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tista' tkun attrezzata biex iġġorr tagħbija u passiġġieri.
it may be equipped to carry a load and passengers.
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-11-21
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 3
l-unjoni ewropea hija attrezzata partikolarment tajjeb biex twieġeb għal tali sitwazzjonijiet multidimensjonali.
the european union is particularly well equipped to respond to such multi-faceted situations.
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
kull vettura għandha tkun attrezzata b'sistema biex jitneħħa s-silġ mill-uċuh bil-ħġieġ i tal-windscreen.
every vehicle shall be equipped with a system for removing frost and ice from the glazed surfaces of the windscreen.
kull vettura għandha tkun attrezzata b'sistema biex jitneħħa ċ-ċpar mill-uċuh bil-ħġieġ i fuq ġewwa tal-windscreen.
every vehicle shall be equipped with a system for removing mist from the interior glazed surface of the windscreen.
approvazzjoni ta' emissjonijiet ta' exhaust minn magna li taħdem b'gass naturali jew lpg u attrezzata biex taħdem b'kompożizzjoni speċifika waħda ta' karburant
exhaust emissions approval of an engine running on natural gas or lpg and laid out for operation on one specific fuel composition
jekk il-volum ta' prodotti trattati jirrikjedi preżenza regolari jew permanenti, kamra li tissakkar attrezzata b'mod xieraq għall-użu esklużiv ta' l-awtorità kompetenti;
if the volume of products treated requires regular or permanent presence, an adequately equipped lockable room for the exclusive use of the competent authority;