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the lesson that was easy for me



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the part of the lesson that i enjoyed doingwas


the part of the lesson that i enjoyed doing was

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-04-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


as if it was really that easy for me to get over you


as if it was really that easy for me to get over you

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-08-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


write down two insight or ideas discussed in the lesson that can be used in your daily life


recall the lessons discussed

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-09-02
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


we praise you lord and we thank you for the opportunity to study and prepare for good life in the future bless our teachers, who inspire and guide us bless our parents who work hard to support us bless us and help us to be more attentive patient and diligent to understand the lesson that our teacher teach us this we pray in the name of jesus christ our lord amen.


we praise you lord and we thak you for the opportunity to study and prepare for good life in the future bless our teachers, who inspire and guide us bless our parents who work hard to supports us bless us. and help us to be more attentive patient and diligent to understand the lesson that our teacher teach us. this we pray in the name of jesus christ our lord amen

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-02-25
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Referenz: Anonym


friends i pretended not to know what would happen during our first outing as friends. "where are we going?" i asked one of my friends. "hala! did you forget? we have an outing today. it's april 16, don't you remember?" he asked me. i quickly checked my phone and saw that it was indeed april 16. "oh, right," i said, scratching my head. when we arrived at the resort, i immediately saw my good looking friends. as soon as we entered our cottage, i saw harry, karl, diana, and crystal. there are six of us, including sunshine. "took you long enough" said karl. karl jerome santiago is a 17 y/o, popular with girls, smart, and loves speaking in english. "you act like we don't see each other all the time," i answered to karl. "guys, i have some gossip," crystal interjected. crystal marie sanchez is a 17 y/o, beautiful, gentle, and kind. "you always have gossip, girl," diana said, while laughing. diana rose buenavista is a 17 y/o, beautiful, top 2 in our class, and rich. we all laughed at diana's comment. "never mind, you guys are always like that to me," crystal said seriously. "just kidding," said diana. "long time no see, guys," said harry. harry luis perez is a 17 y/o, the joker in our group but has his own problems. "haha, have you already changed?" sunshine asked harry. sunshine mae garcia is top 3 in our class, smart, has short hair, and sexy. "huh?" asked harry. "hakdog," sunshine said, flashing a peace sign. "oh, that's enough, that's enough," i said. i'm justine tan salvador, 16, the youngest in our group, of course handsome, and top 1 in our class. we went into the cottage and ate. after eating, we went swimming in the pool. "love, come here" said karl to me. "no way," i jokingly replied. "i'll take your place" said harry. "oh, harry?" said karl, scratching his head. after enjoying our time together, we started reminiscing about our memories from senior high and college. "as for me, i'm happy with justine tan salvador," karl said jokingly. "full name, really?" i said. "i'll never forget that memory from grade 11 when ma'am erica santino made me stand up and recite," i said. "good thing you're smart, love," karl said playfully. and so, we began sharing stories about how we all met. as the night went on, we lit a bonfire and exchanged ghost stories, each one trying to outdo the other with the scariest tale. "justine, you go first," diana urged. "okay, listen up, everyone. this happened to my cousin's friend's brother..." i began, launching into a spine-chilling story. the crackling flames and the sounds of the night created an eerie ambiance that added to the thrill of our storytelling. "that's nothing," harry said after my story. "i once heard about this abandoned house where people say you can still hear the cries of a little girl." "stop it, harry," crystal said, shivering. "you're going to give me nightmares." "exactly!" harry laughed. "that's the whole point." "do you guys remember the time we snuck out of school to go to that concert?" diana asked, changing the subject. "oh man, that was epic!" karl replied. "we almost got caught by the principal." "but it was worth it," sunshine added. "that band was amazing live." "totally worth it," i agreed. "i still have the ticket stub." we all sat in comfortable silence for a moment, letting the memories wash over us. "okay, okay, i have one," crystal said, breaking the silence. "remember when we all dressed up as superheroes for halloween and crashed that college party?" "oh yes!" diana said, laughing. "you were wonder woman, and harry was batman." "and i was spiderman," karl added. "best party ever." "good times," harry said, smiling. "remember when we went on that hiking trip and got lost?" sunshine chimed in. "we were so sure we knew the way." "yeah, we ended up wandering for hours," i recalled. "it was starting to get dark, and we had no idea where we were." "but we found that beautiful waterfall," crystal said. "it made the whole trip worth it." "and let's not forget how harry slipped and fell into the water," karl added, laughing. "hey, it was slippery!" harry protested. "and you guys were no help, just standing there laughing at me." "to be fair, it was pretty funny," diana said, grinning. "okay, how about the time we all decided to have a movie marathon and ended up watching horror films until 3 am?" sunshine asked. "ugh, i couldn't sleep for days," crystal said, shaking her head. "i kept thinking i was hearing things." "but it was so much fun," i said. "we were all huddled together, screaming at every jump scare." "do you guys remember the prank war we had?" karl said, smiling mischievously. "oh, how could i forget?" diana replied. "you put a fake spider in my locker, and i nearly had a heart attack." "and you filled my backpack with confetti," harry said. "i was still finding pieces of it weeks later." "but you got us all back with that epic prank in the cafeteria," i said, laughing. "you switched the sugar with salt, and everyone was spitting out their drinks." "good times," karl said, leaning back and looking at the stars. we all sat in comfortable silence for a moment, letting the memories wash over us. "okay, okay, i have one more," crystal said, breaking the silence. "remember when we all went to that karaoke bar and sunshine sang her heart out?" "oh yes!" diana said, laughing. "you were amazing, sunshine." "thanks," sunshine said, blushing. "i was so nervous, but you guys made it so much fun." "definitely one of the best nights ever," harry said. "tonight was awesome," crystal remarked, yawning. "definitely," agreed sunshine, already drifting off to sleep. "hey, remember that time we tried to cook pancakes, but they ended up burnt?" karl chimed in, breaking the silence. "oh man, that was a disaster!" i exclaimed, laughing. "we thought we could handle it, but we ended up setting off the smoke alarm." "and then we had to open all the windows to let the smoke out," diana added, shaking her head. "we were lucky we didn't set off the sprinklers," crystal said, giggling. "i still can't believe we managed to salvage a few edible ones in the end," sunshine said, chuckling. "hey, it's all part of the fun of learning how to cook," harry said, grinning. "yeah, but maybe next time we'll stick to something simpler," i suggested. "or just order takeout," karl joked, earning a round of laughter from everyone. as we reminisced about our past mishaps and adventures, i couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond we shared as friends. each memory, whether silly or heartwarming, contributed to the tapestry of our friendship, weaving us closer together with each passing moment. and as the night grew late, we wrapped ourselves in blankets, still laughing and chatting under the starry sky, cherishing the warmth of our friendship and the promise of many more adventures to come. little did we know, this outing would be just the beginning of many more adventures and unforgettable moments we would share together. as the dawn broke, we made plans for the day ahead, excited for what the future held for our friendship.


friends i pretended not to know what would happen during our first outing as friends. "where are we going?" i asked one of my friends. "hala! did you forget? we have an outing today. it's april 16, don't you remember?" he asked me. i quickly checked my phone and saw that it was indeed april 16. "oh, right," i said, scratching my head. when we arrived at the resort, i immediately saw my good looking friends. as soon as we entered our cottage, i saw harry, karl, diana, and crystal. there ar

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-05-28
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym
Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung

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