From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
udskriver... shutting down the application
afdrukken... shutting down the application
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
grafiker og testerthe description of the application
grafisch & tester
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
Warning: Contains invisible HTML formatting
the ecb shall reject the application to participate if :
the ecb shall reject the application to participate if :
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
kdiamond - et tre på linje- spil. the application' s name
kdiamond, een drie-op-een-rij spel.the application's name
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
the ecb may also request any additional information it deems necessary to decide on the application to participate .
the ecb may also request any additional information it deems necessary to decide on the application to participate .
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
the application of the new methods led to higher results from 2003, and thus progress is overstated between 2002 and 2003.
the application of the new methods led to higher results from 2003, and thus progress is overstated between 2002 and 2003.
Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
the ecb shall reject the application to participate if : access criteria referred to in article 4 are not met ;
the ecb shall reject the application to participate if : access criteria referred to in article 4 are not met ;
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
på engelsk rice subsidy réunion fixed in advance on … (date on which the application for the document was lodged)
engels rice subsidy réunion fixed in advance on … (date on which the application for the document was lodged)
Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1
% 1 har anmodet om at åbne en tegnebog (% 2). text of a button for switching to the application requesting a password
%1 verzocht om de portefeuille (%2) te openen.text of a button for switching to the application requesting a password
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
sammenbrudsinformationen er ikke god nok@ option: check kind of information the user can provide about the crash,% 1 is the application name
crashinformatie is niet bruikbaar genoeg@option:check kind of information the user can provide about the crash, %1 is the application name
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
- licence valid for five working days and not useable for the application of article 5 of regulation (eec) no 565/80.
- licence valid for five working days and not useable for the application of article 5 of regulation (eec) no 565/80.
Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
[8] 'study on competition between airports and the application of state aid rules' — cranfield university, juni 2002.
[8] "study on competition between airports and the application of state aid rules" — cranfield university, juni 2002.
Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
Warning: Contains invisible HTML formatting
»study on competition between airports and the application of state aid rules«, cranfield university, september 2002, punkt 5.33 og 6.11.
cranfield university, study on competition between airports and the application of state aid rules, september 2002, punten 5.33 en 6.11.
Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1
( 6 ) the algorithms shall run flexibly by setting a pre-defined time lag between the application of different algorithms to ensure a minimum interval between the running of two algorithms .
( 6 ) the algorithms shall run flexibly by setting a pre-defined time lag between the application of different algorithms to ensure a minimum interval between the running of two algorithms .
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
furthermore, the scheme does not provide that the limits laid down in council regulation (ec) no 69/2001 of 12 january 2001 on the application of articles 87 and 88 of the ec treaty to de minimis aid will be respected.
furthermore, the scheme does not provide that the limits laid down in council regulation (ec) no 69/2001 of 12 january 2001 on the application of articles 87 and 88 of the ec treaty to de minimis aid will be respected.
Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
8 — jf. kommissionens dokument, study on the application of council regulation 1348/2000 on the service of judicial and extra judicial documents in civil or commercial matters, 2000, s. 41 ff.
475 (blz. 476)].
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
3.2.4 the ecb considers it important that each relevant member state ensures that the ratification of the agreement does not jeopardise the application of the relevant national rules implementing directive 2007/64/ ec and takes appropriate measures in this respect, where necessary.
3.2.4 de ecb acht het belangrijk dat iedere betrokken lidstaat verzekert dat de ratificatie van de overeenkomst de toepassing van de betrokken relevante nationale regels tot uitvoering van richtlijn 2007/64/ eg niet in gevaar brengt en indien nodig dienaangaande passende maatregelen treft.
Last Update: 2012-03-20
Usage Frequency: 3
[3] council regulation (ec) no 659/1999 of 22 march 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of article 93 of the ec treaty (oj l 83, 27.3.1999, p. 1).
[3] council regulation (ec) no 659/1999 of 22 march 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of article 93 of the ec treaty (oj l 83, 27.3.1999, p. 1).
Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 4