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copper sulphate
Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 19
tribasisk kobbersulfat
tribasic copper sulphate
Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1
kobbersulfat, pentahydrat
cupric sulphate, pentahydrate
Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1
— kobbersulfat med oprindelse i tjekkoslovakiet og sovjetunionen ")
appreciable progress was made with regard to the oil monopoly and external relations (quantitative restrictions in respect of nonmember countries).
kobberforbindelser i form af kobberhydroxid, kobberoxychlorid, kobberoxid, bordeauxvæske og tribasisk kobbersulfat
copper compounds in the form of: copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride, copper oxide, bordeaux mixture, and tribasic copper sulphate
der indføres en midlertidig antidumpingtold på importen af kobbersulfat henhørende under pos. ex 28.38
a provisional antidumping duty is hereby imposed on imports of copper sulphate falling within common custums tariff subheading ex 2838 a ii, corresponding to nimexe code 2838—27 and originating in yugoslavia.
annullation af forodning nr. 486/83 om indførelse af en endelig antidumpingtold på kobbersulfat med oprindelse i jugoslavien
istituto a socialaid benefit must be assimilated to an oldage benefit and is not excluded from the scope of regulation (eec) no 1408/71
kommissionen åbnede desuden i december 1982 en antidumping-procedure over for indførslen af kobbersulfat med oprindelse i tjekkoslovakiet og ussr.
further, in december 1982, the commission initiated antidumping proceedings against copper sulphate imports from czechoslovakia and the soviet union.
til 5 ml af en 0,5 % opløsning af prøven tilsættes 5 ml af en 5 % opløsning af kobbersulfat eller aluminiumsulfat.
to 5 ml of a 0,5 % solution of the sample, add 5 ml of 5 % solution of copper sulphate or of aluminium sulphate.
i en målekolbe opløses 69,278 g krystalliseret, analysèrent, jernfrit kobbersulfat (cuso4 5 h2o) i destilleret vand til 1 liter.
in a graduated flask dissolve 69279 g of pure crystallised copper sulphate — analytical reagent (cuso4 . 5 h2o) free from iron in distilled water and bring the volume to 1 litre with distilled water.