" (blackwell) (1953)==bibliografia==* margaret meek, "geoffrey trease", 1960==collegamenti esterni==* google book 'geoffrey trease'


in the united states he won the new york herald tribune book award for the children’s spring festival 1966 for "this is your century".

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung

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