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selline abi on kokkusobiv ainult tingimusel, et see on vastavuses komisjoni teatises lühiajalise ekspordikindlustuse kohta sätestatud tingimustele [21].
these grants are compatible only on condition that they satisfy conditions of the commission communication on short-term export-credit insurance [21].
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2010-09-26
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
aga seda ühtset energiapoliitikat pole voimalik kujundada brüsselis, kui liikmesriigid ei lähtu mitte ühishuvist, vaid solmivad kahepoolseid lepinguid vaid neile kasulikel tingimustel. selles mottes peab see ühtne poliitika algama liikmesriikide pealinnadest, mitte ootuspäraselt brüsseli koridoridest.
this common energy policy cannot, however, be shaped in brussels, if member states are not motivated by common interest, but instead conclude bilateral agreements on terms that are favourable only to them. in this sense, a common policy must arise from the capital cities of the member states, not from the corridors of power in brussels, as one would anticipate.
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-10-10
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1