From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
owners’ (company) name
owners' (company) name
Last Update: 2014-11-13
Usage Frequency: 1
ec ship-owners’ association
ec shipowners’ association
Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1
warm welcome from the owners.
warm welcome from the owners.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
the attitude of the owners needs to change.
the attitude of the owners needs to change.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
central union of agricultural producers and forest owners (mtk)
central union of agricultural producers and forest owners
Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1
de link van de amc owners forum is verwijderd van de site, de link werkte niet meer.
the link of the amc owners forum has been removed, the link is no longer available.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
de « money owners » willen de geschiedenis van de oorlog herschrijven en diens resultaten veranderen.
the “money owners” want to rewrite the history of the war and change its results.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
for outward fats , resident owners should supply information on the activity of their affiliates located in extra-eu countries .
for outward fats , resident owners should supply information on the activity of their affiliates located in extra-eu countries .
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
raw materials are wood chips, logs from forest owners and wood residues from saw mills, plus recovered paper whicxh accounts for 50% of total fibre input.
raw materials are wood chips, logs from forest owners and wood residues from saw mills, plus recovered paper which accounts for 50% of total fibre input.
Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1
owners beantwoorden vragen vanuit een positief kritische grondhouding: 84% geeft aan positieve tot zeer positieve ervaringen te hebben, 11% is neutraal
owners answer questions with a positive critical attitude: 84% of the owners have very positive experiences, 11% is neutral
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
alfons guinier, secretaris-generaal, european community ship-owners' associations (ecsa) (7')
mr alfons guinier, secretary-general, european community ship-owners' associations (ecsa) (7')
Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1
stel een schema in en synchroniseer. gebruik met --short-desc, --long-desc, --owner, en --type.
set a schema and sync. use with --short-desc, --long-desc, --owner, and --type.
Last Update: 2014-10-08
Usage Frequency: 4