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does my boss many things in the factory



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"the power of small things in philip k. dick's "the man in the high castle"".


"the power of small things in philip k. dick's "the man in the high castle"".

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung


" (1965) coletânea de contos*"born under mars" (1966)*"the evil that men do" (1966)*"no other gods but me" (1966) coletânea de contos*"a planet of your own" (1966)*"the productions of time" (1966)*"out of my mind" (1967) coletânea de contos*"quicksand" (1967)*"not before time" (1968) coletânea de contos*"bedlam planet" (1968)*"catch a falling star" (1968)*"father of lies" (1968)*"into the slave nebula" (1968, revisão de "slavers of space")*"stand on zanzibar" (1968)*"the avengers of carrig" (1969, revisão de "secret agent of terra")*"a plague on both your causes" (1969)*"double, double" (1969)*"timescoop" (1969)*"the jagged orbit" (1969)*"times without number" (1969)===anos 1970===*"the gaudy shadows" (1970)*"the dramaturges of yan" (1971)*"the traveller in black" (1971, revisado e expandido em 1987)*"the wrong end of time" (1971)*"the sheep look up" (1972)*"entry to elsewhen" (1972), coletânea de contos*"the stardroppers" (1972)*"from this day forward" (1972)*"age of miracles" (1971, revisão de "day of the star cities")*"more things in heaven" (1973, revisão de "the astronauts must not land")*"the stone that never came down" (1973)*"give warning to the world" (1973, revisão de "echo in the skull")*"polymath" (1974)*"total eclipse" (1974)*"web of everywhere" (1974) (mais tarde reimpresso como "the webs of everywhere")*"the shockwave rider" (1975)===anos 1980===*"the infinitive of go" (1980)*"players at the game of people" (1980)*"manshape" (1982, revisão de "endless shadow")*"while there's hope" (1982)*"the crucible of time" (1983)*"the great steamboat race" (1983)*"the tides of time" (1984)*"the compleat traveller in black" (1986)*"the shift key" (1987)*"children of the thunder" (1988)===anos 1990===*"a maze of stars" (1991)*"muddle earth" (1993)*"case of painter's ear" (1998, obra póstuma)==referências==* em "rudy's books"* em "scifan"


)*"the altar on asconel" (1965) (serialised as "the altar on asconel")*"the day of the star cities" (1965) (revised in 1973 as "age of miracles")*"the long result" (1965)*"the squares of the city" (1965)*"a planet of your own" (1966)*"the productions of time" (1967)*"born under mars" (1967)*"quicksand" (1967)*"bedlam planet" (1968)*"stand on zanzibar" (1968)*"the evil that men do" (1969)*"double, double" (1969)*"the jagged orbit" (1969)*"timescoop" (1969)*"the gaudy shadows" (1970)*"the wrong end of time" (1971)*"the dramaturges of yan" (1972)*"the sheep look up" (1972)*"the stone that never came down" (1973)*"total eclipse" (1974)*"web of everywhere" (1974) (also published as "the webs of everywhere")*"the shockwave rider" (1975)*"the infinitive of go" (1980)*"players at the game of people" (1980)*"manshape" (1982) (revision of the novella "endless shadow")*"the crucible of time" (1983)*"the tides of time" (1984)*"the shift key" (1987)*"children of the thunder" (1988)*"a maze of stars" (1991)*"muddle earth" (1993)===collections===*"no future in it" (1962)*"times without number" (1962) (revised and expanded in 1969)*"now then!

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung

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