Results for book the flora weekend savings ... translation from English to Afrikaans

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book the flora weekend savings package



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nature this the most beautiful and amazing creation god has made in his life. he created the most fascinating birdes and flower i have ever seen. one day i would like to see is the flora in brazil. and that is really worth seeing in the future.


natuur, dit is die mooiste en wonderlikste skepping wat god in sy lewe gemaak het. hy het die mees fassinerende voëls en blomme geskep wat ek nog ooit gesien het. eendag sou ek die flora in brasilië wou sien. en dit is regtig die moeite werd om in die toekoms te sien.

Last Update: 2021-05-11
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


and when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.


en toe hy die boek neem, val die vier lewende wesens en die vier en twintig ouderlinge voor die lam neer, elkeen met siters en goue skale vol reukwerk, wat die gebede van die heiliges is.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


this essay will discuss the children’s book “kom terug, kat.” by nicola rijsdijk and whether or not it is appropriate for an afrikaans additional language student. this will be done by looking at the following aspects of the book; the space that the book takes place in, the theme of the book, the illustrations, the characters and the language elements throughout the book. i choose this book not only because of how much i enjoyed reading it, but also because it is a great book that will cap


hierdie opstel bespreek die kinderboek "kom terug, kat." deur nicola rijsdijk en of dit geskik is vir 'n afrikaans-addisionele taalstudent. dit sal gedoen word deur na die volgende aspekte van die boek te kyk; die ruimte waarin die boek plaasvind, die tema van die boek, die illustrasies, die karakters en die taalelemente dwarsdeur die boek. ek kies hierdie boek nie net vanweë die lees daarvan nie, maar ook omdat dit 'n wonderlike boek is

Last Update: 2021-06-07
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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