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eebe idiin ma qabto dhaar danla'aaneed (laqwi) laakin wuxuu idiin qaban dhartaad u qasaddaan, kafaaradeeduna waa quudin toban miskiin (oo siisaan) kan u dhexeeya waxaad ku quudisaan ehelkiina ama arrad bixintooda ama xorayn qoor, ciddaan helinna waxay soomi saddex maalmood, taasaana ah kafaarada dhaartiina markaad dhaarataan, ee dhawra dhaartiinna saaduuna idiinku caddayn eebe aayadkiisa, waxaadna mudantihiin inaad ku mahdisaan.
allah does not call you to account for what is vain in your oaths, but he calls you to account for the making of deliberate oaths; so its expiation is the feeding of ten poor men out of the middling (food) you feed your families with, or their clothing, or the freeing of a neck; but whosoever cannot find (means) then fasting for three days; this is the expiation of your oaths when you swear; and guard your oaths. thus does allah make clear to you his communications, that you may be fateful.