Results for босненски translation from Bulgarian to English

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Босненски превод


bosnian translation

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


Третият е босненски гражданин.


the third man is a bosnian citizen.

Last Update: 2012-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


Тя поздрави тълпата на босненски език.


she greeted the crowd in bosnian.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


Трябва да имате босненски произход".


you have to have a bosnian base."

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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Ашдаун замразява авоари на 10 босненски сърби


ashdown freezes assets of ten bosnian serbs

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


Решението дойде след протести на босненски фермери.


the action followed protests by bosnian farmers.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 2


Хърватски и босненски лидери обсъдиха нерешени въпроси


croatian, bih leaders discuss outstanding issues

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


Той се срещна със своя босненски колега Свен Алкалай.


he met with his bosnian counterpart, sven alkalaj.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 2


Босненски официални представители посетиха генерал Йован Дивяк


bosnian officials visit general jovan divjak

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


Арестуван е босненски хърватин, заподозрян във военни престъпления


bosnian croat war crimes suspect arrested

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


Миналия месец шестима босненски хървати се предадоха на съда.


last month, six bosnian croats surrendered to the court.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 2


Арестуван е обвиненият във военни престъпления босненски сърбин Толимир


bosnian serb war crimes indictee tolimir arrested

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


Не е известно точно кога е създаден католическия босненски диоцез.


==award winners=====2011===*best feature - artivist spirit: "love hate love" directed by dana nachman and don hardy*best short - artivist spirit: "crooked beauty" directed by ken paul rosenthal*best feature - children's advocacy: "surfing soweto" directed by sara blecher*best short - children's advocacy: "grace" directed by meagan kelly*best feature - animal advocacy: "green" directed by patrick rouxel*best short - animal advocacy: "saving pelican 895" directed by irene taylor brodsky*best feature - environmental preservation: "spoil" directed by trip jennings*best short - environmental preservation: "the leaves keep falling" directed by julie winokur*best feature - international human rights: "because we were beautiful" directed by frank van osch*best short - international human rights: "umoja" directed by elizabeth tadic===2010===*best feature - artivist spirit: "regeneration" directed by philip montgomery*best short - artivist spirit: "arena" directed by jota aronack*best feature - children's advocacy: "kids of the majestic" directed by dylan verrechia*best short - children's advocacy: "sarah" directed by brandon hess*best feature - animal advocacy: "africa's lost eden" directed by james byrne*best short - animal advocacy: "albatrocity" directed by j. ollie lucks, iain frengley, edward saltau*best feature - environmental preservation: "deep green" directed by matt briggs*best short - environmental preservation: "the krill is gone" directed by jeffrey bost*best feature - international human rights: "complexo - universo paralelo" directed by mário patrocinio*best short - international human rights: "mine: story of a sacred mountain"===2009===*best feature - artivist spirit: "intelligent life" directed by brian malone*best short - artivist spirit: "rough cut" directed by taghreed saadeh*best feature - children's advocacy: "children of war" directed by bryan single*best short - children's advocacy: "the one wayz" directed by linda chavez*best feature - animal advocacy: "ice bears of the beaufort" directed by arthur c. smith iii*best short - animal advocacy: "abe" directed by khen shalem*best feature - environmental preservation: "belonging" directed by gerard ungerman*best short - environmental preservation: "urubus têm asas (vultures have wings)" directed by marcos negrão and andre rangel*best feature - international human rights: "la mission" directed by peter bratt*best short - international human rights: "intersection" directed by jae woe kim===2008===*best feature - artivist spirit: "" directed by peter joseph "(this was the festival opening movie)"*best short - artivist spirit: "sovereignty" directed by jonathan sale*best feature - international human rights: "they turned our desert into fire" directed by marck brecke*best short - international human rights: "tibet: beyond fear" directed by michael perlman*best feature - children's advocacy: "bomb harvest" directed by kim mordaunt*best short - children's advocacy: "" directed by robert koenig*best feature - animal advocacy: "companions to none" directed by bill buchanan*best short - animal advocacy: ""blinders"' directed by donald moss*best feature - environmental preservation: "one water" directed by sanjeev chatterjee*best short - environmental preservation: "eudaimonia" directed by jude shingle===2007===*best feature - artivist spirit: "zeitgeist" directed by peter joseph*best short - artivist spirit: "the rich have their own photographers" directed by ezra bookstein*best feature - international human rights: "american drug war" directed by kevin booth*best short - international human rights: "the worst job in the world" directed by jens pedersen*best feature - children's advocacy: "glue boys" directed by phil hamer*best short - children's advocacy: "girl stars: anita the beekeeper" directed by vikash nowlakh*best feature - animal advocacy: "beyond closed doors" directed by hugh dorigo*best short - animal advocacy: "sharks - stewards of the reef" directed by holiday johnson*best feature - environmental preservation: "out of balance" directed by tom jackson*best short - environmental preservation: "anthropology 101" directed by wayne brittendon===2006===*best short - human rights: "a question of loyalty" directed by randall wilkins*best feature - human rights: "occupation 101" directed by sufyan omeish and abdallah omeish*best short - children's advocacy: "daughters and sons: preventing child trafficking in the golden triangle" directed by sarah feinbloom*best feature - children's advocacy: "sita: a girl of jambu" directed by kathleen man*best short - international environmental preservation: "freedom fuels" directed by martin o'brien*best feature - international environmental preservation: "crude impact" directed by james jandak wood*best short - animal advocacy: "the meatrix ii" directed by louis fox*best feature - animal advocacy: "mad cowboy" directed by dr. michael tobias*best short - artivist spirit: "believe" directed by synthian sharp*best feature - artivist spirit: "class act" directed by sara sackner===2005===*best short – environmental preservation: "oil and water" directed by corwin fergus*best feature– environmental preservation: "oil on ice" directed by dale djerassi*best short – animal advocacy: "witness" directed by jennifer stein*best feature – animal advocacy: "earthlings" directed by shaun monson*best short – international human rights: "seoul train" directed by jim butterworth, lisa sleeth & aaron lubarsky*best feature – international human rights: "trudell" directed by heather rae*best short – children's advocacy: "hummingbird" directed by holly mosher*best feature – children's advocacy: "stolen childhoods" directed by len morris*best short – artivist spirit: "emmanuel's gift" directed by lisa lax and nancy lax*best feature – artivist spirit: "hope" directed by catherine margerin===2004===*best feature – environmental preservation: "blue vinyl" directed by judith helfland*best short– environmental preservation: "good riddance" directed by nick hilligoss*best feature – animal rights: "chattel" directed by rebecca harrell*best short– animal rights: "4 days" directed by richard hauck*best feature – children's advocacy: "born into brothels" directed by ross kauffman and zana briski*best short – children's advocacy: "old enough to know better" directed by joel venet*best feature – human rights: "we interrupt this empire" directed by rana freedman*best short – human rights: "bid 'em in" directed by neal sopata*best feature – artivist spirit: "a life of death" directed by dawn westlake*best short – artivist spirit: ""outside the lines", directed by markus stilman*audience award: "nothing without you" directed by ted mattison and paul kelleher==references====external links==*official website*marketwire listing of 2007 winners

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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Босненски мюсюлмани се молят в сараевска джамия. [Гети Имиджис]


bosnian muslim men pray in a sarajevo mosque. [getty images]

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


СФОР отхвърли предишните четирима хърватски кандидати, както и шестима босненски кандидати.


sfor had rejected the four previous croat nominees, as well as six bosniak candidates.

Last Update: 2012-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


Босненски войници участваха в няколко многостранни военни учения. [Гети Имиджис]


bosnian troops have participated in several multilateral military exercises. [getty images]

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


Ашдаун критикува босненско-сръбските власти заради Младич


ashdown criticises bosnian serb authorities over mladic

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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