Results for ingetree translation from Afrikaans to English

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vanaf die oomblik dat ek in die sekondêre keledi ingetree het, het ek geweet dat ek deel was van iets spesiaals


the school warm and welcoming atmosphere made me feel at ease and the dedicated teacher and staff ensured that l received a well rounded education

Last Update: 2024-08-18
Usage Frequency: 1


n fout het ingetree terwyl probeer is om kontak te maak met die aanmeldingskerms. miskien het al die bywerkings nog nie in werking getree nie.


an error occurred while trying to contact the login screens. not all updates may have taken effect.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1


´n ondersoek na onderwys en vaardigheidsontwikkeling toon dat ´n groot verbetering teen 2004 ingetree het, ofskoon teen ´n stadige pas. dit is van toepassing op geletterdheidsvlakke, bruto inskrywing aan skole, en die koers van deelname aan tersiêre onderrig. die fluktuerende matriekslaagsyfer dui wel aan dat baie meer gedoen moet word om die stelsel te stabiliseer en bestendige verbetering te verseker. terselfdertyd is die getal matriekleerlinge wat wiskunde op hoër graad slaag net effens hoër as in 1995. daar is ook nog steeds swakhede in die implementering van die programme vir basiese volwasse onderrig (abet).


an examination of education and skills acquisition shows improvement of quite a high base by 2004, though at a slow pace. this applies to literacy levels, gross school enrolment and tertiary participation rates. the fluctuating matric pass rates do indicate that much more needs to be done to stabilise the system and ensure steady improvement. at the same time, the number of matric students who pass mathematics at the higher grade is only slightly better than in 1995. we also continue to show weaknesses in implementing the adult basic education programme.

Last Update: 2011-10-24
Usage Frequency: 1

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