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Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 3


cessna řada 100/200


cessna 100/200 series

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


výrobce cessna aircraft co.


contractor cessna aircraft co.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


další práce cessna řady 100/200


cessna 100/200 further works

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


cessna řady 100 (150, 152, 172, 177, 182)


cessna 100 series (150, 152, 172, 177, 182)

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


já jsem letěl v cessna 208 caravan pro 10 lidí.


i flew in cessna 208 caravan for 10safarie.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


15 hodin praktického výcviku na letadle cessna 172 s g 1000


15 hours of practical training on aircraft cessna 172 with g 1000

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


budeme mít kdispozici 4 místné letadlo (cessna 172/182).


we will have a 4 seat plane (cessna 172/182) available.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


tím se přední podvozkové kolo vůči hlavnímu podvozku relativně vyvýší. mějte na vědomí, že cessna 172 má tříkolový podvozek.


keep in mind that the cessna 172 is a tricycle-gear airplane. it's designed to land on the two main gear wheels first, after which the nose gear is gently lowered to the ground.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


dodání a podpora provozu letounu cessna 560xl excel (provozovatel: Úřad pro civilní letectví Čr):


delivery and operation support of the cessna 560xl excel (operator: office for civil aviation of the czech republic)

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


detailně se seznámíme s funkcemi a ovládáním garmin 1000 (cessna) nebo garmin perspective (cirrus).


we will make a detail introduction of garmin 1000 (cessna) or garmin perspective (cirrus) systems.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


let je realizován spolehlivým letadlem cessna 172. cena je konečná a i v případě, že let například z důvodu počasí pro dloužíme, neplatíte žádné další poplatky.


the flight is realized with a reliable plane cessna 172 or piper 28 archer. the price is final even in case of flight extension for example due to weather, you will not pay other charges.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


dozvíte se mnoho praktických zkušeností s létáním na tomto typu, používání kyslíkového systému, odmrazování, autopilota a garmin 1000 a to jak pro ifr lety tak i vfr. cessna t206 for rent


you will learn many practical opinions and experiences with flying on this airplane, how to use the oxygen system, de -icing, autopilot a garmin 1000 as for ifr as well as vfr flying.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


nastal čas ve vaší pilotní přípravě, kdy se dojde ke zkoušce vaší odvahy v letadle cessna 172, kdy poletíte kolem letiště jeden okruh. sami. individuálně. bez doprovodu.


this is the time in your training where you get to test your mettle in the metal as you take the cessna 172 around the airport for a single traffic pattern circuit by yourself.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


teď vy jste energetičtí manažeři protože 3:1 pravidlo na plánování sestupu je pravdivý pro nějaké letadlo vy letíte, takový jak cessna skyhawk a beechcraft baron 58, a v nižších nadmořských výškách a vzdušných rychlostech.


now you are an energy manager because the 3:1 rule on descent planning is true for any plane you fly, such as the cessna skyhawk and beechcraft baron 58, and at lower altitudes and airspeeds.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


* buzz aldrin (2000)* william mcpherson allen (1971)* frank m. andrews (1986)* william anders (2004)* harry george armstrong (1998)* neil alden armstrong (1979)* henry harley arnold (1967)* j. leland atwood (1984)* bernt balchen (1973)* thomas scott baldwin (1964)* lincoln beachey (1966)* olive ann beech (1981)* walter herschel beech (1977)* alexander graham bell (1965)* lawrence dale bell (1977)* giuseppe mario bellanca (1993)* vincent hugo bendix (1991)* william boeing (1966)* richard bong (1986)* frank borman (1982)* albert boyd (1984)* mark e. bradley (1992)* george scratchley brown (1985)* clayton j. brukner (1997)* richard evelyn byrd (1968)* marion e. carl (2001)* eugene cernan (2000)* clyde vernon cessna (1978)* clarence duncan chamberlin (1976)* octave chanute (1963)* claire lee chennault (1972)* jacqueline cochran (1972)* michael collins (1985)* bessie coleman (2006)* harry b. combs (1996)* charles conrad (1980)* laurence craigie (2000)* frederick c. crawford (1993)* scott crossfield (1983)* alfred austell cunningham (1965)* glenn hammond curtiss (1964)* herbert a. dargue (1997)* benjamin o. davis, jr. (1994)* alexander p. de seversky (1970)* james harold doolittle (1967)* donald wills douglas, sr. (1969)* charles stark draper (1981)* ira clarence eaker (1970)* amelia earhartová (1968)* carl benjamin eielson (1985)* theodore gordon ellyson (1964)* eugene burton ely (1965)* joseph henry engle (2001)* frank k. everest (1989)* sherman mills fairchild (1979)* rueben hollis fleet (1975)* anthony herman gerard fokker (1980)* henry ford (1984)* joseph jacob foss (1984)* steve fossett (2007)* benjamin foulois (1963)* william john frye (1992)* fitzhugh fulton (1999)* francis stanley gabreski (1978)* dominic s. gentile (1995)* robert r. gilruth (1994)* john herschel glenn (1976)* george william goddard (1976)* robert hutchings goddard (1966)* arthur godfrey (1987)* barry morris goldwater (1982)* virgil ivan grissom (1987)* robert ellsworth gross (1970)* leroy randle grumman (1972)* harry frank guggenheim (1971)* daniel j. haughton (1987)* albert francis hegenberger (1976)* edward henry heinemann (1981)* david lee hill (2006)* robert a. hoover (1988)* howard hughes (1973)* david sinton ingalls (1983)* daniel james (1993)* elrey borge jeppesen (1990)* clarence leonard johnson (1974)* alvin m. johnston (1993)* thomas v. jones (1992)* george churchill kenney (1971)* charles franklin kettering (1979)* james howard kindelberger (1972)* joe w. kittinger (1997)* a. roy knabenshue (1965)* william j.


*bert acosta (2014)*buzz aldrin (2000)*john r. alison (2005)*william mcpherson allen (1971)*charles alfred anderson (2012)*frank m. andrews (1986)*william anders (2004)*bud anderson (2008)*harry george armstrong (1998)*neil alden armstrong (1979)*henry harley arnold (1967)*j. leland atwood (1984)*bernt balchen (1973)*thomas scott baldwin (1964)*lincoln beachey (1966)*alan lavern bean (2010)*olive ann beech (1981)*walter herschel beech (1977)*alexander graham bell (1965)*lawrence dale bell (1977)*giuseppe mario bellanca (1993)*vincent hugo bendix (1991)*william edward boeing (1966)*richard bong (1986)*frank borman (1982)*albert boyd (1984)*walter j. boyne (2007)*mark e. bradley (1992)*patrick henry brady (2012)*george scratchley brown (1985)*clayton j. brukner (1997)*richard e. byrd (1968)*marion e. carl (2001)*robert cardenas (2015)*eugene cernan (2000)*clyde vernon cessna (1978)*clarence chamberlin (1976)*octave chanute (1963)*claire lee chennault (1972)*jacqueline cochran (1971)*eileen collins (2009)*michael collins (1985)*bessie coleman (2006)*harry b. combs (1996)*charles conrad (1980)*laurence craigie (2000)*frederick c. crawford (1993)*scott crossfield (1983)*alfred a. cunningham (1965)*glenn hammond curtiss (1964)*herbert a. dargue (1997)*benjamin o. davis, jr. (1994)*alexander p. de seversky (1970)*james harold doolittle (1967)*donald wills douglas, sr. (1969)*charles stark draper (1981)*ira clarence eaker (1970)*amelia earhart (1968)*carl benjamin eielson (1985)*theodore g. ellyson (1964)*eugene burton ely (1965)*joe h. engle (2001)*frank k. everest (1989)*sherman mills fairchild (1979)*reuben h. fleet (1975)*anthony herman gerard fokker (1980)*henry ford (1984)*joseph jacob foss (1984)*steve fossett (2007)*benjamin foulois (1963)*betty skelton frankman (2005)*william john frye (1992)*fitzhugh fulton (1999)*francis stanley gabreski (1978)*dominic s. gentile (1995)*hoot gibson (2012)*robert r. gilruth (1994)*john herschel glenn (1976)*george william goddard (1976)*robert hutchings goddard (1966)*arthur godfrey (1987)*barry morris goldwater (1982)*virgil i. grissom (1987)*robert ellsworth gross (1970)*leroy randle grumman (1972)*harry frank guggenheim (1971)*robert n. hartzell (2015)*daniel j. haughton (1987)*albert francis hegenberger (1976)*edward henry heinemann (1981)*david lee hill (2006)*robert a. hoover (1988)*howard hughes (1973)*david sinton ingalls (1983)*daniel james (1993)*elrey borge jeppesen (1990)*clarence leonard johnson (1974)*evelyn bryan johnson (2007)*alvin m. johnston (1993)*thomas v. jones (1992)*herbert d. kelleher (2008)*george churchill kenney (1971)*charles franklin kettering (1979)*james howard kindelberger (1972)*joe w. kittinger (1997)*alan and dale klapmeier (2014)*a. roy knabenshue (1965)*william j.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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