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le domande furono poste a bhagavan sri ramana maharshi da un certo sri m. sivaprakasam pillai nell'anno 1902. sri pillai, uno studente di filosofia, era all'epoca impiegato presso il revenue department of the south arcot collectorate. durante un viaggio di lavoro a tiruvannamalai nel 1902, egli arrivò al virupaksha cave, presso arunachala hill, e qui incontrò il maestro. cercava in lui una guida spirituale, e lo pregò di rispondere alle sue domande sulla ricerca interiore. poichè il bhagavan allora non parlava, non perché avesse fatto un voto, ma semplicemente perché non aveva inclinazione a parlare, rispose a gesti alle domande postegli, e quando questi non erano capiti, rispose scrivendo.


the questions were put to bhagavan sri ramana maharshi by one sri m. sivaprakasam pillai about the year 1902. sri pillai, a graduate in philosophy, was at the time employed in the revenue department of the south arcot collectorate. during his visit to tiruvannamalai in 1902 on official work, he went to virupaksha cave on arunachala hill and met the master there. he sought from him spiritual guidance, and solicited answers to questions relating to self-enquiry. as bhagavan was not talking then, not because of any vow he had taken, but because he did not have the inclination to talk, he answered the questions put to him by gestures, and when these were not understood, by writing.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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