Sie suchten nach: @reginalah secret coming out parties then? (Malaysisch - Englisch)


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@reginalah secret coming out parties then?



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all coming out


maksud coming out

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-02-01
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


citcatas salamas salam & salam sejahtera   dear all,   since most of the outlets has started operations during this mco, there are a few extra steps can be undertaken to create more awareness and to take extra safety measures towards our customers and our staff.   herewith, here are the outlets facility visual setup guideline and template of signage, pls find the attachment as per above   we are looking into several aspects when formulating this basic visual guideline as a part of extension from our general service operational guideline that we provided earlier. this guideline more to visualization and specific action, we will share if there is any new or additional points that we should yokoten to others. we would be much appreciate ,if you can do better than this and do not hesitate to share with us   for your info psm team would also be coming out with an sop/process flow of customer handling that would be enforced strictly once we finalized it soon .   preparation that you to have as follow : 1.       cloth tape /masking tape (red 4 rolls , yellow 6 rolls, black 3 rolls, hazard tape, this based at rawang’s usages)   pls take this seriously because we do not want our company become new cluster generator of covid-19 therefore, we urge all of you especially sms to implement and strongly enforce on standard operating procedures (sops) and strong adhered by all our frontlines especially. thank you, stay safe and have a good rest.


citcatas salam

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-05-02
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Referenz: Anonym
Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung

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